General Information
You live in (city & country)?
Your birthdate (or age)?
Your occupation/job/studies?
Student, Electrical Engineering (Computer), National University of Singapore
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Your hobbies?
Contract Bridge, Counter-Strike, MUD and err... Speed Running I guess
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Your email/icq/mirc/homepage?
Your music taste?
Anything you want to add here (about yourself)?
I'm the only known speed runner from Asia I guess. How sad...
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Quake-related Information
Your nickname (story behind it)?
Tangent? Well, I was bored one day so I went messing about with some equations and discovered that the trajectory of a grenade goes y=-½gx²/v²+xtanq-½gx²tan²q/v²
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Your Quake config (key bindings, etc.)?
W/X: forward/back, A/D: strafe left/right, Space: jump, E/C: up/down, Shift: run, Alt: rocket jump, Q: restart (most important)
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Size of Quake directory on your HD?
Your computer (processor/videocard etc.)?
P3-450, 192mb RAM, Diamond Stealth V770 (Riva TnT2), Diamond MX300, 17" monitor
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Quake settings (resolution, version etc.)?
GLQuake 0.97, 800x600x32bpp
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First contact to speedrunning (when, how etc.)?
Watched the original Quake done Quick while I was looking for good quake demos to watch
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First speedrunning demo?
Easy run of e2m3 in :50, submitted to Muad'Dib's page long time ago
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Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from yourself
(the one(s) that you're most proud of)?
Easy run of e1m3 in :38 for the Quake done Quick lite project
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Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from others?
Nightmare 100% of E1M6 in :53 by Peter Horvath Just about any Peter Horvath run in the upcoming Quake done 100% Quick lite project
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Favorite player (overall/runs/100%/marathon/coop)?
Peter Horvath. Yeah, I know Markus is the king of speed and the fastest around, but Peter is simply the best all-rounder I've seen, capable of producing fast runs and performing many tough tricks and have the endurance to do everything to perfection through an entire map
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Favorite trick in a demo?
Double vore-ball jump by Evan on E3M6 back before the days of bunny-hopping
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Favorite QdQ release?
Favorite original Quake map?
E1M3. No other map has provided so much challenge to speed runners
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Favorite custom map?
Hip1M3. I hardly look at custom maps, really
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Most annoying monster/map?
Do you like Doom/Quake2/Q3A?
Doom? Yeah baby. Hey, I was camping at the ftp site on 10th December 1993. If that date is not significant to you, then you're not worthy :)
Quake 2, yeah, but not for long. Only kept it around just to co-ordinate and watch the runs for Quake 2 done Quick Too and to take care of the Quake 2 section of Speed Demos Archive. I played Q3Test, but grew bored of it and didn't get Quake3 Arena
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What do you think of Quake now?
The only reason I keep it around now is to watch speed runs. And that's a good enough reason to keep it around for a few more years :)
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Quake Purity Test score?
Anything else you want to add here?