Daniel Hansson



Map - Name Time Date Type
ikspq1 - Before Nightfall 0:45 Video 2002-11-27 Easy run
pg - All of Phantasmal Garrison 4:10 Video 2001-04-29 Easy run (Marathon)
czg07a - Core Decomposed 1:18 Video 2003-03-26 Easy run
czg07 - All of Insomnia 2:38 Video 2003-03-26 Easy run (Marathon)
a3 - The Journey Home 0:53 Video 2003-10-03 Easy run
armorgod - Armour Of God 0:23 Video 2004-06-21 Easy run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:30 Video 2002-10-28 Easy run
civil - Secret Civilization 0:40 Video 2002-05-05 Easy run
czg02 - Memento Mori 1:59 Video 2002-03-10 Easy run
februus - Februus Depth 0:22 Video 2004-03-05 Easy run
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:32 Video 2002-08-17 Easy run
harmsway - The Long Way 1:30 Video 2004-06-15 Easy run
mexx2 - The Sanctum 0:09 Video 2001-06-15 Easy run
placebo - The Place Of Belonging 1:44 Video 2003-04-01 Easy run
polygon2 - The Long Way 0:29 Video 2004-06-16 Easy run
pushcoag - The Vertical Mile 1:27 Video 2006-03-14 Easy run
czg07a - Core Decomposed 3:55 Video 2003-03-19 Easy 100%
czg07 - All of Insomnia 14:20 Video 2003-03-19 Easy 100% (Marathon)
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:51 Video 2002-07-04 Easy 100%
civil - Secret Civilization 1:35 Video 2002-05-06 Easy 100%
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:42 Video 2002-08-17 Easy 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 1:37 Video 2001-04-20 Nightmare run
czg07 - All of Insomnia 3:08 Video 2001-04-20 Nightmare run (Marathon)
a3 - The Journey Home 0:56 Video 2003-10-03 Nightmare run
azurette - Azurette 0:44 Video 2001-05-13 Nightmare run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:37 Video 2000-11-28 Nightmare run
civil - Secret Civilization 0:40 Video 2002-05-06 Nightmare run
czg00 - Tower Of Obscurity 0:33 Video 2009-07-29 Nightmare run
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:33 Video 2002-08-17 Nightmare run
ksp1 - Libris Vertiginis 1:38 Video 2009-08-10 Nightmare run
sm155_negke - Untitled 0:15 Video 2009-09-07 Nightmare run
czg07a - Core Decomposed 5:03 Video 2004-03-15 Nightmare 100%
czg07 - All of Insomnia 18:32 Video 2004-03-15 Nightmare 100% (Marathon)
a3 - The Journey Home 2:41 Video 2003-10-04 Nightmare 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 3:14 Video 2002-03-12 Nightmare 100%
civil - Secret Civilization 1:38 Video 2002-05-05 Nightmare 100%
czg00 - Tower Of Obscurity 0:45 Video 2009-07-29 Nightmare 100%
fatal-error - Fatal Error 1:59 Video 2001-06-28 Nightmare 100%
ep1 - Dimension of the Doomed 2:12 2004-05-26 2-player Easy run (Marathon)
ikspq5 - The Secret Installation 0:22 2001-07-08 2-player Easy run
czg07b - Subgud 0:31 2003-02-16 2-player Easy run
czg07c - Push Underground 0:24 2002-04-05 2-player Easy run
czg07 - All of Insomnia 1:51 2003-09-18 2-player Easy run (Marathon)
armorgod - Armour Of God 0:12 2004-06-21 2-player Easy run
azurette - Azurette 0:38 2001-05-13 2-player Easy run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:29 2001-07-03 2-player Easy run
cbfspq1 - Ariadne's Thread 0:15 2004-06-20 2-player Easy run
could - All That Could Have Been 0:48 2003-09-25 2-player Easy run
czg02 - Memento Mori 1:33 2004-06-21 2-player Easy run
escape - Escape 0:42 2004-06-05 2-player Easy run
evildead - EvilDead Cabin 0:37 2001-06-24 2-player Easy run
foon - From Out Of Nowhere 0:26 2003-02-16 2-player Easy run
harmsway - The Long Way 1:20 2004-06-05 2-player Easy run
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:30 2005-04-03 2-player Easy run
lostwrld - The Lost World 0:36 2001-01-03 2-player Easy run
networld - The NetherWorld 0:59 2004-06-14 2-player Easy run
