Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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Fr3nPosted - 8 December 2001 22:00 PST
[Kona] releases alk15...
scampie speedruns alk15...
scampie improves speedrun...
hanz discovers new route...
hanz improves run on new route...

This got me thinking. The two Alk15 maps have nice opportunities for running, but they can't be QdQstats'd easily, being stored in a pakfile with new QC. How hard would it be to integrate QdQstats timing into the progs.dat of an expansion? is the source available for that sort of thing?


RadixPosted - 8 December 2001 22:23 PST
Depending on the complexity of the modified progs, I can do it in 2-10 hours. I've started it for a map that stubby wants to add, but its crunch time at my university right now so I haven't worked on it lately. If the source code isn't released, I could still do it but it can take > 20 hours. I got half way done with mexx9 once and just quit cuz I lost interest.