Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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timPosted - 3 October 2001 4:38 PST
i just found a file @ fileplanet claiming to patch the e2m4.bsp so you can kill the last 4 monsters

does anyone think it might be worth having a separate demo slot in the e2m4 tables with those last monsters?

MorfansPosted - 3 October 2001 14:33 PST
Tim, Do you have a URL?

Whether or not we include it on SDA I would like to give it a try.

timPosted - 3 October 2001 17:08 PST
after lots of dead links i found this worked
URL ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/idgames2/levels/fixes/e2m4_fix.zip
but that is only for NZ and AU .. but the file was only 8K so will take like 2 seconds to send on icq :)
timPosted - 3 October 2001 18:17 PST
i've just tried the patch out and it seems to work (after i downloaded QBSP), the 4 scrags now teleport 5 seconds after you open the silver door, Nolan informs me however oringinally they were supposed to teleport a few seconds after those first 4 scrags near the door.
and another idea, how about someone putting an exit in e2m10 and adding that to the tables ? :P
amrikPosted - 14 October 2001 10:58 PST
oh so we can thank john romero one more time?! :P

- Amrik