Released in July 1989, Strider is the NES installment of Capcom's futuristic action series. As the ninja-like strider Hiryu, the player must infiltrate secret bases around the globe to unravel the mystery of the "ZAIN" mind control project. In addition to a stylized futuristic setting, Strider features fast paced platforming action and innovative gameplay mechanics along with the typically goofy Engrish translation so common among NES classics.
Best time: Single-segment 0:35:10 by Tom 'rdrunner' Votava on 2003-09-01.
Author's comments:
Not that much to say about this game. Though you jump around the world a bit, completing various tasks, this game is rather linear, without any major shortcuts. This turns speed runs of this game into a battle for efficiency.
This run is a bit older, and I have since come up with some faster tricks than what you see here. Sometime soon, I'll definitely have to pick this one up again.