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In use until September 2003
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timPosted - 22 December 2001 3:57 PST
Tis the season to get wasted, la-la-la-la-laaa la-la-la-la.

also time to say nice shit to each other and stuff despite our differences.

So whatever you do at this time of year have a good one

also besides the nice things that get said (hoping more ppl will add stuff here) there is always the presents :) who knows if there will be something from qdq .. but i'm glad i don't know, the excitement is good for me :)

Lastly a quote from Bart Simpson: "Christmas is all about the birth of Santa" (can't remember the exact quote but something like that)

and if u believe someone else was born around this time of year, good for you, but don't push that onto me :)

Daniel. APosted - 22 December 2001 4:09 PST
i just want to say GOD JUL! to everyone in the speedrunning community
StubbyPosted - 22 December 2001 8:31 PST
Yeah, 'god jul' to everyone on this board.

God Jul = Merry Christmas in danish/swedish/norwegian :-)

- The axe swinging master -

Edited by - Stubby on 12/22/2001 8:37:17 AM

HanzPosted - 23 December 2001 3:29 PST
Hyvää joulua! (finnish) :)
MorfansPosted - 23 December 2001 11:44 PST
May you spend christmas day running your fingers through the entrails of your enemies, and the new year bathing in their blood. (Traditional Skidmore Family saying).
JozsefPosted - 24 December 2001 9:05 PST
Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket! (hungarian =)
Fr3nPosted - 24 December 2001 9:53 PST
feliz navidad =)
amrikPosted - 24 December 2001 10:24 PST
..prospero año y felicidad :)

- Amrik

minwaterPosted - 30 December 2001 7:18 PST
Oh, vrolijk kerstfeest..

(too late?)

JozsefPosted - 31 December 2001 15:11 PST
I bet I will do more and better demos in 2002. And I will release SBBLite2 as well, that's for sure! At least I hope ;)
RollePosted - 9 January 2002 6:48 PST
'tai honua chi chi dai koyijaj!'

merry christmas in chinkish

VerorberaarPosted - 9 January 2002 8:56 PST
I always thought "god jul" to be ehmm lap(ian) ehhm from lapland or something am i wrong?
minwaterPosted - 10 January 2002 3:36 PST
verorberaar: If my memory server me right lapland is the northern part of finland, or something like that..
minwaterPosted - 10 January 2002 3:38 PST
oh, I count Denmark, Sweden, Norway (well, actually entire scandinavia) as finland =]
VerorberaarPosted - 10 January 2002 6:59 PST
yeah that's right i just don't wkwnow if it's called the same in different languages
StubbyPosted - 10 January 2002 8:54 PST
Denmark - God jul
Sweden - God jul
Norway - God jul
Finland - Hyvää joulua

- The axe swinging master -

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