[21:07] <^R0bert_> ITS STARTED !!!!!!!!!!
[21:07] <[SDA]Stubgaard> THE NOLANS ARE ON NOOOOW!
[21:07] <^R0bert_> NOLAN!
[21:07] *** R1ck4rd has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:07] <orbs> morfans took his pills once again...we're up for a good show
[21:07] <connor> heh yeah 23's done ;)
[21:08] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Arnie
[21:08] <^R0bert_> weeeeeee
[21:08] <Kay_B> good one =)
[21:08] <orbs> hey ahnuld want to marry me in san fran?
[21:08] *** [SDA]mwh is now known as [SDA]HRH_Queen
[21:08] <Kay_B> I ran :45 on e4m7 today...:43 will be hell =/
[21:08] *** [SDA]lodis is now known as [SDA]Hooters
[21:08] <orbs> bounce!
[21:08] <connor> oh NICE! 43 will be great - you'll get it :)
[21:08] <orbs> htf is that?
[21:08] <orbs> wtf
[21:09] <fab_maschine> marlo war das jetz die richtige numma?
[21:09] *** [SDA]Evan is now known as [SDA]Billy_Crys
[21:09] *** ASH^food has joined #qdq
[21:09] *** L sets mode: +v ASH^food
[21:09] *** ASH^food has quit IRC (Registered)
[21:09] *** ASH^food has joined #qdq
[21:09] *** blueyonder2.uk.quakenet.org sets mode: +v ASH^food
[21:09] <orbs> already
[21:09] *** ASH^food is now known as ASH^
[21:09] * orbs clap clap
[21:10] <nreF> joe joe joe *fistbang*
[21:10] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Joszef
[21:10] *** R1ck4rd has joined #qdq
[21:11] * ASH^ slaps P-B around a bit with a large trout
[21:11] *** Joszef is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:11] <P-B> schletne
[21:11] <nreF> lol
[21:11] <nreF> what a touching acceptance speech :P
[21:12] <Kay_B> We don't want your love Jozsef, we want runs damnit =P
[21:12] <orbs> :)
[21:12] <orbs> first real laugh
[21:12] <connor> hahaha
[21:12] <JMad> :))
[21:13] <orbs> is it true
[21:13] <orbs> ?
[21:13] <Megazoid> Thomas Stubgaard
[21:13] <Megazoid> predictor speaks
[21:13] <orbs> does he saythat in commando?
[21:13] <connor> yeeep
[21:13] <orbs> :)
[21:13] <nreF> I voted for joe in this one too
[21:13] <Mandelmassa> odds are against timo
[21:13] <orbs> i don't realy remember
[21:13] <ASH^> skynet has become self aware
[21:13] *** [SDA]Arnie is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[21:13] <Kay_B> GG Stubby!
[21:13] <connor> go STUBBY
[21:13] <Carl|> tomastubgard
[21:14] * Kay_B voted for e2m6 =D
[21:14] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> i so wanted e2m6 to win this one
[21:14] <connor> me too, Kay heh
[21:14] <JMad> gratz Stubb
[21:14] <Mandelmassa> yay stubby you had it coming!
[21:15] <Carl|> oh, a pre-written speech. 1337!
[21:15] *** Markey has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:15] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Arnie
[21:15] <connor> "it all started one magical summer evening......"
[21:15] *** Markey^ has joined #qdq
[21:15] <Terminatrix> [Markey^] Your Ass Is Grass And I'm The Lawn Mower
[21:15] <P-B> "och cne liten bajsfläck så lämnade hon
[21:15] <ASH^> typist
[21:15] *** Terminatrix sets mode: +v Markey^
[21:15] <Carl|> haha
[21:16] <Carl|> hur var den klassikern nu igfen?
[21:16] <Carl|> jävlar ja.. snuten :)
[21:16] *** [SDA]Radix changes topic to 'Nolans 2003 in progress -- join #nolans
[21:16] <orbs> zeg stop dat zweeds eens in je hol!
[21:16] <P-B> jepp =)
[21:16] <P-B> AIRHEADS =)
[21:16] <Mandelmassa> inte ens jag fattar... =)
[21:16] <Carl|> hahaha
[21:16] <Carl|> man måste älska den snuten alltså.
[21:16] <P-B> den måste vi fan snart se igen
[21:16] <P-B> nästan lika mycket som negern i ghettoblaster =)
[21:17] <Carl|> vem av dem? :)
[21:17] <ASH^> hehe
[21:17] <P-B> han som hatar wesley snipes
[21:17] <Carl|> plz ash stfu
[21:17] <P-B> haha
[21:17] <P-B> n00b
[21:17] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Plachetta
[21:17] * ASH^ is jerking of to jennifer love hewitt on ztv
[21:17] <Carl|> sssh, speech coming up.
[21:18] <Megazoid> hehe
[21:18] <JMad> haha
[21:18] <Megazoid> arf
[21:18] <P-B> såg du scenen förut när hon pushade upp brösten?
med blåa kläder?
[21:18] <orbs> glad i never did hip's
[21:18] <orbs> oh wait shh!
