Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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JozsefPosted - 5 October 2001 9:21 PST
Even Nolan could win a rotw... And I can't =/ I must be an unlucky bastard or something
Martin SelinusPosted - 5 October 2001 14:24 PST
nope. You are just very crappy Jozsef :)

/me is hoping Jozsef knows I'm not serious.

/ Martin

Max ReboPosted - 5 October 2001 14:29 PST
I'd like a contest like the one Peter came up with, the 100% of e1m2 with a quadgrenade beeing shot every 3 secs. Something of that sort, it was challenging and quite different from anything previously made in speed running.
timPosted - 5 October 2001 18:22 PST
someone wrote something about sv_friction -1
i tried it for a bit and it looked very amusing, how about a combination of things that no one could possibly be ready for like sv_friction -1, different gravity maybe, and scrags that fire grenades? hehe, just think of something new .. but a different friction one would be cool
i did the e1m1 jump across the slime pit easy with that
KenPosted - 5 October 2001 18:29 PST
I would have LOVED to see a Markus demo on that 100m contest.

High gravity sucks so badly... I like bunnies, I like bunnies a lot, so I like the contest with lots of them more.

And that contest where a guy cheated? A high gravity e2m4? Daniel Lindberg did a demo faster than any1 else (except the cheated one) but didnt submit.. Oh well.

We live, as we dream - alone.

HanzPosted - 6 October 2001 3:34 PST
Hehe, sv_friction -1 is pretty cool, I just got 0:20:3 in E1M1 (and I got stuck in walls a lot!).
JozsefPosted - 6 October 2001 8:07 PST
/Jozsef now prepares himslef to skin Martin alive, hehehe >=D
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