Released in 1992, Super Star Wars follows Luke Skywalker in his fight against the Empire, just like the movies while taking some liberties with the way things happened. The game is also known for its hard difficulty and pseudo-3D mode 7 vehicle levels.
First off I just want to thank All the SDA staff past and present, mikwuyma, nate, Enhasa, DJGrenola, Radix etc. for keeping this awsome site up and running. Also would like thank thank my friend Ryan who let me borrow his DVD recorder on a few occasions for a stupidley long time to let me record this run. He also introduced me to speedruning by showing me the 45ish min run of Half-life, ive been obsessed ever since. And thanks to all the other runners on the site who produce amazing and inspiring runs all the time.
About the run, I started playing this game when I was little, about 6-8 years old, cant remember, As I always had a time limit when I was young, games took a long time to get old and as a result I got very good at a particular game. So when I was thinking of a game that I could run I rememberd that it got to the point where I was completing the game in a single sitting which would be less then 45 mins. Also at that age I found that you can skip the Sand crawler boss and have used the glitch ever since. All glitches and tactics were discorvered by me and my dad mostly back then and one or two recently.
I did the run on easy beacuse it was incredibly frustrating as it was and alot of my stratagies dont work on hard/normal.
So anyway, Things that cover all levels are,
+sliding is clearly alot faster then running and I do so where ever possible.
+The only difference between the characters other then their basic weapons are their health bar and jump heights, I dont think the sliding is any different other then the animation.
+thats bout it.
So the individual levels.
- Level 1: Dune Sea
I found that if you hold a button while a level loads it starts doing what every you press before you can play if that makes any sense. So here im already in the running animation which if is saves any time is probably only a frame or something stupid. A pretty good run, that last scorpian befor the fist hill dosnt always pop up but i had to stop and shoot him this time. It is possible to slide the whole way up the hills but most the time you get caught on the little rifts so i tend to run or jump them. Shoot the big scorpians just enough to kill them then slide under the smaller ones. I jumped to early to get the blaster upgrade which slowed me down a little bit. You can shoot the base of the worm things early to just slide through them without taking damage. One big scorpian stuck its face out wich messed me up near the end. Boss fight was ok, Ive only ever had him stay above ground for the whole fight once.
- Level 2: Head Towards Sandcrawler
The famous Mode 7 graphics come into play. These levels are extemely frustraiting as their is no way that i know of to get the Jawas to spawn more quickly or anything and can sometimes go for 30 seconds to a minute without seeing one on a bad day. This time wasnt too bad and had a good few straight away. moving forwad untill you have reached the kill count dosnt matter. Once i got all 12 just fly to the top to avoid and obstacles untill the level ends.
- Level 3: Outside Sandcrawler
Used to hate this level so much, quite like it now, apart from the 1st platform with the blaster uprgrade on wher everything is trying to hit you at once which cased me to fall off. Other then that nouthing could have gone better on the level. I choose not to get the hidden blaster at the top abopve the hole to save time and I can pick up anouther en route later anyway.
- Level 4: Inside Sandcrawler
Falling down past the jawas and lift platforms worked well, managed to get back up the next shaft 1st try which was nice. Only one of the moving gun turret things decides to not play nice. Glitched through the top of the door but I hesitated so im not sure if I actully saved any time from it. Only got hung up on one green laser thing, getting through all 1st time is hard. The mini boss cant hurt you if stand as close as possible to it so that fight is easy. Now I skip the end of level boss by holding R before i go down the lift to scroll the screen up (you cant once your down their). For some reason this means that you dont set off the trigger for the boss. Once on the end platform I just let go and visual glitches ensue.
- Level 5: Land of the Sandpeople
Level went fairly well, got the blaster upgrade without getting bogged down too much. Got caught under the moving rock briefly. I stop sliding a bit early when i get the the auto-scrolling sections because of the amount of runs that have ended with me doing one too many and flying off.
- Level 6: Land of the Banthas
I hold the button to change weapon while it loads so that i dont have to worry about not sliding to change. A way to improve this level hugley unfortuntly requires an insane amount of luck manipultion , if you get a shield on the last sandperson you can take down the whole boss with just the lightsabre. But that happens rarly.
- Level 7: Head Toward Mos Eisley
Grrr hate these levels, could have been better.
- Level 8: Mos Eisley
Anouther level which has killed alot of attempts, beacuse of the crazy spikey grass and the seekers wich slow you down more then anything. I was a bit more caustious then usual. Also lots of slowdown. I probably would have died and the run over if i hadnt got the shield pick up.
- Level 9: Cantina Fight
Pretty straight foward. I used to use Chewy for this for his extra health but I found out Luke gets an extra shot off with the Plasma When he jumps/lands so does a little more damage a bit quicker against the boss.
- Level 10: Escape from Mos Eisley
Glitched trooper sprite at the start :). I didnt mean to fall down their. After anouther easy miniboss its sliding time. Falling into those holes dosnt waste time becasue you have to wait fot the blue laser thing to go. I always get caught on the last damn claw! You have to destroy the weapons on the boss before you can actully hurt it.
- Level 11: Death Star Hanger Bay
Once i beat this level I know im going to finish the run. Unfortunely it is easy to get to eager and slide into a deathpit along with random falling storm troopers which can fallinto as you jump across them. You can use Luke to take down the boss with his lightsabre slightly faster but i didnt want to risk using his smaller jump. So i dont slide as much i should on this level because sliding into a pit for the 40th time is not fun.
- Level 12: Rescue the Princess
I ment to pick Han Solo for this but it dosnt really matter i just find his roll animation easier to judge the distance then the slids when I go under the crusher things which are an instant kil. Everything else goes well except for that stupid droid knocking me back down the shaft onto the platform.
- Level 13: Tractor Beam Core
Slide to get onto the big platform in its first cycle. That annoying platform that i have to wait 3 times for it to be in the right place cant be helped (I dont think so anyway). An easy boss if you have the plasma gun becasue its wide enough to destroy both of his projectiles. My old and crusty SNES controller D-pad was the reason i was shooting at an angle rather the up for a while.
- Level 14: Space Mission
Just dont die and keep shooting.
- Level 15: Trench Mission?
Shoot the bullets not the actulle fighters is what you are supposed to do. Ive wasted a really good run at this point by fireing all my photon Torpedos to early. Controllers were flung.
Well thats it my first speed run. Sorry for all the spelling and grammer mistakes. Maybe in the future I while do a hard or normal run. Or maybe find copys of the other two games but i hear they are even harder.