The sixth game in the Fire Emblem series, and the first on the Game Boy Advance, Fuuin was released in Japan in March 2002. The game follows the story of Roy (whose most famous appearance is in SSBM) as the player tries to drive out the armies of Bern from Roy's home country of Lycia. In his quest, he gains support from Bern King Zephidel's sister, Guinivere, who wishes to stop her country's conflict. As the battle starts spreading throughout the world, Roy learns that Zephidel has resurrected the Dark Dragon from the Scouring, 1,000 years ago...
Timing note: The final save time is used instead of the time in the stats file, this is to keep timing consistent among Fire Emblem games.
Thanks given to the entire crew of SDA for making this awesome site, nate for doing everything to post every speedrun. Thanks to Molotov, Petrie911, and everyone else for both their support and assistance, Molotov in particular for many strategies used throughout the run, whether given directly, or taken from his FE speedruns, thanks. Thanks to my parents, for letting me import this game years ago, getting a DVR so I can record, and everything else they've done. Finally, my friend Andy for letting me use his Game Boy Player for months.
Ah, Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi. First off, the Fire Emblem known in the US is the prequel to this game. Secondly, because this is Japanese, the only reason I know the plot is through game translations, and the best is by Firelizard on GameFAQs. This is why I'm not including the ending, because only someone fluent in Nihongo could read it. If you truly want to read the plot, ending, and all things that occur in-game, read Firelizard's translation. One of the major differences from other runs of this game, is that I do not use the 'Jeigan' characters. In this game, they are Marcus and Zealot. The reasons I don't use them as the run progresses, is that they are terrible units. Having low stats, pathetic growths, and are completely out-classed, I use Alan, Dieck, Rei, and Percival. Another feature of this game is every map is a Seize map. The few things I do in-game that may be mishaps or problems usually come from using the B-button to move around the map quickly, and that is EXTREMELY hard to perfect. To avoid this, usually I use the L-button, but because that can burn RN's when I don't want to, sometimes I have to avoid using it. One technique employed frequently in this run, is the RN-burn. Because everything in this game is determined by a random number generator, everything is determined from numbers ranging 1 to 100. These are separated into Low and High RN's, each being 1-50, and 51-100. So, for optimum fights, I get low RN's compared to enemy high RN's. There are two more things noticeable. One, chapter 12, I stall for turns. This is to avoid the Gaiden chapter, 12x. The other is when I send Sophia to her grave, to avoid chapter 14x. If I hadn't, I'd have to turn abuse on chapter 14, and that is a heck of a lot harder than on chapter 12. Finally, during route splits, I go the A route for chapters 10 and 11, and the B route chapters 17 to 20x. The reasons are because they are both faster, easier, and more fun. Enough of this, onto the run itself!
I will be the last to say this is the best run possible. I know that there could be better routes through this game, I made many cursor mistakes, and some while burning RN's. If this route was perfectly optimized, then this run would be anywhere from one to three minutes faster.
- Chapter 1 - The Beginning of a Destiny: Not too much to say. Alan gains a few levels, Marcus is a ferry, and I get 5000 gold.
- Chapter 2 - The Princess of Bern: Move people out of range, ferry, and get weapons. The Armorkiller is key, and the two I get last for a LONG time. Dieck enters, and shows why he is a god in this game. Alan gets the kill at the end for stats that he really needs. Thanks to Molotov for this strategy.
- Chapter 3 - The One who Came Late: Really poor map, and one of my worst performances. The RNG refused to cooperate a lot of the time, and I had a number of issues... it was faster than any of my other attempts, so I kept it. The changes of equipment change the way the enemy AI reacts, and this I exploit later in the run.
- Chapter 4 - The Collapse of the Alliance: Yar, pirates that can't spawn because I blocked ye. The first chapter that has tons of cutscenes I need to skip. Marcus stays in the spot near Erik because that changes how Rutger appears, as you can see. I get the Angel's robe for Rei, and pick up more Javelins, and Hand Axes for Dieck. Erik still sucks, as Dieck shows. HA.