[21:18] *** Plachetta is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:18] <orbs> i think i once did a coop won it
[21:18] <ASH^> yea
[21:18] <orbs> damn heel burn me to
[21:18] <P-B> fräsch
[21:18] <Mandelmassa> are we sure that dane wrote that himself?
[21:18] *** Marvin| has joined #qdq
[21:18] <Terminatrix> [Marvin|] ich bin geil!
[21:18] <ASH^> who the fuck is Dane Plachetta?
[21:18] <orbs> yeah he's an aussie
[21:19] *** Terminatrix sets mode: +v Marvin|
[21:19] <orbs> they talk like that
[21:19] <[SDA]Hooters> I think it's fait to say he didnt :)
[21:19] <connor> oh there's no doubt about that haha ;)
[21:19] <[SDA]Hooters> fair
[21:19] <nreF> the funny thing is
[21:19] <Marvin|> damn, lots of ppl here :)
[21:19] <nreF> half of those are old records now
[21:19] <Mandelmassa> hey marvin!
[21:19] <Marvin|> hello Mandelmassa
[21:19] <Kay_B> YEAH!!!!! GO DENIS!
[21:19] *** Carl| has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[21:20] <sidd> horraaaay!!
[21:20] <JMad> yeah Kay_B , go Denis
[21:20] <Terminatrix> *** Stubbz was kicked by JZA (Stubbz)
[21:20] <Kay_B> Denis Nazarovs txt-files ownz! =)
[21:20] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Nazarov
[21:20] *** Carl| has joined #qdq
[21:20] <Terminatrix> [Carl|] Kick out the jams, motherfuckers!
[21:20] <nreF> @quote 100
[21:20] <Terminatrix> *** nreF (Fern@AC83DD29.ipt.aol.com) has quit: Quit:
[21:20] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> Kay_B: you ever talk to him on irc?
[21:20] *** Terminatrix sets mode: +v Carl|
[21:20] <nreF> lmao
[21:20] <Mandelmassa> none of the good runners seem to have made it here
tonight... =)
[21:20] <Kay_B> no mwh =)
[21:20] <Kay_B> but he owns
[21:20] <Valeriy> fuck, where are our winners ?
[21:20] <connor> hahaha 1 more on sec faster
[21:20] <ASH^> im good
[21:20] <P-B> vad kostar det att åka taxu i USA?
[21:20] <[SDA]HRH_Queen> it's even more fun than his .txts :-)
[21:20] <orbs> bs
[21:21] *** Nazarov is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:21] <orbs> i see goood runners here
[21:21] <ASH^> typ 50 öre milen
[21:21] <Marvin|> did I miss much?
[21:21] <Carl|> ssssch, quiet in front! (nolans-classic)
[21:21] <P-B> vill fan ha det som arbete, att åka taxi, man tjänar
fan pengar på det
[21:22] *** [SDA]HRH_Queen is now known as [SDA]mwh
[21:22] <ASH^> ja.. man får betalt för att åka taxi :)
[21:23] <nreF> @quote 101
[21:23] <Terminatrix> <sidd> new sidd on the block? :)
[21:23] <orbs> peter owned mey map:)
[21:23] <orbs> backwards
[21:23] <Kay_B> Peter winning that category was a dead giveaway
[21:23] <orbs> i knew it was possible and put the ogre in a bad position
to make it harder
[21:23] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Hermesz
[21:24] *** Hanzzz has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:24] <orbs> heh
[21:24] <JMad> :)))
[21:24] *** Hermesz is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:24] <Carl|> I went to the crossroads, and sold my soul to Peter.
[21:24] <Mandelmassa> word
[21:24] <[SDA]mwh> @addquote <Carl|> I went to the crossroads, and
sold my soul to Peter.
[21:24] <orbs> lot s of his demos are .666
[21:25] <Carl|> like I said, I sold my soul, but my penis is still small
[21:25] <[SDA]mwh> that's in the quote list already, i'm afraid
[21:25] <orbs> without a soul you don't need it
[21:26] <Kay_B> I'm getting alot of penis-enlargement-mails these days,
Carl. I'd be happy to forward any of them.
[21:26] <Carl|> no thanks.
[21:26] <orbs> yeah they have those spysats nowaday
[21:26] <orbs> they spam you if they detect small penis
[21:26] <Carl|> haha
[21:26] <Marvin|> haha
[21:26] <ASH^> hahaha
[21:26] <ocelot> hahahaha
[21:26] <connor> haw haw
[21:26] <orbs> :)
[21:26] <ocelot> :D
[21:27] <Mandelmassa> ehehe
[21:27] *** [SDA]Arnie is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[21:27] <orbs> ok that was arnolds topjoke
[21:27] <orbs> he thought a whole year about it
[21:27] <connor> yep... :D
[21:27] <JMad> ha ha ha
[21:27] <ASH^> mmmm... breasts
[21:27] <orbs> and hardly couldnt tell it cause he thought it to be soooooo
[21:28] <orbs> :)
[21:28] <orbs> tada!
[21:28] <Kay_B> yay! Go Connor!!
