General Information
You live in (city & country)?
Your birthdate (or age)?
Your occupation/job/studies?
Your hobbies?
Your email/icq/mirc/homepage?
homepage: hmm I think that would be SDA
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Your music taste?
Mostly some type of rock, be it "classic rock", oldies, some of the
Top 40 songs, etc.
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Anything you want to add here (about yourself)?
Sure but I dont think this space is big enough.
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Quake-related Information
Your nickname (story behind it)?
Before I played Quake, I found a shareware 3D space shooter called
Radix: beyond the void, and played it for a while. I bought the full
version and exchanged many emails with one of the game authors, who was
coming out with a new version of the game. I helpd him fix some bugs,
and he ended up giving me a mention in the special thanks section of
the new version. When i started playing quake I thought of the name
"Lord of Radix" but after a while I decided to just be Radix.
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Your Quake config (key bindings, etc.)?
t/g - forward/back
r/y - strafe left/right
f/h - weapon cycle forward/back
space - jump
mouse1 - shoot
mouse2 - gl/rl
mouse3 - lg
n - scores (i always push that)
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Size of Quake directory on your HD?
Your computer (processor/videocard etc.)?
A ~2009 HP computer that can't play anything modern, but I only use it for Quake anyway.
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Quake settings (resolution, version etc.)?
Glquake 0.98, 640x480, conwidth 320 though
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First contact to speedrunning (when, how etc.)?
Hmm, that was around december 1996 when I found e1m1_132, 133, 134...
and some other demos on
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First speedrunning demo?
e2m1_235, nightmare 100%. Current time is 1:24 :)
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Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from yourself
(the one(s) that you're most proud of)?
nhip_5128 -- NH through all of hipnotic baby!
hdm1_133 -- NH of hipdm1
r2mx_xxx -- all the EHs of r2 that I did
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Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from others?
Anything involving some insane trick
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Favorite player (overall/runs/100%/marathon/coop)?
Runs: Markus
100%/marathon: other than me? Probably Marlo.
Coop: The american trio!
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Favorite trick in a demo?
Anything involving a fiend
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Favorite QdQ release?
Favorite original Quake map?
Favorite custom map?
As maps: mexx9 and 10
For running: pse
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Most annoying monster/map?
Do you like Doom/Quake2/Q3A?
Heck no...
I never played Doom until after Quake so the whole 2D thing was lost
on me. I got q2 as soon as it came out and played it for a while
but it just wasn't the same. q3 I only ever played the demo.
I do play the occasional half life deathmatch these days though
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What do you think of Quake now?
Quake Purity Test score?
Anything else you want to add here?
This site wouldn't exist without me :)
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