- Chapter 5 - The Fire Emblem: Yay, complex trading sequences! =D ... Back on topic, it's charge through the groups of enemies, and Rutger acts as evasive bait. Now you see how crappy Marucs is. Your Killing edge is MINE. On that note, I get tons of criticals in this map. Dieck performs brutal murder on the boss.
- Chapter 6 - The Trap: Very slow RN burning here... and I wait to seize so I can kill Cass... she'll show up later in the game, so I might as well take her out now. Marcus does the most he ever will in this run. Chad gets a silver lance and 2000 gold, both will be used. Not much to say for this map... except that enemy shamans are evil.
- Chapter 7 - The Rebellion at Ostia: Holy god this is a hard map. When I first played this game, I was stuck here for a few weeks. Plus, you've got 3 characters to recruit that go anywhere... plus, the late-turn reinforcements are a pain, because they've got mages. Finally, the two Dragon Knights. Those things are evil this early in the game, where you don't have magic much, and poor archers. Plus... there are PRIESTS. Damn healers... Thany acts as item-gather. I didn't need to get the Elixir, I discovered that later in the run, so that could have been skipped. I also didn't need that many door keys, and didn't even NEED the chest key. That was a bad mistake in this chapter, but for this overall, this chapter was done well. I took way too long on the RN burns, but this was good overall.
- Chapter 8 - Reunion: Another very difficult map. This took the longest to record of all of them... I made some cursor mistakes here and there... but this was very good. Alan shows he is better than the Jeigans, but they still have a huge role. I get the second Armorkiller in this map. Thanks for your one use Oujay! ^_^ I'll change Zealot's equipment so I'll kill the stupid mage. Finally, I move my people so I block reinforcements. Made a stupid mistake by selecting Thany, but it wasn't much. The boss is taken down easily, to my astonishment, because Generals on thrones means I'm trying to kill something.
- Chapter 8x - The Blazing Sword: This map is fairly simple... until the boss. *twitches* While this fight is VERY fast, it's still annoying. Plus, the stupid fire plumes are random. So this is VERY annoying. Dieck promotes now, and he again shows why he is a god. Thany is, again, ferry-bird. I MOVE THEE. Aside from this... not much happens. Why do I go to this gaiden chapter? Well, it's too much hassle to get Lilina killed, and the Durandal is the second-best S-rank weapon, the best being the Sword of Seals.
- Chapter 9 - The Mystery Isles, A route: I guess the most annoying thing in this map is Dieck gets poisoned. Aside from that... this is the first Fog of War map... which I hate. At the beginning, the reason I have Javelins equipped on the jeigans is so the Pirate goes after Alan. Aside from that, I kill both Firu and Shin... which I'm not elated about, because both of them are awesome units. I have the Jeigans go to the right for shopping reasons. Hand Axes = win. The boss is a berserker, and those guys are evil. Dieck dual-crits the boss, which is awesome. The end, you can see why I kill the mercenary. Alan gets an awesome level-up, with stats he needs.
- Chapter 10A - The Resistance Forces: Thanks to Molotov for telling me to use this route, it's much faster than the B route. Dieck = awesomeness. He alone destroys tons of enemies, and then kills a goddamned Druid boss. Durandal = win. The Jeigans and Alan take down a few enemies. Meanwhile, Thany plays Roy-pigeon, and Roy probably pimps her for ferrying him all the time. Dieck has to endure tons of magic attacks, which for ANY character except magic users in this game is near-death. I had route-attempts on this end with Gonzales killing Dieck, which is petrifying.