[21:28] <JMad> gratz connor
[21:28] *** Nile|Unplugged has quit IRC (Quit: it's better to be a well-known
drunk than an anonymous alcoholic)
[21:29] *** Friction_ has quit IRC (Signed off)
[21:29] <Megazoid> congratd
[21:29] <Megazoid> congrats
[21:29] <connor> cheers heh
[21:29] <Mandelmassa> connor will win again!
[21:30] <Megazoid> they are doing Easy again uh ho
[21:30] <nreF> lol
[21:30] <connor> haha
[21:30] <Carl|> bloody amateurs :)
[21:30] <JMad> live :)
[21:31] <Mandelmassa> <zoidberg> a pogo stick! hurrah!
[21:32] <Kay_B> I lagged out?
[21:32] <ASH^> no
[21:32] <JMad> wtf ?
[21:32] <P-B> fuck this shit
[21:32] *** P-B has quit IRC (Signed off)
[21:32] <ASH^> i thought so too :)
[21:33] <Kay_B> oh, here we go again
[21:33] <JMad> mhh
[21:33] <connor> yeah that was odd
[21:33] <JMad> yeah
[21:33] <[SDA]mwh> that was fairly embarrassing
[21:33] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Hermesz
[21:34] <nreF> lol
[21:34] <JMad> for Peter
[21:34] <nreF> it's silly that you just c/p all this crap anyway :P
[21:34] *** Hermesz is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:34] <connor> i think it's hilarious
[21:34] <connor> !
[21:35] <Valeriy> hehe
[21:35] <JMad> it's funny
[21:35] <[SDA]Hooters> well you're winning categories, of course you're
having fun :)
[21:35] <[SDA]mwh> c'mon it *has* to be scripted
[21:35] *** optic|zzz is now known as optix
[21:35] <Marvin|> CARL!!!
[21:35] <Megazoid> Ink runn14in15g ou16t...
[21:35] <[SDA]Hooters> I wonder why we didn't script me a win
[21:35] <ASH^> hansson is sleeping
[21:35] <[SDA]mwh> would take fucking forever if we were making this up
on the spot
[21:36] <optix> join #nolans
[21:36] <^R0bert_> woohooo
[21:36] <ASH^> YAY!
[21:36] <Carl|> get outta here
[21:36] <ASH^> speak!
[21:36] <Kay_B> gg carl!
[21:36] <connor> congrats!
[21:36] <JMad> speech Carl
[21:36] <Megazoid> congrats Cael
[21:36] <Megazoid> Carl
[21:36] <orbs> oops
[21:37] <orbs> oh good
[21:37] <orbs> i accidently typed a bad joke on stage
[21:37] <orbs> glad nobody heared that
[21:37] <Megazoid> heh
[21:37] <^R0bert_> what a speech, man
[21:37] <^R0bert_> :P
[21:37] <Carl|> fU
[21:37] <Mandelmassa> now write it here, orbs =)
[21:37] <JMad> :)))
[21:37] <Carl|> :)
[21:38] *** [SDA]mwh is now known as [SDA]Arwen
[21:38] *** [SDA]Hooters is now known as [SDA]Aragorn
[21:38] * ASH^ is jerking of to arwen
[21:38] <[SDA]Arwen> ugh
[21:38] <orbs> k here it comes
[21:38] <JMad> lol
[21:38] * nreF slaps [SDA]Stubgaard around a bit with a large trout
[21:38] <orbs> are there other custom maps then dmx's ,wow didn't know
[21:38] *** [SDA]Billy_Crys is now known as [SDA]Gimli
[21:38] <Mandelmassa> yeah ok.
[21:39] <orbs> ...
[21:39] <Mandelmassa> =)
[21:39] <schwoon> it ain't a trilogy...
[21:39] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Legolas
[21:39] *** Hanzzz has joined #qdq
[21:39] <[SDA]Radix> yeah,k they're making 'the hobbit' now ;_p
[21:40] <[SDA]Arwen> schwoon: yeah, yeah
[21:40] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Nazarov
[21:41] <Kay_B> great demo...
[21:41] *** Nazarov is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[21:41] <ASH^> yoda?
[21:41] <JMad> yeah
[21:41] <Valeriy> sort of )
[21:42] <connor> Denn tends to write a bit like yoda...... :)
[21:42] <ASH^> maybe he was trying to be gollum :)
[21:42] <orbs> i think it's a great demo
[21:42] <orbs> but
[21:42] <orbs> i thdoubt if it is the best route
[21:42] <Kay_B> the first jump on ch3 is very hard to pull off
[21:42] <Carl|> MARVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:42] <connor> go martin!
[21:42] <orbs> [
[21:42] <[SDA]Arwen> Marvin|! Marvin|! Marvin|!
[21:42] <connor> loved that demo :)
[21:42] <orbs> yes
[21:42] <Graffz> grattis martis =)
[21:43] <JMad> go go go Marvin
[21:43] <Mandelmassa> hurra!
[21:43] <Carl|> tell them about your small penis!
[21:43] <[SDA]Legolas> heheh!
[21:43] <Marvin|> thanks :)
[21:43] <Graffz> =>
[21:44] <Megazoid> keep talking!!
[21:44] <Megazoid> :)
[21:44] <Megazoid> too late
[21:44] <[SDA]Arwen> ripah!
