Mikael Carlsson


Map - Name Time Date Type
coopmine - Trouble Down t'Pit 1:36 2004-08-19 3-player Easy 100%
undead - The Undead Task 0:20 2004-08-20 3-player Easy 100%
coopmine - Trouble Down t'Pit 1:39 2004-08-19 3-player Nightmare 100%
undead - The Undead Task 0:20 2004-08-20 3-player Nightmare 100%

Old Runs

Map - Name Time Date Type
coopmine - Trouble Down t'Pit 1:44 2004-06-23 3-player Easy 100%
undead - The Undead Task 0:21 2004-08-20 3-player Easy 100%
bfinal - Vore Valley 0:31 2004-06-23 3-player Nightmare 100%
coopmine - Trouble Down t'Pit 1:41 2004-06-23 3-player Nightmare 100%

4 records, 4 old runs