Robert Maglic


Map - Name Time Date Type
hellbrid - The HELLBridge 2:22 2005-10-26 3-player Easy 100%
fc - The Forsaken Citadel 1:34 Video 2005-07-31 Nightmare 100%
e2m4 - The Ebon Fortress 1:19 2006-09-17 3-player Nightmare 100%
fc - The Forsaken Citadel 0:59 2005-07-31 2-player Easy 100%
fc - The Forsaken Citadel 0:59 2005-07-31 2-player Nightmare 100%
undrwrld - The Underworld 0:57 2005-05-07 2-player Nightmare run
e1m4 - The Grizzly Grotto 0:36 2006-09-24 4-player Easy 100%
e1m8 - Normal Gravity 0:30 2005-03-25 2-player Easy 100%
fire - Fireworld 0:29 2004-10-02 2-player Easy run
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 0:28 2004-10-01 2-player Easy run
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 0:28 2004-10-03 2-player Nightmare run
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 0:27 2004-12-31 3-player Nightmare run
e1m6 - The Long Way 0:24 2005-08-07 2-player Nightmare run
forrit - Forgotten Ritual 0:19 2004-07-14 2-player Nightmare run
forrit - Forgotten Ritual 0:18 2004-07-13 2-player Easy run
e1m6 - The Door to Chthon 0:18 2006-09-24 4-player Easy 100%
fc - The Forsaken Citadel 0:16 Video 2005-07-10 Nightmare run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 0:15 2005-02-26 2-player Easy run
fc - The Forsaken Citadel 0:15 2005-07-12 2-player Easy run
terra5 - Shotgun Experiment 2 0:15 2005-05-05 2-player Nightmare run
dmc1m5 - Domination 0:15 2005-06-11 2-player Nightmare run
fc - The Forsaken Citadel 0:15 2005-07-12 2-player Nightmare run
end - Shub-Niggurath's Pit 0:13 2005-09-30 3-player Easy run
heresp1 - Hyperevolt 0:11 2005-05-05 2-player Easy run
theledge - The Ledge 0:10 2004-12-28 2-player Easy run
theledge - The Ledge 0:10 2004-12-28 2-player Nightmare run
zippie_sda - Stamppot 0:10 2005-07-12 2-player Nightmare run
msrj - Manslay's Rocketjumping 0:09 Video 2005-08-04 Easy run
sm64_zwiffle - T'were Death Poetry 0:08 Video 2005-08-27 Nightmare run
jzblue_2 - The Chamber 0:08 2006-05-01 2-player Nightmare run
misery - No Campers Palace, Die with ... 0:07 2005-05-08 2-player Easy run
sm57_czg - Like A Rhinestone Hitler 0:07 2005-07-30 2-player Easy run
terra4 - 3/4 Latent Quarter 0:07 2005-07-02 2-player Nightmare run
misery - No Campers Palace, Die with ... 0:07 2005-05-08 2-player Nightmare run
sm57_czg - Like A Rhinestone Hitler 0:07 2005-07-31 2-player Nightmare run
sm64_zwiffle - T'were Death Poetry 0:06 Video 2006-05-02 Easy run
terra4 - 3/4 Latent Quarter 0:06 2005-07-01 3-player Nightmare run
terra4 - 3/4 Latent Quarter 0:04 2005-07-01 2-player Easy run
ne_dust2 - CS Invasion Fleet! 0:02 2007-01-10 2-player Easy run
ne_dust2 - CS Invasion Fleet! 0:02 2007-01-10 2-player Nightmare run

Old Runs

Map - Name Time Date Type
e2m6 - The Dismal Oubliette 1:14 2005-12-03 3-player Easy run
e4m6 - The Pain Maze 1:05 2005-07-09 4-player Easy 100%
e4m4 - The Palace of Hate 1:04 2005-03-26 3-player Easy 100%
e4m2 - The Tower of Despair 0:59 2006-05-19 3-player Nightmare 100%
e4m7 - Azure Agony 0:57 2005-10-02 4-player Easy 100%
e2m1 - The Installation 0:55 2005-02-26 3-player Nightmare 100%
e4m5 - The Long Way 0:52 2005-03-25 2-player Easy run
e2m4 - The Ebon Fortress 0:49 2005-08-11 5-player Easy 100%
e4m2 - The Tower of Despair 0:43 2006-05-18 3-player Easy 100%
e4m3 - The Elder God Shrine 0:43 2005-07-01 4-player Easy 100%
e1m5 - Gloom Keep 0:43 2005-08-06 4-player Nightmare 100%
e4m7 - Azure Agony 0:41 2005-10-23 2-player Easy run
e4m7 - Azure Agony 0:40 2005-01-06 3-player Easy run
2run5 - 2run5 0:39 2004-07-09 2-player Easy 100%
e1m2 - Castle of the Damned 0:39 2005-08-04 4-player Nightmare 100%
2run5 - 2run5 0:38 2005-06-12 2-player Easy run
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 0:35 2004-12-29 2-player Nightmare run
180 - 180 0:34 2004-10-12 Easy run
180 - 180 0:34 2004-10-12 Nightmare run
e4m2 - The Tower of Despair 0:29 2005-10-07 Nightmare run
e1m1rmx - The Slipgate Duplex 0:28 2004-07-09 2-player Nightmare run
e1m6 - The Door to Chthon 0:22 2005-10-01 3-player Easy 100%
e1m5 - Gloom Keep 0:22 2005-08-05 4-player Easy 100%
mortal - The Mortal Environment 0:21 2005-02-26 2-player Easy run
e1m5 - Gloom Keep 0:21 2005-08-05 5-player Easy 100%
e4m6 - The Pain Maze 0:20 2005-07-09 2-player Nightmare run
dis_cr8z - Dismembered Crates 0:16 2005-04-27 Easy run
dmc1m5 - Domination 0:16 2005-06-11 2-player Easy run
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:16 2004-07-08 2-player Easy run
e3m2 - Vaults of Zin 0:16 2005-07-09 3-player Nightmare run
dis_cr8z - Dismembered Crates 0:15 2005-04-28 Easy run
dmc1m1 - Basewalk 0:15 2005-07-03 2-player Easy run
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:15 2004-07-08 2-player Easy run
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:15 2004-07-08 2-player Nightmare run
dmc1m2 - Acrophobia 0:15 2005-11-01 3-player Easy run
critters - Critters 0:14 2005-08-11 2-player Easy run
critters - Critters 0:14 2005-08-12 2-player Nightmare run
sm64_zwiffle - T'were Death Poetry 0:09 2005-08-27 Easy run
terra4 - 3/4 Latent Quarter 0:09 2005-02-26 2-player Nightmare run
sm64_zwiffle - T'were Death Poetry 0:08 2005-08-27 Easy run
misery - No Campers Palace, Die with ... 0:08 2005-04-11 Nightmare run
terra1 - Schumann Resonance 0:08 2005-07-02 2-player Easy run
sm64_zwiffle - T'were Death Poetry 0:07 2005-08-27 Easy run

40 records, 43 old runs