[21:45] <Carl|> marvin again!
[21:45] <Graffz> yeah :P
[21:45] <Megazoid> FiX!!!
[21:45] <[SDA]Arwen> of course, i knew that...
[21:45] * Mandelmassa tar fram ett nytt päron
[21:45] <Kay_B> gg marvin =)
[21:45] <Megazoid> congrats
[21:45] <JMad> gratz
[21:45] <connor> tough category!
[21:45] * ^R0bert_ äter hamburgare
[21:45] <connor> Ripahs run was awesome too
[21:45] <connor> but congrats martin :)
[21:46] <Marvin|> thanks :)
[21:46] <Hanzzz> 'hor'. what map is that? i'm not sure if I've even seen
that demo
[21:46] <[SDA]Legolas> yeah, congratz martin
[21:46] <^R0bert_> Arwin + Marwin = wooohooo
[21:46] <orbs> i think ripah was better just wachteed both
[21:46] *** [SDA]Arwen is now known as [SDA]Gandalf
[21:47] <Marvin|> Hanzzz: horror
[21:47] <Carl|> horror, as in slope of horror?
[21:47] <Hanzzz> gotta check that out
[21:47] <Mandelmassa> anyway, hor is a bad name.
[21:47] <Marvin|> carl, yes
[21:47] <Marvin|> orbs: I agree .)
[21:47] <Carl|> hehe, that author of that map is so damn handsome!
[21:47] <orbs> sory:)
[21:47] <Marvin|> hehe
[21:47] <orbs> bnice demo nonetheless
[21:48] *** [SDA]Legolas is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[21:48] *** Carl| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
[21:48] *** optix is now known as optix|work
[21:48] <Kay_B> Stubby again! Sweet =)
[21:48] *** fab_maschine is now known as ||ivan||
[21:48] <[SDA]Gandalf> i voted for denn again...
[21:49] <Kay_B> I also voted Denn (again because of the txt file) =)
[21:49] <Hanzzz> 0:15 nightmare 100% is too short :)
[21:49] <^R0bert_> yaaaaaaaayyyyy¨
[21:49] <Marvin|> I don't think anyone voted for stubby. hmm.. I think he
might be cheating!
[21:49] <connor> hehe
[21:50] *** Carl| has joined #qdq
[21:50] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Legolas
[21:50] <[SDA]Gandalf> i think people might have thought "it's an NH,
stubby's demo must be best" :-)
[21:50] *** Terminatrix sets mode: +v Carl|
[21:50] *** [SDA]Aragorn is now known as [SDA]Gollum
[21:51] <^R0bert_> COMEON !
[21:51] <^R0bert_> :)
[21:51] <Carl|> go marvin!
[21:51] <Marvin|> :)
[21:51] <Kay_B> Heia Martin =)
[21:51] <Carl|> damn! a tie!
[21:51] <[SDA]Gandalf> TIE!
[21:51] <Kay_B> nice!
[21:51] <Mandelmassa> good one!
[21:51] <Valeriy> fight, gentlemen !
[21:51] <Valeriy> :)
[21:51] *** [SDA]Legolas is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[21:52] <[SDA]Gandalf> i think i might have voted for eall, but i'm glad
that didn't win as it just got 0wned
[21:53] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Fat_Hobbit
[21:55] <orbs> ?
[21:57] <R1ck4rd> aha
[21:57] <Kay_B> whoa...grats rob & rick!
[21:57] <JMad> go guys
[21:57] <Megazoid> nicely saod
[21:57] <JMad> lan too
[21:57] <Megazoid> said
[21:57] <ASH^> 2 nominies and no win :(
[21:57] <ASH^> nolans sucks
[21:58] <Carl|> haha
[21:58] <ASH^> hansson had 4 :)
[21:58] <Megazoid> they havent done Fool of the Year yet
[21:58] <Megazoid> ;)
[21:58] <orbs> i hate it
[21:59] <Marvin|> hehe
[21:59] <orbs> together with bush
[21:59] <orbs> bah
[21:59] <||ivan||> why the fuck do they talk so much shit?
[21:59] <Kay_B> heheh
[21:59] <orbs> tried to spit on him back stage
[21:59] <||ivan||> i wanna know flop of the year goin to jesse
[21:59] <orbs> but his bodygaurd stepped in between
[21:59] <^R0bert_> I cant beleive it MY FIRST NOLAN !!!
[21:59] <^R0bert_> ever :)
[21:59] <Carl|> same here
[21:59] <Megazoid> congrats dude :))
[22:00] <orbs> want to celebrate with mad coop after nolans?
[22:00] <^R0bert_> Feels good
[22:00] <Carl|> as marvin said, the year you´re least active, you
win a nolan :)
[22:00] <^R0bert_> yep
[22:00] <Mandelmassa> shysta bananer, robban!
[22:00] *** [SDA]Gollum is now known as [SDA]Muffin
[22:00] *** [SDA]Gimli has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:00] *** [SDA]Gimli has joined #qdq
[22:00] *** [SDA]Fat_Hobbit is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[22:01] *** Valeriy has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:01] <Mandelmassa> wow! fileplanet has a blue background now!
