Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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EmperorPosted - 25 December 2001 16:21 PST
i have an idea ... If a run is optimized (or we think its optimized) mostly the runner has a X.9 for the time

wont it be a challenge if we would work decimal sensitive ?

what i mean is :
when we think a run is optimized and he has 11.9 ... an 11.8 is accepted for an improvement and further

good idea ?? or just plain bad :) let me know


KenPosted - 25 December 2001 20:35 PST
Well, that'd be cool, but there'd be many improvements then, I think, coz many runs are possible to make equal by several fast speedrunners but they're not improvable. I dont think it'll ever be done..

What made you want this? You got e4m5 11.8? Heh heh.

We live, as we dream - alone.

MorfansPosted - 26 December 2001 7:48 PST
The record and the kudos goes to the d00d (or d00d3773) that can take a record down to the next second.

However, one of the really cool things I like about this forum is that it gives people a chance to say "I did exmx in x:xx.x by doing xxx".

And let's face it, how many "optimised" records have been broken so far this year. Quite a few. :-D

Fr3nPosted - 26 December 2001 9:10 PST
I don't really like the idea of becoming decimal sensitive because then you could theoretically attribute a number of broken records to various framerate tweaks/etc. without any real changes in approach or increases in skill. I'm not saying that it's easy to equal the time on any "optimized" run, but it should be harder to break it than just shrinking your viewsize and using r_drawflat, etc. =)