[21:06] <[SDA]Morfans> Ladies and Gentlemen
[21:06] <[SDA]Morfans> Before we start I would like to warn you
[21:07] <[SDA]Morfans> Tonight's show may contain some swearing
[21:07] <[SDA]Morfans> And light sexual references
[21:07] *** R1ck4rd has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:07] <[SDA]Morfans> So if you're very young or easily offended
[21:07] *** [SDA]lodis changes topic to 'NOLANIFICATION COMMENCING'
[21:07] <[SDA]Morfans> Fuck off now.
[21:07] <[SDA]Morfans> I would now like to introduce you to your hosts for
this evening
[21:07] <[SDA]Morfans> first
[21:07] <[SDA]Morfans> Muscle bound, muscle headed legendary Gov'nor of
California, Mr Arnold Schwarzenegger
[21:08] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Arnie
[21:08] <[SDA]Arnie> Evening everyone.
[21:08] <[SDA]Arnie> I used to be Conan.
[21:08] <[SDA]Morfans> HRH Queen Elizabeth II Of Great Britian
[21:08] *** [SDA]mwh is now known as [SDA]HRH_Queen
[21:08] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> Ahreet, ya fuckers.
[21:08] <[SDA]Morfans> Some actress with large breasts
[21:08] *** [SDA]lodis is now known as [SDA]Hooters
[21:08] <[SDA]Hooters> Hello
[21:08] <[SDA]Morfans> And bland ex-funnyman and Oscars host Billy Crystal
[21:09] *** [SDA]Evan is now known as [SDA]Billy_Crys
[21:09] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Good evening
[21:09] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> We'll begin with the Best Id Run (Skill 0 and
3). The Nominations were...
[21:09] *** ASH^food has joined #nolans
[21:09] <[SDA]Hooters> e3m7_042 by Thomas Stubgaard, e4m8_043 by Jozsef
Szalontai, e1m4_018 by Jozsef Szalontai, e1m5_017 by Jozsef Szalontai, e3m7_056
by Thomas Stubgaard
[21:09] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> And the winning bastard is...
[21:09] <[SDA]Arnie> Jozsef Szalontai for e1m5_017
[21:09] *** ASH^food is now known as ASH^
[21:10] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Damn. Joe starts off the wins again.
[21:10] <[SDA]Morfans> Unfortunately Jozsef couldn't make it
[21:10] <[SDA]Morfans> But he asked me to pass on these words...
[21:10] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Joszef
[21:10] *** R1ck4rd has joined #nolans
[21:10] <Joszef> It seems I'm still better than you all
[21:10] <Joszef> But phew, that's not all I can do
[21:11] <Joszef> You have my love
[21:11] <Joszef> All of you have my love
[21:11] *** Joszef is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:11] <[SDA]Hooters> Do you think he's going to dominate (heeheehee) the
awards like he has the last two years?
[21:11] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> I fucking hope not.
[21:11] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> It'd be a right pain in the arse if the bastard
[21:11] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Your majesty, please. Try to moderate your language.
[21:11] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Otherwise we'll kickban you.
[21:12] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> Fucking try it, twat.
[21:12] <[SDA]Arnie> Hey, that Queen is one crazy lady.
[21:12] <[SDA]Arnie> As I said in "COMMANDO", she must be "dead
[21:12] <[SDA]Hooters> Arnie, that doesn't make any sense.
[21:12] <[SDA]Arnie> Nothing I say ever does.
[21:12] <[SDA]Arnie> But the nominations for Best Id 100% (Skill 0 and 3)
[21:13] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> e4m7_202 by Timo Nieminen, e1m1_104 by Thomas
Stubgaard, e2m6_851 by Thomas Stubgaard, e4m3_351 by Thomas Stubgaard and e4m8_513
by Thomas Stubgaard
[21:13] <[SDA]Hooters> And the winner is the first ever non-optimised optimised
long ID Nightmare 100%, e4m3_351 by Thomas Stubgaard
[21:13] *** [SDA]Arnie is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[21:13] <[SDA]Stubgaard> tada!
[21:14] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Congratulations Thomas and welcome back Arnie
[21:14] <[SDA]Stubgaard> hey, let me finish my speech you twat!
[21:14] <[SDA]Stubgaard> i had one written down ;)
[21:15] * [SDA]Billy_Crys slaps himself
[21:15] <[SDA]Stubgaard> i was surprised to see that e4m3 won! it was the
map i had spent the least time on out of the 4 nominated demos i had in this category,
but oh well...