[22:01] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as [SDA]Legolas
[22:02] <Mandelmassa> touching speech, again.
[22:02] <Megazoid> i noticed that
[22:02] <orbs> yes been dling most winners so far
[22:02] <orbs> i was shocked:)
[22:03] *** Carl| has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[22:03] <Megazoid> kind of link it
[22:03] <Megazoid> like it
[22:03] <Megazoid> the color - not fileplanet
[22:03] <Mandelmassa> refreshing, anyway.
[22:03] *** Carl| has joined #qdq
[22:03] <Terminatrix> [Carl|] Kick out the jams, motherfuckers!
[22:03] *** Terminatrix sets mode: +v Carl|
[22:04] <orbs> i voted peter
[22:04] <[SDA]Gandalf> now i was a bit disappointed here
[22:04] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as jizzfloatsonsea
[22:04] <[SDA]Gandalf> sure it's a cool trick
[22:04] <Kay_B> me too orbs
[22:04] <[SDA]Gandalf> but it's an *old* cool trick
[22:04] <orbs> especialy cuz its swirled so nice
[22:04] <orbs> to backwards
[22:04] <Kay_B> It's a cool trick, but doesn't credit go to Ilkka or whoever
invented it?
[22:04] <orbs> true
[22:04] <nreF> yeah but it's cool because
[22:05] <connor> yeah i voted for peters
[22:05] <nreF> we had only seen one person do it
[22:05] <orbs> it's illka's init?
[22:05] <nreF> and e1m5 won last year didn't it?
[22:05] *** jizzfloatsonsea is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[22:05] <nreF> and none of the others were really spectacular
[22:05] <orbs> and i recal that he mention someone for the tip in his txt
[22:05] <nreF> so the award goes to joe for being the only person cool enough
to copy ilkka
[22:05] <Mandelmassa> did you watch the others?
[22:05] <nreF> yeah it was him orbs :]
[22:05] <orbs> i think illka metion someone for the idea
[22:06] *** [SDA]Legolas is now known as [SDA]Stubgaard
[22:06] <orbs> i go chack
[22:06] <[SDA]Gandalf> i voted for carn_151
[22:06] <[SDA]Muffin> me too actually
[22:06] <[SDA]Gandalf> multiple quadded shaft shambler kills at the end
[22:06] <nreF> oh yeah he did
[22:06] <nreF> forget who though
[22:06] <[SDA]Gandalf> what more could you want?
[22:06] <JMad> e1m5_119 is most violet i think ?
[22:06] <[SDA]Muffin> carn NH was always a bitch
[22:07] <||ivan||> finally !
[22:07] *** [SDA]Gimli is now known as [SDA]windlash
[22:07] *** [SDA]Muffin is now known as [SDA]lodis
[22:07] <JMad> but it isn't nominated
[22:07] *** [SDA]Gandalf is now known as [SDA]mwh
[22:07] <orbs> Enjoy the Double-Fiend-Boost :)
[22:07] <orbs> Thanks to BlacK_OuT for the route-idea.
[22:07] <orbs> see i wasa right
[22:07] <[SDA]Stubgaard> i voted for carn
[22:07] <orbs> anyone know who black out is?
[22:07] <[SDA]windlash> carn was great :) fleckage to a 99% purity level
[22:07] <Carl|> carnage. a major classic.
[22:08] <[SDA]lodis> definately
[22:08] <Megazoid> what sis he just say?
[22:08] <Megazoid> (ignore that)
[22:08] <Kay_B> go Connor =)
[22:08] <Carl|> black out is a major classic as well.
[22:08] <JMad> gratz connor
[22:08] <orbs> know real name?
[22:09] <Carl|> nope
[22:09] <[SDA]mwh> i didn't think when connor did this map he'd be doing
id ers months later :-)
[22:09] <[SDA]lodis> neither did I :)
[22:09] <Marvin|> tRR!
[22:10] <[SDA]lodis> don't think he did iether
[22:10] <JMad> trr
[22:10] <Marvin|> yey :)
[22:10] <connor> heh
[22:10] <[SDA]lodis> dotg was cooler imo
[22:10] <Kay_B> Yeah...tRR!! Easy runs ownz =)
[22:10] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as The_Bunny
[22:10] <[SDA]mwh> i voted for dotg (i think)
[22:10] <Megazoid> Rabbit Run Movie! yehhh
[22:10] <Marvin|> cooler demos in trr, but dotg was a better refilm
[22:10] <[SDA]Stubgaard> i voted dotg too
[22:10] <[SDA]lodis> :)
[22:10] <connor> martin: exactly
[22:11] * [SDA]mwh agrees with Marvin| & connor
[22:11] <Marvin|> and we had worked on trr for sooooo long
[22:11] <[SDA]Stubgaard> and dotg had a story which trr didn't...
[22:11] <Kay_B> I only like to see demos through the player pov, but dotg
was hella fun
[22:11] <Marvin|> trr had qdq-history
[22:11] *** The_Bunny is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[22:11] <[SDA]mwh> but dotg had morfy-sweat :-)
[22:11] <[SDA]mwh> i've tried recamming
[22:12] <[SDA]mwh> i know how hard it is
[22:12] <Mandelmassa> they were both superb!