polygon2 - The Long Way 0:17 2004-06-22 2-player Easy run
rpgsp1 - Penile Devastation 0:27 2004-06-21 2-player Easy run
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:13 2004-07-10 2-player Easy run
sm57_pulsar_se - The Lair Of DOOMestic ... 0:11 2004-06-04 2-player Easy run
undrwrld - The Underworld 0:53 2004-05-01 2-player Easy run
e1m8 - Ziggurat Vertigo 0:34 2004-07-11 2-player Easy 100%
e2m3 - The Crypt of Decay 0:51 2004-07-11 2-player Easy 100%
e4m8 - The Nameless City 1:46 2005-04-05 2-player Easy 100%
rd1m3 - Summa Celeritate 1:09 2004-05-11 2-player Easy 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 2:37 2003-09-25 2-player Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 2:06 2003-02-16 2-player Easy 100%
dmc1m2 - Acrophobia 0:25 2004-07-22 2-player Easy 100%
a2d2 - Ambush Keen Pilgrims 1:04 2004-06-22 2-player Easy 100%
alpha001 - The Alpha Project 0:25 2004-06-21 2-player Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:30 2000-12-02 2-player Easy 100%
cbfspq1 - Ariadne's Thread 0:16 2004-06-20 2-player Easy 100%
civil - Secret Civilization 1:07 2002-05-07 2-player Easy 100%
czg01 - Research Facility 1:55 2003-02-16 2-player Easy 100%
czg02 - Memento Mori 2:44 2002-03-10 2-player Easy 100%
czgtoxic - Biotoxin 0:57 2003-02-16 2-player Easy 100%
escape - Escape 0:52 2001-03-22 2-player Easy 100%
fatal-error - Fatal Error 1:12 2002-07-19 2-player Easy 100%
fire - Fireworld 0:44 2005-04-03 2-player Easy 100%
foon - From Out Of Nowhere 0:47 2001-05-02 2-player Easy 100%
gibplex - The Gibplex 0:43 2005-04-03 2-player Easy 100%
guard - The Guardhouse 0:34 2004-05-14 2-player Easy 100%
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:35 2005-04-03 2-player Easy 100%
pit - The Pit 1:12 2001-08-08 2-player Easy 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 0:47 2004-07-21 2-player Easy 100%
runerun - The Rune-Run 0:27 2003-04-20 2-player Easy 100%
rwa1 - Bridge To Fire 0:41 2004-06-04 2-player Easy 100%
sm57_pulsar_se - The Lair Of DOOMestic ... 1:05 2004-06-04 2-player Easy 100%
thetomb - No Name 2:18 2001-04-17 2-player Easy 100%
czg07c - Push Underground 0:24 2003-09-18 2-player Nightmare run
armorgod - Armour Of God 0:12 2004-06-21 2-player Nightmare run
cbfspq1 - Ariadne's Thread 0:13 2004-06-21 2-player Nightmare run
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:32 2005-04-03 2-player Nightmare run
jesus - Jesus Wants You 0:17 2005-04-03 2-player Nightmare run
polygon2 - The Long Way 0:10 2004-06-22 2-player Nightmare run
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:12 2004-07-10 2-player Nightmare run
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:40 2004-06-27 2-player Nightmare 100%
e3m4 - Satan's Dark Delight 0:59 2003-10-03 2-player Nightmare 100%
rd1m2 - Second Iteration 1:23 2004-03-22 2-player Nightmare 100%
rd1m4 - Time is the Fire 1:08 2004-05-09 2-player Nightmare 100%
alpha001 - The Alpha Project 0:37 2004-06-22 2-player Nightmare 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 3:01 2002-09-16 2-player Nightmare 100%
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:34 2001-05-13 2-player Nightmare 100%
gibplex - The Gibplex 0:41 2005-04-03 2-player Nightmare 100%
hc - The Hidden Castle 0:48 2005-04-03 2-player Nightmare 100%
real - Far Beyond Reality 2:41 2001-02-08 2-player Nightmare 100%
rettear - Retinal Tear 2:01 2001-01-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
a3 - The Journey Home 0:18 2005-04-02 3-player Easy run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:21 2005-04-02 3-player Easy run
e1m4 - The Grizzly Grotto 0:37 2004-06-28 3-player Easy 100%