- Chapter 11A - The Hero of the Western Isles: Ugh, this is a tiring map. The premise is easy, but figuring out what houses I'd need for items is annoying. Plus, this is another 'Crapload 'o cutscenes' level. I recruit Klien for a few reasons. That White gem he has means 3 Rizziah tomes, and 1000 other monies. Plus, he makes chapter 13 a lot easier. Figures that Louise spawn 1 is pathetic. The way I move and attack is so I get good results with enemies... and I take down longbows first. Dieck performs swordie-kill on the boss, and I get a speedwings and dragonshield from villiages. Messed up the final move, but that wasn't a huge error.
- Chapter 12 - The True Enemy: Turn abuse. *shudders* I wish there was another way to skip the gaiden chapter. Alan promotes because, well, he couldn't get another level, so what's the point in wasting experience? Zealot, Thany, and Dieck decide to dodge sleep, so I'm happy. Thany is again, ferry abuse. All, meet REI. He doesn't do anything this chapter, but he will be crucial throughout the rest of the run. *laughs at various enemies in the level* They die FAST. The boss is the first mamkute you see, and Dieck renders him useless. After that... wait until the four reinforcements show up.
- Chapter 13 - The Rescue Plan: The prep section took a heck of a lot to pull off. I sell for exactly enough to buy 7 rizziah tomes. Took a LOT of retries because of everything I have to do. Why do I not use the items for Rei in the prep screen? The Use option was added in FE7. This is a pain for me in a later chapter. As for the actual map, this is, yet again, a 'Crapload of cutscene annoyance' level. Thany is ferry-girl again. Enjoy Zephidel WTFPWNING Cecelia, because it gets old after a while. That is something you NEVER want to see in chapter 22. Miledy is a VERY good unit when leveled up, but I don't have the joy of using her in this run. This is the last shining moment of the Jeigans. Sayonara, shitheaps. I will use them more, but this is the last time they actually kill something. The final part of the map, charging at the boss, is a very difficult move. Dieck misses so many enemies because they have swords, and Miledy has tons of various evasive maneuvers. The boss meets the fate of Dragon versus Durandal-INSTANT DEATH.
- Chapter 14 - Arcadia: Lord... fog of war combined with the classic desert map in Fire Emblem. *shudders* I had a short mishap on the prep screen, but it's not much. Sophia gives Rei her Flux tome, and then goes to her quick demise. ;_; I hate the death music... Rei also shows why he is awesome. The cursor is annoying... as are the rampant dragon knights. I need to use a number of defensive formations so someone, usually one of the thieves, doesn't die. By now, Dieck doesn't really need insane level-ups as much as Rei does, for example. I'll do a number of things to burn RN's, such as having Ashtor attack the priest. I finally show why I've been getting tons of money-seven Rizziah tomes, and all of them are used up. I use up my last Killing Edge, so I can't abuse for criticals anymore. But, I have the Durandal, so I can still kill everything. Rei promotes at the end of the chapter. The only items I get are Speedwings, Boots, and finally, the Warp Staff. The two former are for Fazilla, and the Warp Staff is absolutely crucial.
- Chapter 15 - The Girl of the Dragon Race: there really anything I have to say about this? Lalum gets Percival the demon, Thany and Miledy play ferry-girls, while Dieck goes to the worst paladin ever and utterly destroys him.
- Chapter 16 - Retaking the Capital: The prep screen went alright...there was one or two issues. As for the actual chapter, Fazilla levels up. Zealot plays ferry, because his defenses are better than Marcus, and everything has better defense than Thany. Rei having to heal is annoying, but it can't be passed...RN burning didn't work, so I don't have much choice. This is also the first map with enemies that have long-range tomes that matter... *shudders* Eclipse doesn't count, it's the worst weapon in the game. Hugh is WTFPWNT, sorry Canas-spawn, I don't have 10,000 cash. Rei does a little bit, and Percival utterly destroys Douglas. Take that you pathetic excuse for a general, and thanks for letting me skip 16x. Boss is a Dragon-master. What do you think happens? DURANDAL. Take that you pedophile boss. I'm now leaving Etruia bitches.
