X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse was released in 1994 by Capcom for the Super Nintendo. This was one of many X-Men games to be released over the years. In this installment, you control one of five X-Men at a time in an attempt to save captive mutants on the island Genosha, resulting in a showdown with Apocalypse and ultimately Magneto.
Best time: 0:19:06 by Jeremy 'DK28' Doll on 2008-10-22.
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Author's comments:
Note - I am now a firm believer that a game knows when it's being recorded. In my years of conquering this game, I have never faced computer A.I. of this quality.
The intro missions -
Now, we're in the middle of saving mutant-kind, but who cares? Let's take a time out for some danger room exercises. Sure thing Professor.
I hope you enjoy run!