[21:15] <[SDA]Stubgaard> oh, and guess what, e4m8 didn't get any votes at
all, hehe :-)
[21:15] <[SDA]Stubgaard> right, on with the show
[21:15] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Arnie
[21:15] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> ARNIES BACK
[21:16] <[SDA]Arnie> HUH HUH. Well, as I said in just about every film I've
made, "I'll be back!"
[21:16] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Still not funny, Arn. Our next award is for Best
Mission Pack Run (Skill 0 and 3). And the nominations are...
[21:16] <[SDA]Hooters> h1m3_046 by Dane Plachetta, h1m4_051 by Dane Plachetta,
h1m5_141 by Justin Fleck, h2m3_046 by Connor Fitzgerald and h2m5_040 by Connor
[21:16] <[SDA]Arnie> And the winner is...
[21:16] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> Our first ever Aussie winner : h1m3_046 by Dane
[21:17] <[SDA]Morfans> Unfortunately Dane couldn't make it
[21:17] <[SDA]Morfans> But he asked me to pass on these words...
[21:17] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Plachetta
[21:17] <Plachetta> I started running on the hipnotic levels
[21:17] <Plachetta> because most records were by Radix, Optic and Ilkka
[21:17] <Plachetta> All shit
[21:18] <Plachetta> total and utter rubbish
[21:18] <Plachetta> They all deserve boiling alive for their rubbishyness
[21:18] <Plachetta> And yet I love them.
[21:18] <Plachetta> And all of you
[21:18] <Plachetta> Thanks
[21:18] *** Plachetta is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:18] <[SDA]Hooters> Our next award is for Best Mission Pack 100% (skill
0 and 3)
[21:18] <[SDA]Arnie> h1m1_109 by Dane Plachetta, h1m3_123 by Dane Plachetta,
h1m4_117 by Dane Plachetta, hdm1_033 by Denis Nazarov and r1m7_320 by Nolan Pflug
[21:18] *** Marvin| has joined #nolans
[21:19] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> And the winner is... *DRUMROLL*
[21:19] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> hdm1_033 by Denis Nazarov
[21:19] <[SDA]Morfans> Unfortunately Denis couldn't make it
[21:19] *** Carl| has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[21:19] *** Carl| has joined #nolans
[21:19] <[SDA]Morfans> But he asked me to pass on these words...
[21:19] <[SDA]Morfans> Holy trombones! Me win?
[21:20] <[SDA]Morfans> oops
[21:20] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Nazarov
[21:20] <Nazarov> Holy trombones! Me win?
[21:20] <Nazarov> Not surely I did!
[21:20] <Nazarov> Since accountant become for Russian mafia I play real
[21:20] <Nazarov> But respect still you all
[21:20] <Nazarov> And love
[21:20] <Nazarov> Many love
[21:21] *** Nazarov is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:21] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Sweet English skills Naz has, eh? :) Our next
award is...
[21:21] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> Hold up
[21:21] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> I'm fucking bored of this.
[21:21] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> All I ever fucking do is swear.
[21:21] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> Bollocks to the lot of you.
[21:21] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> I'm off to the boozer.
[21:21] * [SDA]HRH_Queen fucks off to the pub.
[21:22] *** [SDA]HRH_Queen is now known as [SDA]mwh
[21:22] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> As I was saying.
[21:22] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Our next award is for the Best Custom Episode
Easy Run
[21:22] * [SDA]Hooters fondles her boobs
[21:22] <[SDA]Hooters> The nominations are...
[21:22] <[SDA]Arnie> dm1x_008 by Peter Horvath, dm3x_026 by Dane Plachetta,
dm4x_007 by Peter Horvath, dmc7_022 by Thomas Bergendorff and pse4_032 by Denis
[21:22] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> He's only made a few contest demos in the last
year, but what demos they were! Your winner is dm1x_008 by Peter Horvath
[21:23] <[SDA]Morfans> *sigh*
[21:23] <[SDA]Morfans> Unfortunately Peter couldn't make it
[21:23] <[SDA]Morfans> But he asked me to pass on these words...
[21:23] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Hermesz
[21:23] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> ALL HAIL HORVATH
[21:23] <Hermesz> Thank you all for this.
[21:23] <Hermesz> I don't get much time to play these days.
[21:23] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> NOOOO
[21:24] <Hermesz> But I just thought I'd remind you who was best.
[21:24] *** Hanzzz has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:24] <Hermesz> I am not the devil
[21:24] <Hermesz> The devil is me
[21:24] <Hermesz> Worship the devil
[21:24] *** Hermesz is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:24] <[SDA]Arnie> Thanks Peter. But now I too must be going.
