Thomas Stubgaard
General Information
You live in (city & country)?
Your birthdate (or age)?
Your occupation/job/studies?
Your hobbies?
Playing/listening to music. Watching movies/tv series. Gaming on the PC. Riding my bike(s). Having fun with my three kids.
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Your email/icq/mirc/homepage?
Here's a link to my current band: Tommy And The Rockets - It's me singing all vocals and playing all instruments (with the occasional guest musician here and there).
I used to play drums in this band: The Hitchcocks.
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Your music taste?
Anything with a good melody! I'm not trying to limit myself to any genre.
To name a few bands/artists they would be:
The Ramones (my all time favorite band), AC/DC (the old stuff), Joan Jett, The Dahlmanns, Tracey Ullman, etc.
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Anything you want to add here (about yourself)?
Quake-related Information
Your nickname (story behind it)?
Your Quake config (key bindings, etc.)?
Just standard settings mostly except for my weapon binds which I stole from Markus Taipale.
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Size of Quake directory on your HD?
Your computer (processor/videocard etc.)?
Recently bought a brand new beefy PC for music production, but it also runs Quake really well ;-)
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Quake settings (resolution, version etc.)?
JoeQuake - mostly standard settings.
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First contact to speedrunning (when, how etc.)?
I downloaded QdQ_1949 sometime back in late 1997 and was totally blown away.
I've been a regular visitor to SDA & QdQ ever since. I joined SDA as an updater myself on December 16th, 2000, and I recently started updating again after a long hiatus. I'm also maintaining the Quake done Quick site.
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First speedrunning demo?
Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from yourself
(the one(s) that you're most proud of)?
I'm proud of my entire collection of ID single player records, but a few of them stand out. My demos on END in particular are very unique. My E3M7 Easy Run is another one I spent years trying to get (because of a silly "houdini" bug in Quake which happens only once in about 1000 tries or so).
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Favorite speedrunning demo(s) from others?
Anything ID really. Some custom demos are really good too, but I tend to like the ID demos the best.
I need to point out Conny Wernersson's e1m1_019 Easy Run - it's just mindblowingly quick.
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Favorite player (overall/runs/100%/marathon/coop)?
There's too many! My big hero used to be Nolan Pflug. I didn't think I was good enough to beat any of his ID Nightmare 100%'s, until eventually I did.
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Favorite trick in a demo?
The E1M4 Nightmare Run double Fiend boost invented by Ilkka Kurkela.
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Favorite QdQ release?
Favorite original Quake map?
I like E1M1, E1M3, E4M3 and END because of the records made on those maps. I like E2M5, E4M4 and E4M8 because they have a ton of routes to choose from. And of course E3M7 because it's so crazy hard to get through on nightmare skill :-)
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Favorite custom map?
From a speedrunning perspective it's probably the RDE maps.
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Most annoying monster/map?
E3M7, but it's annoying in a good way :-)
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Do you like Doom/Quake2/Q3A?
I was awestruck by Doom when I first played it as a wee little teenager. I spent countless nights at my older brother's PC playing that game while he was out.
I bought Q2 and Q3A right when they came out, but I never really liked either of them all that much.
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What do you think of Quake now?
Still the most enjoyable game ever created.
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Quake Purity Test score?
Anything else you want to add here?
I stutter a great deal, especially when spe-spe-spe-speaking english. Luckily I don't have to speak fluent to play Quake. | |