Benjamin Dellinger


Map - Name Time Date Type
flyer - The Hanger 0:09 2009-05-21 3-player Easy run
beach1 - The Beaches Of Hell 0:15 2009-05-21 3-player Easy 100%
doom2_01 - Entryway 0:14 2009-05-21 3-player Easy 100%
sm28 - Structured Chaos 0:20 2009-05-01 3-player Nightmare run
flyer - The Hanger 0:09 2009-05-21 3-player Nightmare run

Old Runs

Map - Name Time Date Type
sm28 - Structured Chaos 0:20 2009-05-01 3-player Easy run
2run5 - 2run5 0:23 2009-05-21 3-player Easy run

5 records, 2 old runs