[21:24] <[SDA]Arnie> As I said in Predator, "If it bleeds, we can kill
[21:25] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> That makes absolutely no sense. Arnold, have you
ever actually said anything funny in your life?
[21:25] <[SDA]Arnie> Try this...
[21:25] <[SDA]Arnie> Steven Spielberg asked me to be in his new film.
[21:25] <[SDA]Arnie> He wanted to make a film of the life of a famous composer.
[21:25] <[SDA]Arnie> He said I could choose to be any composer I wanted.
[21:25] <[SDA]Arnie> Do you know what I said?
[21:26] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Errrrr. Nope. As clueless as Fleck with a naked
[21:26] <[SDA]Arnie> I'll be Bach!
[21:27] *** [SDA]Arnie is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[21:27] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Err. Yes. Anyway. The nominations for the award
for Best Custom Episode Easy 100% are...
[21:27] <[SDA]Hooters> Ohhhh
[21:27] <[SDA]Hooters> It's so hard to read the list with my breasts in
the way.
[21:27] <[SDA]Hooters> bb1_139 by Amrik Kochhar, blk3_125 by Mads Peter
Stubgaard, dm2x_041 by Martin Selinus, dm4x_010 by Connor Fitzgerald and m6_210
by Aleksander Osipov.
[21:27] <[SDA]mwh> And the winner is...
[21:28] <[SDA]Stubgaard> *drumroll*
[21:28] <[SDA]Stubgaard> Connor Fitzgerald for dm4x_010
[21:28] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v connor
[21:28] <[SDA]Hooters> speech speech
[21:28] <connor> nice! thanks heaps guys :)
[21:28] <connor> that took me forever to do
[21:29] <connor> :D
[21:29] *** Friction_ has quit IRC (Signed off)
[21:29] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Thank-you Connor and well done.
[21:29] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -v connor
[21:29] <[SDA]mwh> The nominees for Best Custom Episode Easy 100% are...
[21:30] <[SDA]mwh> oops, technical hitch
[21:30] * [SDA]mwh puts the light music on
[21:30] <[SDA]Radix> we just gave that award fool :-)
[21:30] * [SDA]Stubgaard pogo jumps across the stage
[21:30] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> flecknical difficulties
[21:31] <[SDA]Morfans> Who wrote this shit?
[21:32] <[SDA]Morfans> Best Custom Episode Nightmare Run
[21:32] *** P-B has quit IRC (Signed off)
[21:32] <[SDA]Hooters> dm1x_009 by Connor Fitzgerald, dm4x_009 by Peter
Horvath, dmc2_018 by Thomas Bergendorff, dmc3_011 by Thomas Bergendorff and pse4_035
by Denis Nazarov.
[21:33] <[SDA]Stubgaard> And the winner is...
[21:33] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Peter Horvath for his amazing dm4x_009
[21:33] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Hermesz
[21:34] <Hermesz> I'm still not here
[21:34] <Hermesz> but
[21:34] <Hermesz> As I said before, I can still just about play.
[21:34] <Hermesz> In fact I'm outstanding.
[21:34] <Hermesz> Can anyone doubt it?
[21:34] <Hermesz> Or the love I have for you?
[21:34] *** Hermesz is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:34] <[SDA]mwh> Since that's about all the demos Peter did last year
I think it's safe to say he won't be winning any more awards now.
[21:35] <[SDA]Stubgaard> But seriously, Peter (ahem...), we're glad you
still dip your toes into the Quake pool every now and then.
[21:35] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Moving on to the Best Custom Episode Nightmare
[21:35] <[SDA]Hooters> The nominees are...
[21:35] <[SDA]mwh> m1_106 by Richard Skidmore, czg2_533 by Weixing Ye, czg7b_522
by Daniel Hansson, dm4x_017 by Weixing Ye and rde_328 by Carl Tholin
[21:35] <[SDA]Stubgaard> And the winner is
[21:36] <[SDA]Hooters> Carl Tholin for rde_328
[21:36] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v Carl|
[21:36] *** optix has joined #nolans
[21:36] <Carl|> wow, I wasn´t rellay prepared for this.
[21:37] <[SDA]Stubgaard> ...
[21:37] <Carl|> um, well... I guess.... thank you all.
[21:37] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -v Carl|
[21:37] <[SDA]mwh> Thank-you Carl.
[21:37] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> Our next few awards will be presented by the characters
[21:37] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> From the book turned popular motion picture trilogy
[21:37] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> The Lord of the Rings
[21:37] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> So please welcome...
[21:38] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> The pouty elf chick that doesn't do anything!
