Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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Martin SelinusPosted - 22 December 2001 16:10 PST
Have you ever played the game Elasto Mania? You should really check it out if you haven't. The speedruns on it are sooo f*cking good! Get them at www.elastmania.com
timPosted - 22 December 2001 17:52 PST
speaking of other games i quite like Return to castle wolfenstein. As I write this I am starting on the toughest skill level "I am death incarnate" and the tougher the skills go up the quicker i seem to get through it :) such a fun game and since its from q3 i can do bunny-ish jumps and get some good speed in those outdoor maps :)
NagasakiPosted - 23 December 2001 5:44 PST
www.elastmania.com - Site not found.

[AK]NagasakeY 2001

Martin SelinusPosted - 23 December 2001 8:48 PST
heh. sorry. it's supposed to be www.elastomania.com
JozsefPosted - 24 December 2001 9:12 PST
I've been knowing it for a long time. It's previous version called Action Supercross, even that one was cool enough to spend days playing with it. As I remeber well, the maker of this game is hungarian...

Just like Insane! Do you know this game?

RobertPosted - 8 January 2002 12:39 PST
ElastoMania rocks! =) I have tried both actioncross and ElastoMania, they're great! And you can even play coop X-)