e3m3 - 100% no zombies 0:39 2004-04-30 3-player Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 0:49 2004-06-28 3-player Easy 100%
rd1m2 - Second Iteration 0:35 2004-04-30 3-player Easy 100%
rd1m3 - Summa Celeritate 0:53 2004-06-01 3-player Easy 100%
rd1m4 - Time is the Fire 0:43 2001-08-11 3-player Easy 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 2:25 2002-05-21 3-player Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 1:58 2003-02-16 3-player Easy 100%
a3 - The Journey Home 1:36 2006-08-05 3-player Easy 100%
e1m1rmx - The Slipgate Duplex 0:32 2004-06-27 3-player Easy 100%
fatal-error - Fatal Error 0:53 2002-12-27 3-player Easy 100%
gibplex - The Gibplex 0:34 2005-04-03 3-player Easy 100%
pit - The Pit 1:09 2001-06-24 3-player Easy 100%
2run5 - 2run5 0:29 2005-04-02 3-player Nightmare run
a3 - The Journey Home 0:18 2005-04-02 3-player Nightmare run
obiwan3 - Blood Of The martyrs 0:21 2005-04-03 3-player Nightmare run
e2m3 - The Crypt of Decay 1:23 2007-11-17 3-player Nightmare 100%
e3m1 - Termination Central 0:45 2006-08-04 3-player Nightmare 100%
rd1m1 - Quadrant 6 0:59 2004-05-25 3-player Nightmare 100%
rd1m2 - Second Iteration 1:09 2002-07-13 3-player Nightmare 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:38 2001-06-13 3-player Nightmare 100%
escape - Escape 0:52 2004-05-01 3-player Nightmare 100%
czg07b - Subgud 1:49 2001-02-18 4-player Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:38 2000-12-15 4-player Nightmare 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:31 2000-12-16 4-player Nightmare 100%
pg1 - The Outer Regions 1:47 2000-12-27 5-player Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:35 2000-12-15 5-player Nightmare 100%

Old Runs

Map - Name Time Date Type
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 0:59 2001-03-20 Easy run
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 0:58 2001-04-17 Easy run
r1m1 - Deviant's Domain 1:16 2001-06-17 Easy run
r1m1 - Deviant's Domain 1:14 2004-05-27 Easy run
pg1 - The Outer Regions 1:34 2000-12-27 Easy run
pg1 - The Outer Regions 1:23 2001-04-18 Easy run
pg1 - The Outer Regions 1:22 2001-04-29 Easy run
pg - All of Phantasmal Garrison 4:19 2001-04-20 Easy run (Marathon)
pg - All of Phantasmal Garrison 4:11 2001-04-22 Easy run (Marathon)
czg07a - Core Decomposed 1:32 2001-01-07 Easy run
czg07a - Core Decomposed 1:26 2001-01-11 Easy run
czg07a - Core Decomposed 1:23 2001-03-12 Easy run
czg07a - Core Decomposed 1:22 2001-05-17 Easy run
czg07a - Core Decomposed 1:20 2001-05-30 Easy run
czg07a - Core Decomposed 1:19 2003-03-26 Easy run
czg07c - Push Underground 0:30 Video 2002-06-03 Easy run
czg07 - All of Insomnia 3:13 2001-01-08 Easy run (Marathon)
czg07 - All of Insomnia 3:06 2001-01-10 Easy run (Marathon)
czg07 - All of Insomnia 2:54 2001-03-14 Easy run (Marathon)
czg07 - All of Insomnia 2:49 2001-03-20 Easy run (Marathon)
czg07 - All of Insomnia 2:44 2001-07-02 Easy run (Marathon)
a2d2 - Ambush Keen Pilgrims 0:43 2001-06-30 Easy run
a3 - The Journey Home 1:13 2001-02-19 Easy run
a3 - The Journey Home 1:03 2001-02-28 Easy run
a3 - The Journey Home 0:55 2003-10-01 Easy run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:39 2000-09-30 Easy run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:37 2000-10-21 Easy run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:35 2000-11-21 Easy run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:33 2000-11-28 Easy run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:32 2001-02-23 Easy run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:31 2002-10-27 Easy run
cbfspq2 - The Temple Of Gaia 0:26 2004-08-02 Easy run
climb - Climb 0:26 2001-02-08 Easy run
climb - Climb 0:25 2001-04-16 Easy run