[21:38] *** [SDA]mwh is now known as [SDA]Arwen
[21:38] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> The bloke that needs a shave
[21:38] *** [SDA]Hooters is now known as [SDA]Aragorn
[21:38] <[SDA]Stubgaard> /nick [SDA]Legolas
[21:38] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> The slightly effeminate but cool elf
[21:38] <[SDA]Stubgaard> lol
[21:38] <[SDA]Morfans> :-)
[21:38] <[SDA]Billy_Crys> And the dwarf with the huge chopper
[21:38] *** [SDA]Billy_Crys is now known as [SDA]Gimli
[21:39] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Legolas
[21:39] <[SDA]Legolas> there we go ;)
[21:39] <[SDA]Aragorn> you truly suck :)
[21:39] <[SDA]Aragorn> Our next award is for Best Custom Level Easy Run
[21:39] <[SDA]Arwen> I wanted to start this one off.
[21:39] <[SDA]Aragorn> Who's the king of the west here?
[21:39] *** Hanzzz has joined #nolans
[21:39] <[SDA]Arwen> You are, but my dad's in Aerosmith.
[21:40] <[SDA]Aragorn> I don't care. Read the nominations. And no crying.
[21:40] * [SDA]Arwen sobs
[21:40] <[SDA]Arwen> *sniff* the nominees are a3_053 by Daniel Hansson,
ch3_020 by Denis Nazarov, cor2_009 by Thomas Bergendorff, *sniff* hor_025 by Anders
Nordensten and rw_030 by Kay Berntsen
[21:40] <[SDA]Legolas> and the winner is...
[21:40] <[SDA]Gimli> Denis Nazarov for ch3_020
[21:40] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Nazarov
[21:40] <Nazarov> Hokey Smokey
[21:41] <Nazarov> Again win me
[21:41] <Nazarov> but good demo
[21:41] <Nazarov> when 900 years old you are, look so good you will not
[21:41] *** Nazarov is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:41] <[SDA]Legolas> Next we have the award for Best Custom Level Easy
[21:42] <[SDA]Gimli> Hey Legolas. Didn't I see you in "Pirates of the
[21:42] <[SDA]Legolas> No, that was Johnny Depp
[21:42] <[SDA]Gimli> Oh. My mistake.
[21:42] <[SDA]Gimli> The nominees are arun_012 by Martin Selinus, ch3_156
by Amrik Kochhar, dm3b_040 by Thomas Bergendorff, ep_140 by Thomas Bergendorff
and forr_033 by Timo Nieminen
[21:42] <[SDA]Arwen> And the winner is...
[21:42] <[SDA]Aragorn> Martin Selinus for arun_012
[21:42] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v Marvin|
[21:43] <Marvin|> whoo, I really didn't expect this
[21:43] <Marvin|> I have to thank Graffz a lot for this demo. we came up
with the routes together
[21:43] <Marvin|> and thank all of you who voted for me!
[21:43] <Marvin|> thanks
[21:44] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -v Marvin|
[21:44] <[SDA]Gimli> Our next award is for Best Custom Level Nightmare Run
[21:44] <[SDA]Arwen> The nominees are a2d2_044 by Thomas Bergendorff, ep_111
by Thomas Bergendorff, hor_024 by Martin Selinus, rit2_035 by Anders Nordensten
and sha_019 by Kay Berntsen
[21:44] <[SDA]Aragorn> And the winner is...
[21:44] <[SDA]Legolas> Marvin again for hor_024
[21:45] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v Marvin|
[21:45] <Marvin|> heh, again, I didn't expect this :)
[21:45] <Marvin|> it's funny, the year I'm least active, I win the most
[21:45] <Marvin|> the demo was a pain in the ass to make
[21:46] <Marvin|> so I'm really greatful that you voted for it
[21:46] <Marvin|> thank you!
[21:46] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -v Marvin|
[21:46] <[SDA]Arwen> Why do I have to be Arwen anyway.
[21:46] <[SDA]Arwen> So far tonight I've been the Queen and now the weepy,
do nothing elf chick.
[21:46] <[SDA]Arwen> I want to be Gandalf.
[21:46] <[SDA]Arwen> That's better.
[21:46] *** [SDA]Arwen is now known as [SDA]Gandalf
[21:47] <[SDA]Gandalf> PH34R ME! I'M GANDALF!
[21:47] *** DOOM_OCCULTAZ has joined #nolans
[21:47] <[SDA]Gandalf> The next award is Best Custom Level Nightmare 100%
[21:47] <[SDA]Gimli> The nominees are arun_021 by Martin Selinus, cor2_030
by Denis Nazarov, d207_015 by Valeriy Burmistrov, r2_007 by Weixing Ye and rr_042
by Thomas Stubgaard.