- Chapter 17B - The Path through the Ocean: Pretty easy. It's the last map that Thany and Miledy play ferrying. Thany must've gotten tired of Roy being a pervert. Rei shows for a little bit why he is awesome with Rizziah. Meanwhile, Fa leveled up while holding enemies back. The boss is another that's a major pain in the ass. Plus, the boss fight is a piece of crap. *shudders* Percival should have been able to kill Alcard, but Rei has to finish him off. Oh well... *shrugs* It could be worse. As for worse boss... see chapters 20 and 20x.
- Chapter 18B - The Frozen River: Fazilla gets tons of use. Thany exists only for the RNG burn. Because of the way the map is set up, I can't RN burn with anyone else because of all the freaking forests. As for the reason there are a number of mistakes...I was an idiot and accidentally saved over the wrong file during another attempt. Luckily, this isn't horrid. I had a number of cursor mistakes, but that's in every chapter. This is another chapter that's one of my worse performances in this run. Cecelia has some OMG USE. Luckily, everyone dodges berserk, which is a godsend. The boss is also a pain because of a Purge tome, so I can't get a number of people close. That means I have to wait to drop Roy, which adds a turn. As for the boss fight... because I didn't sacrifice something to the RNG gods, I can't get a critical from Fazilla. That means I have to use the Durandal. And that's that...this is probably the worst chapter in the run.
- Chapter 19B - The Bitter Cold: HELLO WARP STAFF. ^_^ I figured this out from watching the other Fire Emblem runs on this site, and just how useful the warp staff is. This is one of my most hated maps in the game...because of all the ballistae, status staffs, and Pegasus knights. With the Warp staff, it may not seem like much of a timesaver, but it saved a lot of time. This is also the awesomeness of the Horsekiller. Because of the blasted status stats, Rei can't do much. I had a number of cursor mishaps, but this wasn't horrid. Again, Rei has to heal a lot. ;_; Fa gets a number of kills, and this, along with chapter 20, is enough for chapter 22. The boss is annoying because I don't have any good bow-users, or any good Anima magic users, because Aircalibur would be awesome for this chapter. As for the actual boss... it's really annoying that I can't kill her quickly. But, oh well. I hate Fog of War anyway. Thank god that's over now.
- Chapter 20B - The Liberation of Illia: Everyone has a use. Literally, even if it's staff bait. I have a prep segment because I have such a complicated setup move, and too many times when recording I screwed it up. The idea for warping Zealot to recruit Yunno came to me when I decided that charging through the middle would be impossible under the circumstances. It limits me to two warps on chapter 20x, but I manage. Yunno is needed for 20x to be accessible. Niime decides to dodge sleep, shich is VERY nice. Fa, Percival, and Rei are the key characters on this map. Marcus makes his last appearance, and now he's an errand boy. Roy is obviously traumatized. This map is really annoying because of all the staffs and the purge bishop, but otherwise it's fairly simple. Niime plays hit and Run with the mercenaries at the top before coming in to attack. The hero at the top is a huge pain to take down, as you can see because it takes 3 people to kill him. Easily the most annoying part of this map was making sure Rei dodged the berserk staff. Marcus and Percival cant' get near because they are sure to be berserked. That's... not good. The boss is a pain, so I have to RN burn, and it's probably the worst in the entire run. Up next...speediness.
- Chapter 20Bx - The Spear of Snow and Ice: I have one thing to say about this map-WARP. The biggest difficulty in this level is making sure that whomever is warped first isn't berserked, put to sleep, or killed. So, Rei has to go over, kill the berserk druid, and wait for Percival ferrying Roy to go over. I get lucky with the the way that it doesn't kill me. The boss is the worst fight in the entire run. A general on a throne equipped with a lance is the worst enemy in the game. The bastand won't die. It takes 3 turns to kill the prick, and even then, I have to RN burn just so I don't die, and then that bastard dies. However, getting the Malte is well worth it.
