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A part of a cloyingly sweet suite of cereal-themed ad games that appeared first on a site called Postopia, this is a more or less completely accurate depiction of the deprived/depraved state of kids growing up eating cereal 1/3 made up of sugar every morning. Here's something someone wrote: "Honeycomb Factory Frenzy is a unique and playful game about a cereal that lets you be YOU!"

HoneycombFactoryFrenzy   HoneycombFactoryFrenzy

Best Time: 0:06:59 by 'RockoSonicFan' on 2023-01-04

Author's comments:

I've played this game so much when I was little and it was really fun. I don't have any notes on this run because
it's pretty much perfect and I did all I had to do which was take a couple deaths to replenish my health and start
again on the last checkpoints in the middle levels which saves a lot more time than replenishing it without taking
the deaths. So yeah that's all I have to say about my run.

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