Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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orbsPosted - 30 October 2001 5:56 PST
I dont know if this is the case with the tfl that sda hosts cuz i have no inet at the moment at home but i saw this trigger the secret area in the first bigroom with the nailgun then return to room where you spawned enter the telporter....invalid teleport target! well at least i get that coul someone check this? maybe i've got an unfinished version of the map..else i think it should be fixed


orbsPosted - 30 October 2001 5:57 PST
sorry bout that double post
timPosted - 30 October 2001 11:54 PST
yeah that map is stupid, has anyone found all the secrets yet?? i can't be bothered looking for it :) send me a message someone so i can make another demo
orbsPosted - 5 November 2001 6:01 PST
btw i was wrong..the door just opens if you use explosives
orbsPosted - 5 November 2001 6:02 PST
that mssg sounded quite "Kennish" to me tim...watch it


timPosted - 5 November 2001 16:21 PST
maybe it did, but would ken have found that secret by himself and done the 100% demos?
considering they last over 2 minutes :) hehe
orbsPosted - 6 November 2001 2:38 PST
i only said the message did no actual running;)