climb - Climb 0:24 2003-03-24 Easy run
coopmine - Trouble Down t'Pit 1:29 2001-06-24 Easy run
czg01 - Research Facility 1:51 2001-01-11 Easy run
czg01 - Research Facility 1:44 2001-03-14 Easy run
czg01 - Research Facility 1:40 2001-05-17 Easy run
czg01 - Research Facility 1:38 2002-03-08 Easy run
czg01 - Research Facility 1:36 2002-03-20 Easy run
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 0:51 2001-06-28 Easy run
darknite - Darknite 1:23 2002-09-04 Easy run
em1 - The Wherehouse 0:15 2002-08-19 Easy run
foon - From Out Of Nowhere 1:00 2001-04-20 Easy run
foon - From Out Of Nowhere 0:39 2001-04-21 Easy run
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:33 2001-05-06 Easy run
gatordiv - Gatorman's Diversion 1:01 2001-03-10 Easy run
gatordiv - Gatorman's Diversion 1:00 2001-04-16 Easy run
gatordiv - Gatorman's Diversion 0:56 2002-07-12 Easy run
gloin - Abandon All Hope 0:35 2003-03-05 Easy run
harmsway - The Long Way 1:31 2004-06-10 Easy run
htr - Hit The Roof 0:46 2000-12-13 Easy run
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:26 Video 2002-07-21 Easy run
lostwrld - The Lost World 0:42 2001-01-03 Easy run
lostwrld - The Lost World 0:40 2001-02-08 Easy run
miffo - Miffo 0:08 2004-10-12 Easy run
nastrond - Nastrond 1:30 2003-10-04 Easy run
networld - The NetherWorld 1:10 2001-07-31 Easy run
placebo - The Place Of Belonging 1:59 2001-03-21 Easy run
placebo - The Place Of Belonging 1:48 2003-03-24 Easy run
polygon2 - The Long Way 0:31 2004-06-15 Easy run
polygon2 - The Long Way 0:30 2004-06-15 Easy run
pushcoag - The Vertical Mile 1:32 2003-09-18 Easy run
sm57_pulsar_se - The Lair Of DOOMestic ... 0:21 2004-05-28 Easy run
sm155_ankh - WOT 0:19 2009-08-22 Easy run
sm155_negke - Untitled 0:18 2009-08-22 Easy run
sm155_zwiffle - Time To Beat - 004 0:23 2009-08-22 Easy run
the_gate - The Gate 0:25 2002-08-20 Easy run
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:32 2001-05-06 Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:31 2001-12-04 Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:30 2002-03-17 Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:29 2002-07-04 Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:28 2002-07-12 Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:26 2002-07-15 Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:25 2002-07-17 Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:24 2002-07-20 Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:23 2002-08-08 Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:21 2004-05-21 Easy 100%
e4m3 - The Elder God Shrine 1:28 2002-03-20 Easy 100%
e4m3 - The Elder God Shrine 1:27 2002-07-12 Easy 100%
e4m3 - The Elder God Shrine 1:24 2002-07-22 Easy 100%
pg1 - The Outer Regions 3:33 2000-12-28 Easy 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 4:30 2001-05-16 Easy 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 4:25 2002-03-17 Easy 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 4:07 2002-07-04 Easy 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 4:02 2003-03-11 Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 4:29 2001-02-10 Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 4:16 2001-02-15 Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 4:10 2001-05-17 Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 4:09 2002-03-09 Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 3:38 2002-03-21 Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 3:27 2003-03-19 Easy 100%
czg07c - Push Underground 14:40 2001-04-19 Easy 100%
czg07 - All of Insomnia 18:51 2001-02-15 Easy 100% (Marathon)
czg07 - All of Insomnia 17:43 2001-06-20 Easy 100% (Marathon)
czg07 - All of Insomnia 17:18 2002-03-09 Easy 100% (Marathon)