[21:47] <[SDA]Aragorn> And the winner is...
[21:47] <[SDA]Legolas> ME! For...
[21:48] <[SDA]Legolas> I mean
[21:48] *** [SDA]Legolas is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[21:48] <[SDA]Stubgaard> ME! For rr_042
[21:48] *** Carl| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
[21:48] *** optix is now known as optix|work
[21:48] <[SDA]Stubgaard> hmm, why did you guys vote for my demo? valeriy's
surely kicked the most ass!
[21:48] *** fab_maschine is now known as ||ivan||
[21:49] * [SDA]Stubgaard hands over his Nolans Trophy to Valeriy
[21:49] <[SDA]Stubgaard> on with the show we go
[21:50] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Legolas
[21:50] <[SDA]Aragorn> Well if Michael can be Gandalf I want to be Gollum
(and I'll be still prettier than Morfans!)
[21:50] *** Carl| has joined #nolans
[21:50] *** [SDA]Aragorn is now known as [SDA]Gollum
[21:50] <[SDA]Gollum> Right. Here goes.
[21:50] <[SDA]Gollum> The next precious award if for Best Marathon (skill
0 and 3, Run and 100%)
[21:50] <[SDA]Legolas> The nominees are ee3_246 by Martin Selinus, eall_4710
by Justin Fleck, ne1_1153 by Thomas Stubgaard, ee1_221 by Robert Axelsson &
Rickard Axelsson and ee4_913 by Justin Fleck & Evan Wagner
[21:51] <[SDA]Gollum> And the precious winner, my precious, was actually
a precious TIE
[21:51] <[SDA]Gollum> Between Marvin for his precious ee3_246 and stupid
fat hobbit Stubby for ne1_1153.
[21:51] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v Marvin|
[21:51] <[SDA]Legolas> In a skinny elf not a fat hobbit, you naked, boney,
big-eyed twat.
[21:51] <Marvin|> wow, thanks
[21:51] *** [SDA]Legolas is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[21:52] <[SDA]Stubgaard> yeah, thanks :)
[21:52] <[SDA]Stubgaard> you wanna go first martin?
[21:52] <Marvin|> this is the third time I win a nolan for marathon. though,
this one is a tie
[21:52] <Marvin|> I just love making marathons, hope there will be more
of them
[21:52] <Marvin|> thank you!
[21:52] <[SDA]Stubgaard> you were leading up until the very last votes came
[21:52] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -v Marvin|
[21:53] <[SDA]Stubgaard> yeah, thank you bitches for voting for me too,
i appreciate it
[21:53] <[SDA]Stubgaard> danke sehr
[21:53] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Fat_Hobbit
[21:53] <[SDA]Gandalf> Next up is Best Coop Run (skill 0 and 3)
[21:54] <[SDA]Fat_Hobbit> ...
[21:55] <[SDA]Radix> we seem to have misplaced our tiny man
[21:55] <[SDA]Morfans> Either taking a leak or a ping timeout imminent...
[21:55] <[SDA]Gollum> (our man with the tiny penis)
[21:55] <[SDA]Gollum> he's not so tiny actually
[21:56] <[SDA]Gollum> or suffering from over-use of bong
[21:56] <[SDA]Fat_Hobbit> i think that might be it
[21:56] <[SDA]Morfans> Or the love I have for you?
[21:56] <[SDA]Morfans> oops
[21:56] <[SDA]Fat_Hobbit> anyways, the winner is!
[21:56] <[SDA]Morfans> The nominees are e2m4_045 by Daniel Hansson &
Carl Tholin, end_015 by Robert Axelsson & Rickard Axelsson, czg7b_031 by Daniel
Hansson & Daniel Andersson, czg7c_024 by Daniel Hansson & Daniel Andersson
and esc_044 by Daniel Hansson & Jonny Andersson
[21:56] <[SDA]Gollum> s
[21:56] <[SDA]Gollum> And the precious (FFS I'm getting tired of saying
precious) winners are...
[21:56] <[SDA]Fat_Hobbit> haha
[21:56] <[SDA]Fat_Hobbit> R&R Axelsson for end_015
[21:56] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v ^R0bert_
[21:57] <^R0bert_> Phew
[21:57] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v R1ck4rd
[21:57] <R1ck4rd> =)
[21:57] <^R0bert_> i can only say one thing....
[21:57] <R1ck4rd> COOP RULES!
[21:57] <^R0bert_> HEY !!! i was going to say that!
