Released in 1997, Dink Smallwood is a humorous Action RPG for the PC. After being sold commercially, it was released as freeware on October 17, 1999. Thanks to the robust mod creation system, Dink Smallwood's modding community is still going strong.
Best time: 0:49:22 by Arturs 'Sanitars' Demiters on 2007-07-12, done in 7 segments.
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Author's comments:
First off I'd like to thank LLCoolDave for helping to test different routes and methods and keeping me interested in the game.
Now on to the run.
- Segment 1:
The success of the longest segment (due to no savepoints on the way) depends on how fast one can collect 500 gold for the boots. This time I got a little better than average drops so I decided to keep this attempt as I didn't have any notable mistakes. The best I've had there while practicing was barely under 20 mins but that was with really lucky drops.
- Segment 2:
This segment started to get annoying after I fell barely short of the 1000 gold required many times in a row so when I finally got lucky with the drops, I somehow managed to forget about this chest which cost like 10 seconds. Got lucky with gold so I decided to keep this one.
- Segment 3:
Nothing special, everything went pretty well.
- Segment 4:
A couple of minor mistakes but again, pretty good segment, note how I had only 8 gold left after equipping myself. Lucky me.
- Segment 5:
There were a couple of powerups more in the area but I skipped them because they were too far out of the way. Other than that, surviving without using elixirs was the goal.
- Segment 6:
This was pretty spontaneous as I hadn't really practiced my new route before which led me to a couple of miscalculations. Other than that, I'd have preferred full health before saving. I should have learnt by now that I don't need gold anymore, hehe.
- Segment 7:
Basically this was the place in the game upon which all the routes and methods were decided upon. My initial plan was to use 1500 gold to buy Hellfire magic but that proved to recharge too slowly so I tried using the bow and, although a little too rare, the power shots damaged Seth well enough even with that basic bow.
In the end, even though there are optimizations and improvements possible everywhere, I'm happy with the run for now.
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