czg07 - All of Insomnia 15:34 2003-03-07 Easy 100% (Marathon)
a3 - The Journey Home 2:40 2003-10-03 Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 3:04 2000-10-21 Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:56 2000-12-13 Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:54 2001-05-12 Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:53 2002-03-12 Easy 100%
cbfspq2 - The Temple Of Gaia 0:34 2004-08-19 Easy 100%
civil - Secret Civilization 1:37 2002-05-05 Easy 100%
czg02 - Memento Mori 3:45 2002-03-10 Easy 100%
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 2:02 2001-06-28 Easy 100%
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 1:39 2001-07-07 Easy 100%
em1 - The Wherehouse 1:03 2002-08-20 Easy 100%
em1 - The Wherehouse 0:56 2002-08-21 Easy 100%
fatal-error - Fatal Error 2:01 2001-06-28 Easy 100%
foon - From Out Of Nowhere 1:21 2001-04-21 Easy 100%
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:47 2001-05-06 Easy 100%
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:45 2001-06-06 Easy 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:54 2000-12-18 Easy 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:52 2003-03-23 Easy 100%
q1tm2_czg - Hard Traffic 1:59 2009-07-29 Easy 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 1:14 2004-06-08 Easy 100%
rpgsp1 - Penile Devastation 2:36 2001-08-10 Easy 100%
shoot - Shoot 0:41 2003-02-07 Easy 100%
sm57_pulsar_se - The Lair Of DOOMestic ... 1:36 2004-06-01 Easy 100%
the_gate - The Gate 0:54 2002-08-22 Easy 100%
e2m4 - The Ebon Fortress 0:57 2001-01-03 Nightmare run
e2m4 - The Ebon Fortress 0:56 2001-01-05 Nightmare run
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:01 2001-03-24 Nightmare run
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 0:59 2001-12-06 Nightmare run
mexx8b - Mordrigor's Demise 0:20 2001-06-14 Nightmare run
ikspq2 - Thousand-Faced Moon 1:32 2002-04-28 Nightmare run
rde - All of RDE 17:31 2000-12-06 Nightmare run (Marathon)
rde - All of RDE 11:54 2000-12-07 Nightmare run (Marathon)
czg07a - Core Decomposed 1:40 2001-01-12 Nightmare run
a3 - The Journey Home 1:14 2001-02-27 Nightmare run
a3 - The Journey Home 1:08 2001-02-28 Nightmare run
azurette - Azurette 0:47 2001-04-18 Nightmare run
azurette - Azurette 0:46 2001-04-18 Nightmare run
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:42 2000-11-27 Nightmare run
cbfspq2 - The Temple Of Gaia 0:20 Video 2004-09-06 Nightmare run
em1 - The Wherehouse 0:16 2002-08-19 Nightmare run
foon - From Out Of Nowhere 0:48 2001-04-21 Nightmare run
gatordiv - Gatorman's Diversion 0:57 2002-07-12 Nightmare run
lostwrld - The Lost World 0:53 2001-01-07 Nightmare run
miffo - Miffo 0:08 2004-10-12 Nightmare run
pit - The Pit 1:32 2001-02-20 Nightmare run
sm57_pulsar_se - The Lair Of DOOMestic ... 0:25 2004-05-28 Nightmare run
sm155_ankh - WOT 0:21 2009-08-22 Nightmare run
sm155_negke - Untitled 0:18 2009-08-22 Nightmare run
pg4 - The Inner Garrison 0:28 2000-12-28 Nightmare 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 5:39 2004-03-06 Nightmare 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 5:29 2004-03-06 Nightmare 100%
czg07b - Subgud 7:50 2001-02-13 Nightmare 100%
czg07b - Subgud 5:22 2003-02-28 Nightmare 100%
czg07b - Subgud 4:52 2004-03-05 Nightmare 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 3:30 2000-10-21 Nightmare 100%
cbfspq2 - The Temple Of Gaia 0:31 2004-09-01 Nightmare 100%
coagula3 - Bone 5:16 2001-08-11 Nightmare 100%
czg01 - Research Facility 3:26 2001-03-26 Nightmare 100%
czg01 - Research Facility 3:16 2002-03-08 Nightmare 100%
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 1:56 2001-06-28 Nightmare 100%