[21:57] <^R0bert_> grrrr!
[21:57] <R1ck4rd> hehe
[21:57] <R1ck4rd> =D
[21:57] <^R0bert_> =D
[21:57] <^R0bert_> thanx all!
[21:57] <R1ck4rd> thank you
[21:57] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -vv R1ck4rd ^R0bert_
[21:58] <[SDA]Gollum> I'm changing
[21:59] <[SDA]Morfans> the obvious next demo would be Best Coop 100% (skill
0 and 3)
[21:59] <[SDA]Gollum> What were those Scottish hobbits called?
[22:00] <[SDA]Fat_Hobbit> The nominees are e2m6_207 by Thomas Stubgaard
& Mads Peter Stubgaard, e3m7_139 by Thomas Stubgaard & Nolan Pflug, e4m8_419
by Thomas Stubgaard & Nolan Pflug, h3m1_158 by Justin Fleck & Evan Wagner
and dma1_016 by Robert Axelsson & Rickard Axelsson
[22:00] *** [SDA]Gollum is now known as [SDA]Muffin
[22:00] <[SDA]Muffin> Och! And yerr winner is...
[22:00] *** [SDA]Gimli has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:00] <[SDA]Gandalf> The Stubgaard Brothers for e2m6_207
[22:00] *** [SDA]Gimli has joined #nolans
[22:00] *** [SDA]Gandalf sets mode: +o [SDA]Gimli
[22:00] *** [SDA]Fat_Hobbit is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[22:00] <[SDA]Stubgaard> tada!
[22:01] <[SDA]Stubgaard> wheee
[22:01] <[SDA]Stubgaard> mads peter couldn't be here unfortunately, he's
out screwing some young chick
[22:01] *** Valeriy has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:01] <[SDA]Stubgaard> but thanks, e2m6 is a cool map to do coops on
[22:01] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Legolas
[22:03] *** Carl| has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[22:03] <[SDA]Morfans> We move on now to Coolest Trick In A Demo
[22:03] <[SDA]Gandalf> The nominees are e1m4_018 by Jozsef Szalontai : (double
fiend push), e1m5_017 by Jozsef Szalontai : (fiend+rocketjump), e2m6_851 by Thomas
Stubgaard : (zombie kills), e4m8_513 by Thomas Stubgaard : (zombie lure) and dm1x_008
by Peter Horvath : (double ogrejump)
[22:03] <[SDA]Legolas> And, of course, me killing that bloody great elephant
thing in Return of the King. That must be the coolest ever.
[22:03] <[SDA]Muffin> And the winner is...
[22:03] *** Carl| has joined #nolans
[22:04] <[SDA]Legolas> Jozsef for the Double Fiend Push
[22:04] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as jizzfloatsonsea
[22:04] <jizzfloatsonsea> Thanks for seeing this as my greatest trick
[22:04] <jizzfloatsonsea> Of course, Ilkka did it first
[22:04] <jizzfloatsonsea> And Black-out told him about it
[22:04] <jizzfloatsonsea> But I still rock your socks
[22:05] <jizzfloatsonsea> Get JoeQuake!
[22:05] *** jizzfloatsonsea is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[22:05] <[SDA]Gandalf> Next we have the award for Most Violent Demo
[22:05] *** MeF-|s3g has joined #nolans
[22:05] <[SDA]Muffin> The nominees are e2m5_202 by Thomas Stubgaard, e3m7_202
by Thomas Stubgaard, dm3x_303 by Kimmo Polvivaara, czg2_533 by Weixing Ye and
carn_151 by Justin Fleck
[22:05] <[SDA]Legolas> And the winner is...
[22:05] <[SDA]Gimli> Stubby for e2m5_202
[22:06] *** [SDA]Legolas is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[22:06] <[SDA]Stubgaard> TADADA!
[22:06] <[SDA]Stubgaard> ahhhh, sweet sweet violence! killing stuff is fun!
[22:06] * [SDA]Stubgaard loads e2m5
[22:06] <[SDA]Gimli> The last few awards tonight are more community than
demo based
[22:07] <[SDA]Gimli> So we'll slip back into our proper faces
[22:07] *** [SDA]Gimli is now known as [SDA]windlash
[22:07] *** [SDA]Muffin is now known as [SDA]lodis
[22:07] *** [SDA]Gandalf is now known as [SDA]mwh
[22:08] <[SDA]mwh> Next we have the award for Favourite RotW contest
[22:08] <[SDA]Stubgaard> The choices were AeroRun, Breaking Legs, December
Madness, RuneRun and The Bad Race
[22:08] <[SDA]windlash> and the winner is...