- Chapter 21 - The Sword of Seals: I have such a love-hate relationship with this's insanely difficult but I love it because of that. My first run through this game, I was stuck here for a month. You don't even see all the reinforcements in this run, if you go south first, then tons of paladins decide to flood in. This level is pure Rei WTFPWNAGE. 80 uses of a rizziah tome, ALL used on this map to kill craploads of enemies. Plus, I have to heal a number of times. All of them are so the enemy AI is manipulated into attacking a different person, or going in a different path that will get a result that doesn't end with Percival or Yodel getting killed for instance. This map, I don't use the L button because it will change the RN's... and you will also wonder about why I don't slow the scenes when reinforcements spawn. I discovered that pressing the start button during that BURNS RN'S. I about died when I figured that out. I can't use Zealot for ferrying, because he'd be killed. It was hard enough getting Dieck through with out him dying. I barely got Dieck through the ending swarm. One of the crucial points in this map is when Gale spawns. I have a lot of trouble killing him because he alone can one-hit kill both Niime and Yodel. Not to mention his cronies can kill Yodel easily. That's why I have to heal Yodel. As for Murdock, he dies fast. Without Armorkillers, he's hard as heck. With them...he dies like some of the early bosses. This run I'm particularly proud of because of so few mistakes in this long of a chapter...I guess the fact that at least maybe... 12 minutes of it is enemy movement. Perhaps the only things I could complain about are the required cutscene at the end, and the fact I don't get Apocalypse (the S-rank Dark Magic tome) because that would make Rei a complete god.
- Chapter 22 - The Never-ending Dream: Finally, the last map of the run. Prep screen went well, so no complaints there. As you can probably guess while watching, I need to get someone to wait on the buttons at the top of the map. The difficulty is getting someone there, and to the main gate where Zephy's domain lies. The first problem with this is the left side... that's solved with the Warp Staff. Alan's last hurrah. Well, technically no because he doesn't die, but his last uses in the run. I cracked up when the Berserked Zealot WTFPWNT that Armor, I was expecting him to attack one of my people. The heroes on the buttons are tough to kill physically...but like almost everything in this game, Magic utterly destroys them. Near the end, the trick is to keep the weakened people as far away from getting attacked as possible. That's why I do the defensive formation when I open Zephy's room. In there, is another scene that cracked me up. I initially RN burned so Zealot would hit the sniper. He did, but it missed. I decided to finish him off anyway, thinking Roy, now armed with the Sword of Seals, would finish him. Yodel criticalled him with a 1% chance. XD As for Zephy's room... you can see why it's evil. High level enemies with powerful weapons that all come at once. As for the Zephidel fight, ENJOY FLUFFY DRAGON RAPE. =D
- Ending Stats: Well, this shows the times according to in-game, and gives a 'Play time,' but I use the time counter on the save screen. You can also see the turn count. A number of them could have been lower depending on how you were playing, or how the RNG responded. *shifty eyes* As for Rankings, it's what I expected.
- Tactics: A
- Combat: A
- Survival: B
- Money: E
- Experiece: E
- ???: E
- Overall: C
Let me say one thing more: This is not the entire game. I got the worst ending possible, which is by not going to all the Gaiden chapters, letting one or more of the Holy Weapons break, and letting Fa's dragonstone break. If you do this, there will be 3 more chapters. I will say this though-Zephidel is harder than the final boss. ;)
As for totals for how many levels gained...
- Roy: 2 + Promotion
- Alan: 24 + Promotion
- Marcus: 4
- Dieck: 24 + Promotion
- Rutger: 3
- Zealot: 3
- Miledy: 2
- Cecelia: 2
- Rei: 20 + Promotion
- Percival: 10
- Fa: 18
- Niime: 2
Well, that's my first speedrun. Will I do another one? Possibly...Star Wars games are appealing to me. I just hope that more people will enjoy the Fire Emblem series, and possibly try to best this, or even try for all characters, all maps, and best ending. Thank you, the viewer, for both watching this run and for reading my comments/rambling.