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:44 2002-08-17 Nightmare 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 1:06 2000-11-27 Nightmare 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:54 2000-12-18 Nightmare 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:50 2003-03-23 Nightmare 100%
q1tm2_czg - Hard Traffic 2:33 2009-07-29 Nightmare 100%
royalwar - The Royal Warriors 1:36 2004-06-09 Nightmare 100%
the_gate - The Gate 0:51 2002-08-22 Nightmare 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 0:34 2001-05-30 2-player Easy run
e3m7 - The Haunted Halls 0:43 2001-06-13 2-player Easy run
ep1 - Dimension of the Doomed 2:24 2001-05-10 2-player Easy run (Marathon)
mexx8b - Mordrigor's Demise 0:19 2001-06-14 2-player Easy run
p_se_3 - Venom 0:18 2001-05-24 2-player Easy run
rd1m2 - Second Iteration 0:21 2001-04-29 2-player Easy run
pg1 - The Outer Regions 1:12 2001-03-24 2-player Easy run
czg07b - Subgud 0:32 2002-04-05 2-player Easy run
climb - Climb 0:24 2001-02-18 2-player Easy run
coopmine - Trouble Down t'Pit 1:30 2000-11-26 2-player Easy run
coopmine - Trouble Down t'Pit 1:18 2004-06-21 2-player Easy run
critters - Critters 0:17 2000-11-24 2-player Easy run
critters - Critters 0:16 2001-01-06 2-player Easy run
cult - Cult 0:16 2001-07-10 2-player Easy run
czg02 - Memento Mori 1:41 2001-01-24 2-player Easy run
dwell - The Dwelling 0:36 2001-01-25 2-player Easy run
escape - Escape 0:48 2001-03-23 2-player Easy run
escape - Escape 0:46 2001-06-12 2-player Easy run
escape - Escape 0:44 2003-04-12 2-player Easy run
fmb8 - For My Babies 8 0:55 2002-05-07 2-player Easy run
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:29 2001-05-09 2-player Easy run
gatordiv - Gatorman's Diversion 0:56 2001-04-19 2-player Easy run
hunter - Demon Hunter 0:45 2005-04-03 2-player Easy run
jesus - Jesus Wants You 0:15 2005-04-03 2-player Easy run
mexx3 - Chthon's Castle 0:30 2004-06-21 2-player Easy run
networld - The NetherWorld 1:09 2001-01-07 2-player Easy run
networld - The NetherWorld 1:00 2001-03-18 2-player Easy run
runerun - The Rune-Run 0:15 2003-04-20 2-player Easy run
undrwrld - The Underworld 0:59 2001-01-24 2-player Easy run
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:33 2001-03-24 2-player Easy 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:32 2001-04-29 2-player Easy 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:31 2001-06-11 2-player Easy 100%
e1m2 - Castle of the Damned 0:37 2001-05-29 2-player Easy 100%
e1m3 - The Necropolis 0:50 2001-06-18 2-player Easy 100%
e1m4 - The Grizzly Grotto 0:45 2001-06-19 2-player Easy 100%
e1m5 - Gloom Keep 0:32 2003-10-03 2-player Easy 100%
e1m8 - Ziggurat Vertigo 0:41 2001-03-28 2-player Easy 100%
e1m8 - Ziggurat Vertigo 0:39 2001-06-19 2-player Easy 100%
e1m8 - Ziggurat Vertigo 0:38 2004-04-29 2-player Easy 100%
e2m3 - The Crypt of Decay 1:08 2001-05-17 2-player Easy 100%
e2m3 - The Crypt of Decay 1:01 2001-05-27 2-player Easy 100%
e2m3 - The Crypt of Decay 0:58 2001-06-14 2-player Easy 100%
e2m4 - The Ebon Fortress 0:56 2004-07-11 2-player Easy 100%
e2m5 - The Wizard's Manse 0:51 2000-12-27 2-player Easy 100%
e2m5 - The Wizard's Manse 0:46 2001-02-18 2-player Easy 100%
e3m3 - 100% no zombies 0:45 2001-06-19 2-player Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:06 2001-06-19 2-player Easy 100%
e3m5 - Wind Tunnels 1:02 2003-04-11 2-player Easy 100%
ikspq5 - The Secret Installation 1:07 2004-03-22 2-player Easy 100%
ikspq5 - The Secret Installation 0:58 2004-05-25 2-player Easy 100%
rd1m3 - Summa Celeritate 1:11 2002-02-18 2-player Easy 100%