[22:12] <[SDA]mwh> this was tough
[22:12] <Graffz> yeay, gratz connor =)
[22:12] <Marvin|> trr had atleast as much sweat by all players combined
[22:12] <Kay_B> gratz connor!
[22:12] <ASH^> fitt-gerald
[22:12] <[SDA]mwh> by the end of 2003, i think ripah & connor were level
[22:12] <[SDA]lodis> yeah I didn't know if I was to vote for connor or kay
[22:12] <[SDA]lodis> I think I voted kay
[22:12] <[SDA]Stubgaard> ASH^: LOL
[22:12] <[SDA]mwh> but connor has impressed more early 2004
[22:12] <[SDA]lodis> exactly
[22:12] *** MojoJojo has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:13] <Carl|> haha lol @ ash
[22:13] <Kay_B> I only submitted demos for 2 months in 2003 =)
[22:13] <Carl|> peter hårvatten
[22:13] <ASH^> :)
[22:13] <[SDA]mwh> Dane-P kicked ass too
[22:13] <Carl|> my favourite: markus tight-balle
[22:13] <Marvin|> Markus thightballe
[22:13] <Marvin|> haha
[22:13] <Carl|> haha
[22:13] <Marvin|> thai-balle
[22:13] <Carl|> hahaha
[22:13] <[SDA]mwh> now which silly bugger voted for me?
[22:13] <Carl|> marcus tigh-cock
[22:13] <Mandelmassa> http://www.me.tut.fi/opintoneuvoja.html
[22:13] <Mandelmassa> ?
[22:14] <Carl|> martin schletenmus. major classic.
[22:14] <Marvin|> bah!
[22:14] <Megazoid> conner again hehe
[22:14] <Carl|> connor sweeps the hall!
[22:14] <[SDA]lodis> I voted ivan there
[22:14] <JMad> go connor
[22:14] <[SDA]mwh> is connor most-nolaned so far?
[22:14] <JMad> 10z lodis :)
[22:14] <[SDA]mwh> i voted for JMad too
[22:14] <Kay_B> gg connor =D
[22:14] <Marlorize> flizgard ownz e4m3
[22:15] <[SDA]lodis> great improvement there from you ivan :)
[22:15] <[SDA]lodis> the last contest demos were excellt
[22:15] <[SDA]lodis> excellent
[22:15] <Marvin|> e4m3 was like "OMG!!"
[22:15] <Marvin|> and I thought Markus 1:20 was great...
[22:15] <orbs> stubbz!
[22:16] <Marvin|> stubby
[22:16] <sidd> Mandelmassa: that's from my uni!
[22:16] <Kay_B> go BERG!
[22:16] <Carl|> tubby tubgaard!
[22:16] <connor> GO STUUBBY
[22:16] <[SDA]mwh> this wasn't even close
[22:16] <orbs> i lub gaard
[22:16] <Kay_B> congratz stubby =)
[22:16] <connor> it was a shoe-in hehe
[22:16] <Mandelmassa> cool, sidd. is it the same markus?
[22:16] <timoo> mandelmassa: markus doesn't live in that city i think..
[22:16] <[SDA]mwh> yeah, well done for real stubbz
[22:16] <Hanzzz> well done man
[22:17] <Mandelmassa> ah ok, the search goes ever on =)
[22:17] <[SDA]mwh> noooooooooooO!
[22:17] <Mandelmassa> why trip down when you can keep it up?
[22:18] <Carl|> cuz stubbs gonan bea rock star!
[22:18] <orbs> vikings and wins=a lot of beers
[22:18] <Kay_B> and women
[22:18] <[SDA]Stubgaard> because i need a break away from speedrunning,
and my computer is CRAAAAP!
[22:18] <orbs> and a lot of raping
[22:18] <orbs> hehe
[22:18] *** [SDA]mwh is now known as BinLaden`
[22:18] <[SDA]Stubgaard> i'll get running again properly when i get a new
comp, i promise
[22:18] <[SDA]lodis> (which will be 2010)
[22:19] <Kay_B> Damn...I'm not sending any gfx card if you stop running
[22:19] <R1ck4rd> bush
[22:19] <[SDA]Stubgaard> send it to me and i'll keep running! :)
[22:19] <Megazoid> hehe
[22:19] *** [SDA]windlash is now known as [SDA]The_Pres
[22:19] <Graffz> yey :PP
[22:19] <Megazoid> correct
[22:19] <Kay_B> hahah! Orbs got owned !! =)
[22:19] <Hanzzz> stubby you should put a paypal donation to sda, "get
new comp for the viking"
[22:19] * orbs refuses to hand iin last years trophy
[22:19] *** schwoon is now known as Dubya
[22:20] <orbs> */me secures trophy
[22:20] <orbs> oops:)
[22:20] <Dubya> Thank you, I feel deeply honorified!
[22:20] *** BinLaden` is now known as [SDA]mwh
[22:20] <[SDA]Stubgaard> Hanzzz: hahah, i should...
