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MorfansPosted - 16 October 2001 16:07 PST
No. According to, errrr, Ken, no Amrik, no, better still Rolle, his real name is "Muffy Littlecock".

But I have to agree with the others. Spreading rumours and starting flame wars is silly. ;-)

RollePosted - 17 October 2001 2:19 PST
Heh, maybe "Shambler" is his real name.. :)

It gotta be on hell of a ugly name..
I mean, if he's so scared of telling us! :b

Or maybe MUFFY _IS_ his real name :)


orbsPosted - 17 October 2001 8:40 PST
You guys still don't know that shamblers first name is Cliff? and the 2nd Richards? And that he makes very stupid music irl?
StubbyPosted - 17 October 2001 9:49 PST
Heh, nice one Basil :-)

- The axe swinging master -

ShamblerPosted - 17 October 2001 15:30 PST
/me rapes Basil's nose...

Rolle, heh, sometimes I think of myself as "Shambler" IRL....I guess because it's a name I chose conciously or something =).

http://www.planetquake.com/teamshambler - it's Quake single player, bitches.

MorfansPosted - 18 October 2001 3:13 PST
I liked it when you were Mr Shambler.

It was kind of cute.

Sort of like having a pitbull called Fluffy.

RollePosted - 18 October 2001 8:07 PST
Ahh..I see..

Why don't you admit your real name Shamb?


messiahPosted - 18 October 2001 9:56 PST
you really think a mr is cute morf??? =) i like ms more =)

/ Jonny

RollePosted - 18 October 2001 14:22 PST
You ain't funny prettyballs..
you gotta realize that someday..
orbsPosted - 19 October 2001 5:30 PST
great idea for a modification for quake..ms quake.. fight that ms shambler...oh wait minute i mean brush ms shamblers hair listen to ms vore telling ow rude her boyfriend was to here..go out to the shopping mall with ms ogre..having to watch the tv while ms enforcer has the remote..not having sex with ms grunt cuz she's niot in the mood...but after all this the big reward is there....being sucked by ms rotweiler...auw! :P

KenPosted - 19 October 2001 13:01 PST
Ok, after seeing that word several times, I just have to ask.. what is it with the nick "prettyballs" ?? Sounds weird, it's funny though.

We live, as we dream - alone.

RollePosted - 20 October 2001 8:07 PST
It's cause jonny _got_ pretty balls! :)

jonny...i hope that u have realized that MP is no more..
from now on you are [vts]Prettyballs :)


Daniel. APosted - 26 October 2001 15:37 PST
MP = Fail, loser. etc

Im proud to be a MP :P

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