rd1m3 - Summa Celeritate 1:10 2002-07-26 2-player Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 3:06 2001-05-16 2-player Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 2:30 2001-05-17 2-player Easy 100%
dmc1m2 - Acrophobia 0:26 2004-04-29 2-player Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:48 2000-09-28 2-player Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:38 2000-11-24 2-player Easy 100%
coagula2 - Flesh 0:56 2001-03-19 2-player Easy 100%
coagula2 - Flesh 0:48 2001-04-17 2-player Easy 100%
commctr - The Comm Center 1:11 2004-02-28 2-player Easy 100%
cult - Cult 0:32 2001-07-11 2-player Easy 100%
czg01 - Research Facility 2:35 2001-01-26 2-player Easy 100%
czg02 - Memento Mori 3:20 2001-02-11 2-player Easy 100%
czg100b - Rabbit In My Deadlight 1:08 2001-07-04 2-player Easy 100%
damaul3b - Suicide Nation 0:58 2001-02-12 2-player Easy 100%
em1 - The Wherehouse 0:45 2002-08-23 2-player Easy 100%
empire - Welcome to the Empire 1:58 2001-04-09 2-player Easy 100%
fatal-error - Fatal Error 1:35 2001-06-29 2-player Easy 100%
fatal-error - Fatal Error 1:14 2001-08-03 2-player Easy 100%
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:35 2001-05-09 2-player Easy 100%
gibplex - The Gibplex 0:52 2001-05-09 2-player Easy 100%
hayduke1 - Ephemerality 0:34 2004-04-30 2-player Easy 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:42 2000-11-24 2-player Easy 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:39 2002-07-21 2-player Easy 100%
mortal - The Mortal Environment 0:40 2005-04-03 2-player Easy 100%
pit - The Pit 1:21 2001-05-10 2-player Easy 100%
rettear - Retinal Tear 1:45 2001-01-29 2-player Easy 100%
rwa1 - Bridge To Fire 0:47 2002-07-26 2-player Easy 100%
sm27_xenon - Runic Delight 0:33 2004-07-10 2-player Easy 100%
e2m4 - The Ebon Fortress 0:45 2003-10-02 2-player Nightmare run
rd1m3 - Summa Celeritate 0:37 2001-02-08 2-player Nightmare run
rd1m3 - Summa Celeritate 0:34 2001-02-21 2-player Nightmare run
czg07c - Push Underground 0:28 2001-01-24 2-player Nightmare run
critters - Critters 0:16 2001-01-06 2-player Nightmare run
frbdbase - The Forbidden Base 0:27 2001-05-13 2-player Nightmare run
lostwrld - The Lost World 0:52 2001-01-04 2-player Nightmare run
polygon2 - The Long Way 0:12 2004-06-22 2-player Nightmare run
undrwrld - The Underworld 1:02 2001-01-24 2-player Nightmare run
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:45 2001-03-28 2-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:44 2001-05-15 2-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:42 2001-06-13 2-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:41 2004-06-21 2-player Nightmare 100%
e1m5 - Gloom Keep 0:51 2003-10-03 2-player Nightmare 100%
e2m1 - The Installation 0:58 2004-06-29 2-player Nightmare 100%
e3m2 - Vaults of Zin 1:03 2003-10-03 2-player Nightmare 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:43 2000-11-24 2-player Nightmare 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:42 2000-11-27 2-player Nightmare 100%
pit - The Pit 2:16 2001-05-10 2-player Nightmare 100%
czg07b - Subgud 0:35 2001-05-19 3-player Easy run
czg07 - All of Insomnia 1:56 2001-06-24 3-player Easy run (Marathon)
czg02 - Memento Mori 1:42 2001-01-20 3-player Easy run
czg02 - Memento Mori 1:34 2001-02-19 3-player Easy run
networld - The NetherWorld 1:04 2001-01-20 3-player Easy run
pb1 - Darkness Diabolical 0:18 2004-06-27 3-player Easy run
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:27 2001-05-19 3-player Easy 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:26 2001-11-30 3-player Easy 100%
e1m2 - Castle of the Damned 0:31 2001-05-18 3-player Easy 100%
e1m3 - The Necropolis 0:37 2001-05-19 3-player Easy 100%