[22:20] <Mandelmassa> which ones lost this award to bush now? =)
[22:20] *** [SDA]The_Pres is now known as [SDA]windlash
[22:20] <orbs> nono
[22:20] *** Dubya is now known as schwoon
[22:20] <orbs> its safe
[22:20] <orbs> the fuvcker wont get me
[22:20] <orbs> i'll hide in a hole in the ground
[22:20] <orbs> and grow a beard
[22:21] *** _df_ is now known as _df
[22:21] <Marvin|> illkq
[22:21] <Kay_B> Illka
[22:21] <orbs> gogogogo
[22:21] <orbs> wooohooo
[22:21] <Graffz> plxplxplx
[22:21] <orbs> my hero:)
[22:21] <^R0bert_> illkka
[22:21] <Graffz> =)
[22:21] <orbs> go boy!
[22:21] <JMad> yeah i vote for Ilkka
[22:22] <sidd> whee, go ilkka!
[22:22] <timoo> nice :)
[22:22] <ASH^> orrrgie
[22:22] <schwoon> yay
[22:23] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Mineral
[22:23] <Marlorize> yea ilkka
[22:23] *** Mineral is now known as [SDA]Morfans
[22:24] <nreF> w00t
[22:24] <nreF> mineral = 0wnz
[22:24] * orbs clap clap
[22:25] <connor> clap clap cheer etc.
[22:25] <connor> :D
[22:25] <Megazoid> he still around this Ilkka chap?
[22:25] <orbs> he speaks my words;)
[22:25] <^R0bert_> So now for the Deathmatching? :D
[22:25] <Marvin|> sidd: why isn't ilkka here?!
[22:25] <[SDA]mwh> Megazoid: occasionally
[22:26] *** connor has left #qdq
[22:26] <Megazoid> oh right
[22:26] <sidd> dunno, I thought he would show up
[22:26] <Marvin|> ok :/
[22:26] <orbs> lets play quake!
[22:26] *** connor has joined #qdq
[22:26] <Terminatrix> [connor] What kind of pathetic drunk do you take me
[22:26] <[SDA]Stubgaard> thanks for showing up guys!
[22:26] *** Terminatrix sets mode: +v connor
[22:26] <Kay_B> GG winners...I gotta grab some chow
[22:26] *** [SDA]lodis is now known as lowFU
[22:27] <connor> 3 cheers for the crew :)
[22:27] *** Kay_B is now known as Kay|f00d
[22:27] <Carl|> a big thanks to the hosts for doing this again!
[22:27] *** [SDA]mwh is now known as mwh
[22:27] <[oMiD]Tarzan> well done guys
[22:27] <mwh> cool, hope everyone had fun
[22:27] <Marvin|> yeah, thank you for doing this
[22:27] <[SDA]Morfans> A pleasure
[22:27] <Marvin|> we sure did
[22:27] <lowFU> good fun
[22:27] <mwh> would coop, but am needed in the pub :-)
[22:27] <JMad> good script Mofrans
[22:27] <Mandelmassa> big thanks to the hosts for doing everything they
[22:27] <Megazoid> nice show - cheers SDA :)
[22:27] <[SDA]Stubgaard> thanks guys
[22:27] <[SDA]Morfans> Now to read the last 90 mins #qdq
[22:27] <[SDA]Stubgaard> keep on rocking
[22:27] *** [SDA]Radix is now known as Radix
[22:28] <mwh> and of course, this wouldn't have happened without demos from
you all
[22:28] <orbs> nooo
[22:28] *** mwh changes topic to 'MORE DEMOS IN 2004!'
[22:28] <Megazoid> I bet I post the winners first ;)
[22:28] <orbs> lets go play some good old fashion quake
[22:28] <[SDA]Morfans> GO ZOID
[22:28] <[SDA]windlash> thank you all for keeping speed running alive, very
alive =)
[22:28] <orbs> champaign time style
[22:28] *** mwh is now known as mwh|pub
[22:28] *** ASH^ has quit IRC (Signed off)
[22:29] <^R0bert_> I still cant get it that i have gotten a Nolan :o)
[22:29] <^R0bert_> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[22:29] <[SDA]Morfans> Ohhh, I'm all weak now
[22:29] <^R0bert_> good work Rickard
[22:29] <orbs> :)
[22:29] <R1ck4rd> ^^
[22:29] <[SDA]Morfans> yay. About time RObert won onw
[22:29] <[SDA]Morfans> one
[22:29] <^R0bert_> did u like the parody?
[22:29] <^R0bert_> me and rickard invented :)
[22:30] <R1ck4rd> lol
[22:30] <[SDA]Morfans> Parody?
[22:30] <[SDA]Morfans> Where? :-)
[22:30] <^R0bert_> you know
[22:30] <^R0bert_> COOP RULES!
