Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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Fr3nPosted - 20 December 2001 23:08 PST
I can't view demos on bnt.bsp. =( I just get the message "playing demo from bnt_xxx.dem." but the console remains. No screen flashing or messages like you'd get if the map simply weren't there. I think I've had this happen once before, when I tried to play a demo from one map on a different map with the same filename, but slightly altered brushmodels. However, that shouldn't be happening here since I got bnt.bsp from the link at the top of the demos page. Anyone know what might be causing all this mysterious b0rkage? I'm stumped.
StubbyPosted - 21 December 2001 0:08 PST
Try running demtool -n on the demo.

- The axe swinging master -

Fr3nPosted - 21 December 2001 6:19 PST
Thank you very much, Stubby. No clue why I didn't have demtool already :) Works like a charm.
KenPosted - 22 December 2001 8:00 PST
Some demos just have that problem.. it's pretty weird, yeah, but demtool -n just fix it.

Good thing that you can watch demos now, because I personally LOVE Daniel Lindberg's ER and NR, and Marlo's EH is one of my favourites. Hope you liked those as well.

We live, as we dream - alone.

minwaterPosted - 22 December 2001 11:04 PST
I have that with demo's under 5 seconds. such as in blue hell