Released in August 1997, Hexen II is a Quake-engine game taking place in the land of Thyrion which has been taken over by Eidolon. Using some magic staffs and the occasional catapulting sheep, you must defeat Eidolon's four generals before facing him.
Best time, easy difficulty: 0:27:36 by Pif & Luc de Mestre on 2005-02-25.
Author's comments:
Don't miss the forum thread about Hexen 2 done quick.
1 - Game presentation
Anyone familiar with the 3D gaming genre will remember Heretic and Hexen, two great games by Raven Software that took the Doom engine to new heights. The gang at Raven has done the same to the Quake engine with Hexen II. Hexen II is the first of many games that uses the amazing and unbelievably versatile Quake engine. Eidolon, the oldest and most powerful Serpent Rider, has enslaved your beloved land of Thyrion. His power is immense; his grip on Thyrion is absolute. His evil minions have terrorized the people of Thyrion long enough. It is up to you to defeat Eidolon and his vile servants and to restore the freedom and dignity of the people. The odds are greatly against you and the task is formidable. Will you accept the challenge and can you succeed?
2 - Run Presentation
This is a Hexen 2 v1.11 run at skill 0 with the crusader. Hexen 2 is very similar to quake and almost all QdQ tricks can be used in Hexen 2 (slope jumps, rocket jumps with the Meteor Staff, explosive barrels jumps, bunny, monster boosts, air control, U-jumps). This project is recorded as a QdQ project - level by level. At the end of each demo a saved game is created when you get in the next level - saved game that were the base for the next level in the run. Hexen 2 is hub-based, like quake 2, so there are lots of map changes. In fact this run is 67 demos long. I have uses lots of tricks and commenting all of them is too long. The mains tricks are:
Bunny - bunnys are really fast with hexen 2. Hexen 2 is quake with sv_maxspeed set to 640.
Zigzagging - when there is no room for bunny you can wall hug or zigzag. But bunny is faster and with the mad air control of the engine you can use it almost everywhere.
Strafe running - in water strafe running is great.
Meteor Staff - the Meteor Staff is the third weapon of the crusader, it shoots explosive meteors. Sot it can be used for performing some jumps. The weapon also boosts you backward when you shoot.
Slope jumps - As in quake, that is very useful when you don't have the Meteor Staff.
Chaos device - This item teleports you at the start of the level - to the last entrance you
used for getting in the map. The chaos devices saves lots of time and are very useful. A few
monsters can randomly drop chaos devices. [archer_lord & werejaguar probability: 1/83.33]
[werepanther & medusa & wizard_lord probability: 1/133.33].
Oh, this run has been recorded by Pif de Mestre & Luc de Mestre with Hexen 2 1.11 and a modified progs.dat that display the time and automatically save the game when you get in a new map. If you want the hexen 2 stats patch contatct us at If it is too slow for you, improve it.
3 - Timing
The run is 67 demos long. Total time is 25:58 if you add the time (in seconds) in each map. Total time with all the decimals added and the intermission time: 27:41, the timer ends when eidolon dies. Radix used 27:36 for the time at SDA as the real time of the run, the game steals about 0.2 seconds from you on each map load.
----------------------- Episode 1 ----------------------- Demo time Runner 00 1:00 Pif 01 1:30 Pif 02 0:14 Pif 03 0:24 Pif 04 0:13 Pif 05 0:30 Pif 06 0:06 Pif 07 0:06 Pif 08 0:15 Pif 09 0:05 Pif 10 0:16 Pif 11 0:34 Pif 12 0:07 Pif 13 0:26 Pif 14 0:18 Pif 15 1:00 Pif 16 0:05 Pif 17 1:05 Pif 18 0:08 Pif ----------------------- ep1 time: 8:22 ----------------------- ----------------------- Episode 2 ----------------------- 19 0:09 Pif 20 0:35 Pif 21 0:07 Pif 22 1:03 Pif 23 0:23 Pif 24 0:33 Pif 25 0:08 Pif 26 0:09 Pif 27 0:06 Pif 28 0:15 Pif 29 0:08 Pif 30 0:24 Pif 31 0:03 Pif 32 0:05 Pif 33 0:17 Pif 34 0:07 Luc ----------------------- ep2 time: 4:32 ----------------------- ----------------------- Episode 3 ----------------------- 35 0:46 Pif 36 0:11 Pif 37 0:03 Pif 38 0:12 Pif 39 0:19 Pif 40 0:09 Pif 41 0:37 Pif 42 0:10 Pif 43 0:02 Pif 44 1:44 Pif 45 0:02 Pif 46 0:37 Pif 47 0:54 Pif 48 0:07 Pif 49 0:32 Pif 50 0:43 Pif 51 0:04 Pif 52 0:14 Luc ----------------------- ep3 time: 7:26 ----------------------- ----------------------- Episode 4 ----------------------- 53 0:20 Pif 54 0:36 Pif 55 0:19 Pif 56 0:22 Pif 57 0:06 Pif 58 0:15 Pif 59 0:45 Pif 60 0:16 Luc ----------------------- ep4 time: 2:59 ----------------------- ----------------------- Episode 5 ----------------------- 61 0:36 Pif 62 0:26 Pif 63 0:44 Pif 64 0:09 Pif 65 0:09 Pif 66 0:35 Pif ----------------------- ep5 time: 2:39 ----------------------- ----------------------- total time: 25:58 -----------------------4 -Thanks
All QDQ team for the idea (
All SDA team because they are great guys (
Radix because he is a great man.
Stx-Vile for the same reason and some suggestion.
dragonGOD for making the .avi - that is really great.
Pif & Luc de Mestre 05/03/05