Peter Abrahamsson


Map - Name Time Date Type
pg4 - The Inner Garrison 0:05 2002-06-15 3-player Easy 100%
hipend - Armagon's Lair 0:19 2002-11-01 3-player Nightmare run
beach1 - The Beaches Of Hell 0:05 2001-04-17 3-player Nightmare run
r2m8 - Source of Evil 0:31 2001-06-12 3-player Nightmare 100%
pg4 - The Inner Garrison 0:10 2002-06-15 3-player Nightmare 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:33 2001-04-17 3-player Nightmare 100%
doom2_07 - Dead Simple 0:14 2002-11-03 4-player Nightmare 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:22 2002-07-24 5-player Easy 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:27 2002-07-24 5-player Nightmare 100%

Old Runs

Map - Name Time Date Type
r1m1 - Deviant's Domain 1:14 2001-06-14 2-player Easy run
r2m8 - Source of Evil 0:20 2001-06-11 3-player Easy 100%
p_se_xxx - Endurance 1:10 2002-06-16 3-player Easy 100%
hotel - Welcome To Hotel Kique-Asse 0:27 2001-04-16 3-player Easy 100%
pagan - Pagan 0:19 2002-11-01 3-player Easy 100%
e2m2 - The Ogre Citadel 0:34 2002-06-15 3-player Nightmare run
rd1m2 - Second Iteration 0:39 2001-06-13 3-player Nightmare run
pagan - Pagan 0:19 2002-11-01 3-player Nightmare 100%
ikspq5 - The Secret Installation 0:36 2002-11-02 4-player Easy run
theledge - The Ledge 0:11 2002-11-03 4-player Easy run
e1m5 - Gloom Keep 0:22 2002-07-23 5-player Easy 100%

9 records, 11 old runs