[22:08] <[SDA]lodis> RuneRun by Connor Fitzgerald
[22:08] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v connor
[22:08] <connor> hey! nice
[22:08] <connor> that was the first speed-running thing i ever did
[22:09] <connor> glad you liked it :)
[22:09] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -v connor
[22:09] <[SDA]Stubgaard> thanks connor
[22:09] <[SDA]Stubgaard> Next we have the Event of the Year
[22:09] <[SDA]lodis> The nominees are Last years Nolans Awards, Championship
2003, SDA interviews on PlanetQuake, DotG the Movie and tRR the Movie.
[22:09] <[SDA]mwh> and the winner is...
[22:10] <[SDA]windlash> The Rabbit Run Movie!
[22:10] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as The_Bunny
[22:10] <The_Bunny> tRR was supposed to be my big movie
[22:10] <The_Bunny> but alas it was not to be
[22:10] <The_Bunny> But the demos were truly outstanding
[22:10] <The_Bunny> Although I must say
[22:11] <The_Bunny> DotG should have won
[22:11] <The_Bunny> I HATE YOU ALL!
[22:11] *** The_Bunny is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[22:11] <[SDA]Morfans> phew
[22:11] <[SDA]lodis> The next award is the prestigious Rookie of the Year
[22:11] <[SDA]Morfans> emotional bunny that
[22:11] <[SDA]mwh> This year saw some amazing new talent emerge as you voted
between Connor Fitzgerald, Dane Plachetta, Ivan Vladev, Kay Berntsen and Pif de
[22:12] <[SDA]windlash> But the winner was...
[22:12] <[SDA]Stubgaard> Connor Fitzgerald!
[22:12] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v connor
[22:12] <connor> wow
[22:12] <connor> REALLY happy to win this one
[22:12] <connor> especially against Kay and Dane who both rock
[22:12] *** MojoJojo has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:13] <connor> so cheers :)
[22:13] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -v connor
[22:13] <[SDA]mwh> The Most Improved Player was a fight between...
[22:13] <[SDA]Stubgaard> Connor Fitzgerald, Ivan Vladev, Justin Fleck, Kay
Berntsen and Michael Hudson
[22:14] <[SDA]lodis> And the winner was...
[22:14] <[SDA]windlash> Our new Rookie of the Year Connor Fitzgerald
[22:14] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: +v connor
[22:14] <connor> hahaha
[22:14] <connor> awwww.... shux
[22:14] * [SDA]Morfans hands Connor a bunch of flowers
[22:15] <connor> um.... thanks again heh :) hopefully I'll keep improving
[22:15] <[SDA]lodis> you better...
[22:15] <connor> haha thanks morfans
[22:15] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -v connor
[22:15] <[SDA]Stubgaard> The award with probably the most bragging rights
attached to it is Player of the Year
[22:15] <[SDA]windlash> The nominees are Connor Fitzgerald, Dane Plachetta,
Kay Berntsen, Thomas Bergendorff and Thomas Stubgaard.
[22:15] <[SDA]mwh> The 2003 player of the year is...
[22:16] <[SDA]mwh> *drumroll*
[22:16] <[SDA]lodis> Thomas Flubbygaard
[22:16] <[SDA]Stubgaard> wooohooo
[22:16] <[SDA]Stubgaard> i had written down a speech for this award too,
so here goes:
[22:16] <[SDA]Stubgaard> "i'm the greatest"! - as muhammed ali
once said - though in my case it's not entirely true... :-)
[22:17] <[SDA]Stubgaard> i just made a significant amount of ID demos in
2003, i guess that's what earned me this award more than anything
[22:17] <[SDA]Stubgaard> but thanks alot to those who voted for me, i seriously
doubt i'll be nomitated in this category next year though, as i will most likely
trip down on my speedrunning activities for a while...
[22:17] <[SDA]Stubgaard> thanks again guys
[22:17] <[SDA]Stubgaard> peace out!
[22:17] <[SDA]windlash> peace home skillet
[22:17] <[SDA]Morfans> way to go viking boy
[22:18] * [SDA]Stubgaard puts on the viking helmet
[22:18] *** [SDA]mwh is now known as BinLaden`
[22:18] <BinLaden`> I'll do this next one, you western dogs
[22:18] <BinLaden`> The Fool of the Year
[22:19] <BinLaden`> the choice was between Basil de Vries, Denis Nazarov,
George W. Bush, Jesse van Dijk and Richard Skidmore.
[22:19] <BinLaden`> But the winner is...
