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Author | Topic |
Nagasaki | Posted - 10 December 2001 5:07 PST Sorry Scut, this was supposed to be a sarcastic comment to what Ken said. I really like Q2, and don't mind if people dislike it; what I hate are some dull comments about what sucks and what not on every place people think it fits. Same about CS-Q3 bs. *** |
Ken | Posted - 10 December 2001 11:57 PST Ingmar, this is what this boards are for, to give opinions, comments, bitching, critisize, discussions.. But not fighting, of course. So if one of us thinks certain thing, or game, or map, or even person (ok not that) sucks, then he/she should feel free to say it! Geez.. I guess no matter what the fúck I do you'll always hate me, and no matter how good my posts are, you'll always find them annoying, and no matter if I try not to even TALK to you, you'll always respond in a rude way, or an offensive comment finished in "No offense" .. *sigh* Ok then, so be it.. We live, as we dream - alone. |
-SCUT-OpenGL | Posted - 10 December 2001 18:43 PST it's ok ingmar, and i m feeling awkward that i misunderstood you. but please dont be so severe on ken, maybe he didnt mean to say those meaningless things to make us dissatisfied and he just expected his comments to be appropriate. anyway, just tolerate him, ok? and if you think my demo of trickjumps deserves a mention and want to have it on ur homepage, just feel free to do it, there is no restriction from me except i hope it is kept an integerated file and not to be modified. btw: i have been learning english for almost 10 years but i still think it sucks, i consulted the dictionary a lot when writing this post(such things seldom happen) and i felt very uncomfortable. =\ Edited by - -SCUT-OpenGL on 12/10/2001 11:31:37 PM |
Nagasaki | Posted - 10 December 2001 23:20 PST Allright Scut, thank you. About "modifications" - I would have to rename the ZIP(s) in order to make them work with my script... Also the tricks on my page use to get posted seperately; now I haven't checked your file yet, wether it contains just the demos or more ZIP files, but I'd feel more comfortable if I could sort things out... but let's discuss that more properly by mail: Nagasaki@PlanetQuake.com
Nagasaki | Posted - 10 December 2001 23:24 PST Ken: there's a difference between constructive criticism & opinions which are worth posting because they represent something special or yet unspoken, and silly & plain bitching without any arguments when nobody was asking for it. Please don't reply to this post, and note that I DO NOT hate you (yet)! *** |
Optic | Posted - 11 December 2001 2:44 PST Yea... q2 just sucks :)) |
Ken | Posted - 11 December 2001 11:11 PST Good post Optic! Lol. Is this your first post here?? We live, as we dream - alone. |
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