Manhunt, released in November 2003, is a controversial, violent game that revolves around James Earl Cash, a death row inmate sentenced to die who's rescued by the sadistic Lionel Starkweather. He forces Cash to participate in a snuff film, with the promise that "this will be over, before the night is out". This game obviously received the 'M' rating and has been banned in Germany, Australia, and New Zealand.
Best time with deaths: 1:36:13 by Travis 'Sigma' Lee on 2007-06-02, done in 20 segments.
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Author's comments:
Here is each level, the current time and the old time in parenthesis. If I did anything that merits special commentary, it's below.
I use a different strat for the two guards after the second save-point.
This time out, I only execute two guards, while stunning two others I executed last time.
Watch, and you'll see what happens with the crow-bar guard. And using the tranq-gun was too risky, as it is hard to aim and the shots required would alert all nearby guards.
It's hard to beat this time. Let's move on.
I took more risks. Headshots are easy and much quicker.
The way I dispose of the first two guards is completely different.
A few parts are smoother than last time.
Entirely different from the first time out. Props to youtube user BigMan1968, who is responsible for this new route.
This one is infinitely better.
Direct any comments to me via email. Enjoy!