Joe Pecoraro

General Information

You live in (city & country)?
United Staes (New York)

Your birthdate (or age)?
Oct 3, 1986 (That makes me 17)

Your occupation/job/studies?
General Job.

Your hobbies?
Coding, Raquetball, Computer Games

Your email/icq/mirc/homepage?

Your music taste?
Pop, Rock, Rap is a NO

Anything you want to add here (about yourself)?
I try to log on IRC under the nick BogoJoker if you wanna contact me. Or just send me an e-mail.

Quake-related Information

Your nickname (story behind it)?
BogoJoker: A long time ago my dad was showing me multiplayer on doom. He gave me the name Joker and put me up against other players. I destroyed them. My dad thought I was pretty good and let me play it more often. The name "joker" stuck. Time goes on and Quake comes out. I was invited in a clan "bogo". Hence Bogo Joker. The clan died before ever making a map but this was at the time where I just learned how to make cool names with colors and whatever so I kept the name. Lately I have played wiht my initals but the name BogoJoker I use for most games and most online things.

Your Quake config (key bindings, etc.)?
Arrows, Mouse1=attack; Mouse2=nothing Delete=jump... Sorta akward but I like it.

Size of Quake directory on your HD?
Probably more QW stuff. I donno really. I keep cutting down what I dont need so it stays low. 400meg?

Your computer (processor/videocard etc.)?
And i'm telling you this so you can laugh at me? lol no need to tell you really :)

Quake settings (resolution, version etc.)?
Not on the right comp to tell you. I think i just use qlquake.exe for speed running.

First contact to speedrunning (when, how etc.)?
I have reviewed a lot of profiles the last couple days expecting to get this in my e-mail. This is often the most exciting part to read about (other than your quake nick and its history). I have always loved tricks. In fact I have done speed demos through trick maps in quakeworld and have unbeliveable tricks. I hold the world record in map trick1 (aka trick) and close to it in ztricks. I thought why not try my luck at Quake Done Quick which I had heard about for the longest time and always wanted to get into. Well I did. Now I have seen only a few of the massive amounts of demos and skill that has been compiled on this site and I have got to say you guys are truely amazing.

First speedrunning demo?
Technically: fire_110 BUT the next morning less than 24 hours (actually less than 12) i got e4m6_245

Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from yourself (the one(s) that you're most proud of)?
Hell I only got a record the other day. But getting an ID record sure is cool. e4m6_245. But I gotta say that dmc3_030 is a fun demo too.

Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from others?
You know it is SO hard to answer these questions from now on... I think every id demo I see i'm almost always blown away.

Favorite player (overall/runs/100%/marathon/coop)?
You kidding??? Stub for his insane 100%s, Kay for his speedy bunnies, I can't list so many. I know one player holds almost all marathons for rogue and martin i think has a ton for ID. I dont know your names well enough to answer this.

Favorite trick in a demo?
The one where you do that secret command... +attack thats it. And the monster blows up!!! But really i just saw e1m4_019 by Ilkka the other day and that was a COOL trick. dmc2_104 has a nice move that was so fun to perform I did it myself in the dmc2_100. ut man do the moves I see keep surpising me.

Favorite QdQ release?
I cant tell you because i've only see QdQ. The orignal. No others :(

Favorite original Quake map?
dm6. But if it is to be for speed running: e1m1

Favorite custom map?
aerowalk and ztndm3 (i'm a qw player)

Most annoying monster/map?
I see people writing ogres and scrags and i'm wondering if they have ever played quake. The freaking spawns. You cant tell me they havent ruined your runs before.

Do you like Doom/Quake2/Q3A?
They are okay. I woulnd not play them too long but they were ok.

What do you think of Quake now?
Multiplayer is almost dead in the USA. Speed running is actually getting more people. I might stick around here but I was doing incrediable at QW the recently. beating out some of americas TOP players.

Quake Purity Test score? link
Why of course i'm 100% uncertain of my score

Anything else you want to add here?
Why is there a 26th question?


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