[22:30] <[SDA]Morfans> :-P
[22:30] <R1ck4rd> coop rules
[22:30] <[SDA]Stubgaard> http://www.planetquake.com/sda/nolans2k3/nolans2003_winners.html
[22:30] <[SDA]Stubgaard> http://www.planetquake.com/sda/nolans2k3/nolans2003_winners.html
[22:30] <[SDA]Stubgaard> http://www.planetquake.com/sda/nolans2k3/nolans2003_winners.html
[22:30] <[SDA]Stubgaard> http://www.planetquake.com/sda/nolans2k3/nolans2003_winners.html
[22:30] <orbs> i don't want to sound pushy but lets play some quake...??!1
[22:30] <[SDA]Stubgaard> all the irc logs will be up later
[22:30] <[SDA]Morfans> Someone coop with Basil
[22:30] <[SDA]Morfans> HEY
[22:30] <[SDA]Morfans> I just realised
[22:31] *** [SDA]Stubgaard sets mode: +o [SDA]windlash
[22:31] <[SDA]Morfans> I didn't timeout once!
[22:31] <orbs> hehe
[22:31] <Radix> yes morfy
[22:31] <Radix> so i won the bet
[22:31] <^R0bert_> noce going
[22:31] <[SDA]windlash> sweeet! damn modem user
[22:31] <Radix> because i picked 5 ... and that was closest to 0 :-p
[22:31] <[SDA]Morfans> ROFL
[22:31] <[SDA]Morfans> If I'd have known I would have hogged all the good
[22:31] <[SDA]Morfans> If there were any, that is
[22:31] <orbs> R&R your from sweden right?
[22:32] <R1ck4rd> yup
[22:32] *** [SDA]Stubgaard changes topic to 'NOLANS 2003 WINNERS! http://www.planetquake.com/sda/nolans2k3/nolans2003_winners.html'
[22:32] *** [SDA]Stubgaard is now known as Stubgaard
[22:32] <orbs> could have decent pings then
[22:32] <^R0bert_> im only cable
[22:32] <^R0bert_> i cant host
[22:32] *** [SDA]windlash is now known as windlash
[22:32] <R1ck4rd> 100mbit here
[22:32] <Radix> hey morfy/evan
[22:32] <R1ck4rd> ^^
[22:32] <Radix> we need to do that hip3m4 NH sometime ;-p
[22:33] <orbs> can't host eiter
[22:33] *** Stubgaard is now known as Stubgaard|afk
[22:33] <orbs> have weird problem
[22:33] <[SDA]Morfans> Nolan: For sure
[22:33] <windlash> ohhh for sure pflug!
[22:33] <orbs> lag builds up after a while
[22:33] <[SDA]Morfans> Give me a couple of hours to sleep
[22:33] <windlash> whenever you find time from bricks :)
[22:33] <Radix> lol just a copule >
[22:33] <[SDA]Morfans> err, 4
[22:33] <connor> see you later guys - I gotta go :)
[22:33] <orbs> is ther e anyone that can host a decent server?
[22:33] <[SDA]Morfans> eek. Dane's here. When did you arrive?
[22:33] <orbs> bi
[22:33] <windlash> i need a smoke and a pancake. brb
[22:34] *** windlash is now known as windy|toke
[22:34] *** [SDA]Morfans is now known as Morfans
[22:34] *** connor has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:34] <Mandelmassa> Ok good night to you all!
[22:34] *** Mandelmassa has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:34] <^R0bert_> Carl| can u host?
[22:34] <Megazoid> cya connor
[22:34] <^R0bert_> u have good ping
[22:34] <Megazoid> oops
[22:34] <Morfans> hhe
[22:34] <Morfans> heh
[22:35] <JMad> good night guys and gratz to the winners
[22:35] <lowFU> Morfans: dane isn't actually here
[22:35] <lowFU> gnite ivan
[22:35] <Morfans> Oh
[22:35] <Carl|> robert: nepp, I can´t.
[22:35] <Morfans> Night Ivan
[22:35] <Morfans> I must be off too.
[22:35] * ^R0bert_ grows weary
[22:35] <orbs> brb i would raly like to play get something together guys!
[22:35] <^R0bert_> argh! i need my mad coop now! :)
[22:35] <Morfans> Thanks everyone for coming. It was fun
[22:35] <JMad> 40 hours without sleep , gotta go :) cu all
[22:35] <^R0bert_> night
[22:36] <[oMiD]Tarzan> Well, goodnight all, and cya. Thx for keeping speedrunning
alive, well done. And download my mexx5_302 :D
[22:36] <Morfans> Surely someone can host a server
[22:36] *** [oMiD]Tarzan has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:36] <^R0bert_> im with Morfans
[22:36] <lowFU> robert and morfans are sleeping together?
[22:36] <R1ck4rd> haha
[22:36] <lowFU> what is the world coming too
[22:36] <lowFU> -o
[22:36] <Morfans> maybe...
[22:36] <^R0bert_> topsecret...
[22:37] <^R0bert_> dont tell anyone
[22:37] <Stubgaard|afk> @ttop10
[22:37] <Terminatrix> Today's Top10(words): 1. mwh(1141) 2. Orbs(874) 3.
Fern(654) 4. Morfans(508) 5. sidd(468) 6. Tim(413) 7. Ripah(306) 8. Connor(291)
9. Stubgaard(261) 10. Mandel(220)
[22:37] <Radix> morfy, you're cheating on me ???
[22:37] <^R0bert_> I only slept wiht morfans so that i could get a NOLAN
[22:37] <Carl|> robert?
[22:37] *** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Mar 09 22:51:47 2004