e1m3 - The Necropolis 0:34 2004-06-27 3-player Easy 100%
e2m2 - The Ogre Citadel 0:35 2006-08-05 3-player Easy 100%
e2m3 - The Crypt of Decay 0:47 2004-06-05 3-player Easy 100%
e2m5 - The Wizard's Manse 0:44 2001-11-30 3-player Easy 100%
e2m7 - The Underearth 0:51 2004-06-28 3-player Easy 100%
e3m3 - 100% no zombies 0:42 2001-05-19 3-player Easy 100%
rd1m2 - Second Iteration 0:37 2001-08-01 3-player Easy 100%
czg07a - Core Decomposed 2:34 2001-05-23 3-player Easy 100%
czg07b - Subgud 2:20 2001-05-19 3-player Easy 100%
2run5 - 2run5 0:26 2005-04-02 3-player Easy 100%
coagula2 - Flesh 0:54 2001-03-14 3-player Easy 100%
commctr - The Comm Center 0:49 2004-03-15 3-player Easy 100%
empire - Welcome to the Empire 1:27 2001-04-09 3-player Easy 100%
empire - Welcome to the Empire 1:19 2001-06-13 3-player Easy 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:28 2000-12-16 3-player Easy 100%
jdungeon - It's A Dungeon 0:37 2002-07-20 3-player Easy 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:34 2001-06-13 3-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:32 2003-04-14 3-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:31 2004-06-27 3-player Nightmare 100%
e2m1 - The Installation 0:48 2006-08-05 3-player Nightmare 100%
coagula2 - Flesh 1:15 2001-03-14 3-player Nightmare 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:41 2000-12-16 3-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:26 2001-04-10 4-player Easy 100%
e2m1 - The Installation 0:32 2004-06-27 4-player Easy 100%
e2m2 - The Ogre Citadel 0:44 2000-08-15 4-player Easy 100%
e2m5 - The Wizard's Manse 0:43 2000-12-16 4-player Easy 100%
e4m1 - The Sewage System 0:29 2002-12-28 4-player Easy 100%
e4m1 - The Sewage System 0:24 2004-05-01 4-player Easy 100%
pg4 - The Inner Garrison 0:06 2000-12-27 4-player Easy 100%
badland2 - Badlands 2 2:41 2000-10-07 4-player Easy 100%
empire - Welcome to the Empire 1:24 2001-04-10 4-player Easy 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:27 2000-12-16 4-player Easy 100%
pit - The Pit 1:10 2001-05-24 4-player Easy 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:32 2001-05-25 4-player Nightmare 100%
pg4 - The Inner Garrison 0:13 2000-12-27 4-player Nightmare 100%
pg1 - The Outer Regions 1:07 2000-12-27 5-player Easy run
critters - Critters 0:16 2000-12-17 5-player Easy run
empire - Welcome to the Empire 0:16 2001-07-18 5-player Easy run
escape - Escape 0:45 2001-07-18 5-player Easy run
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:25 2001-04-10 5-player Easy 100%
e1m3 - The Necropolis 0:45 2000-12-17 5-player Easy 100%
e1m4 - The Grizzly Grotto 0:44 2000-12-17 5-player Easy 100%
e2m2 - The Ogre Citadel 0:41 2000-12-27 5-player Easy 100%
e2m5 - The Wizard's Manse 0:39 2000-12-16 5-player Easy 100%
ep4 - The Elder World 9:01 2002-05-16 5-player Easy 100% (Marathon)
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:26 2000-12-16 5-player Easy 100%
critters - Critters 0:16 2000-12-17 5-player Nightmare run
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:39 2000-12-17 5-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:33 2001-02-19 5-player Nightmare 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:29 2000-12-16 5-player Nightmare 100%
e1m2 - Castle of the Damned 0:33 2000-12-16 6-player Easy 100%
e2m2 - The Ogre Citadel 0:41 2000-09-24 6-player Easy 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:25 2000-12-16 6-player Easy 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:34 2000-09-24 6-player Nightmare 100%
e1m1 - The Slipgate Complex 0:30 2001-07-18 6-player Nightmare 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:28 2000-12-16 6-player Nightmare 100%

136 records, 329 old runs