[22:19] <BinLaden`> My old friend
[22:19] <BinLaden`> President George W Bush
[22:19] *** [SDA]windlash is now known as [SDA]The_Pres
[22:19] <[SDA]The_Pres> Thank-you for this award.
[22:19] <[SDA]The_Pres> I realise you only voted for me out of ironic respect.
[22:19] <[SDA]The_Pres> Peace.
[22:19] *** schwoon is now known as Dubya
[22:19] <[SDA]The_Pres> Oh look. It's Bin-Laden.
[22:19] <[SDA]The_Pres> We've been looking for you.
[22:20] <BinLaden`> SHIT!
[22:20] * BinLaden` runs
[22:20] *** BinLaden` is now known as [SDA]mwh
[22:20] *** [SDA]The_Pres is now known as [SDA]windlash
[22:20] *** Dubya is now known as schwoon
[22:21] <[SDA]Stubgaard> Finally tonight we elect one person from the annals
of Speedrunning to join our Hall Of Fame
[22:21] <[SDA]windlash> Nolan and Yonatan have already won their places
in the history books
[22:21] <[SDA]mwh> And this year it gives us great pleasure to elevate...
[22:21] <[SDA]lodis> The original bunny god
[22:21] <[SDA]Stubgaard> The original Mr Finland
[22:21] <[SDA]windlash> The original SpeedCon host
[22:22] <[SDA]Radix> The original ILKKA KURKELA!
[22:22] <[SDA]mwh> woo!
[22:22] <[SDA]Stubgaard> *DRUMROLL*
[22:22] * [SDA]mwh pops the champagne
[22:23] <[SDA]windlash> YAAAY
[22:23] * [SDA]Stubgaard rocketjumps across stage
[22:23] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Mineral
[22:23] * [SDA]windlash takes a puff
[22:23] <Mineral> I'd like to thank...
[22:23] *** Mineral is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[22:23] <[SDA]Morfans> No
[22:23] <[SDA]Morfans> No way I'm doing a parody
[22:23] <[SDA]Morfans> Ilkka made all our jaws drop just when we thought
there was no more speed to be had
[22:24] <[SDA]Morfans> He improved all the optimum ID records
[22:24] <[SDA]Morfans> And, to be honest, was the reason I watched speed
demos in 99/2000
[22:24] <[SDA]Morfans> That's all
[22:25] <[SDA]Morfans> Thank you all for coming
[22:25] <[SDA]Stubgaard> SEE YA IN 2005 CHOIRFELLAS!
[22:25] * [SDA]Stubgaard discharges
[22:25] * [SDA]windlash passes out
[22:25] <[SDA]lodis> stubby stop wanking...
[22:25] <[SDA]windlash> ahah
[22:26] *** [SDA]Radix sets mode: -m
[22:26] <^R0bert_> hm
[22:26] *** connor has left #nolans
[22:26] *** ocelot has left #nolans
[22:26] * [SDA]Stubgaard walks off stage while giving the finger to Connor for
being a showoff! ;)
[22:26] *** acore-Grodan has joined #nolans
[22:26] <^R0bert_> So do we have a server to do som MADCOOP ?
[22:26] *** [SDA]lodis is now known as lowFU
[22:27] *** acore-Grodan has left #nolans
[22:27] *** Kay_B is now known as Kay|f00d
[22:27] <[SDA]windlash> mad coop time :)
[22:27] *** [SDA]mwh is now known as mwh
[22:27] *** [SDA]Radix changes topic to 'We hope you enjoyed the show! See you
in 2005'
[22:27] <[SDA]Stubgaard> the winners page will be up in 5 minutes
[22:27] *** [SDA]Radix is now known as Radix
[22:28] *** Kay|f00d has left #nolans
[22:28] *** mwh is now known as mwh|pub
[22:28] *** ASH^ has quit IRC (Signed off)
[22:29] *** Megazoid has left #nolans (Leaving)
[22:30] <[SDA]Stubgaard> http://www.planetquake.com/sda/nolans2k3/nolans2003_winners.html
[22:31] *** DOOM_OCCULTAZ has left #nolans
[22:32] *** Mandelmassa has left #nolans
[22:32] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as Stubgaard
[22:32] *** [SDA]windlash is now known as windlash
[22:33] *** Stubgaard is now known as Stubgaard|afk
[22:34] *** windlash is now known as windy|toke
[22:34] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Morfans
[22:34] *** Graffz has left #nolans (This is what we have been practicing for
all yesterday afternoon..)
[22:36] *** [oMiD]Tarzan has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:37] *** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Mar 09 22:51:47 2004