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Ilkka KurkelaPosted - 26 December 2001 4:36 PST
Hi SDA people.

I've played the new map but I haven't found one frigging secret. Can someone tell me which one I haven't found?

I know these secrets:
1) "Secret room"
(another silverkeydoor at the end)
2) "Way too obvious" secret
(RA at the "church room)
3) "Nice jumping" secret
(where the ogre is at the "church room")
4) "The fish" secret (nice trap too, eh? :)
5) "The 2-lifts-with-monsters" secret. (opened by shooting the yellow lamp)

If you know what the last secret is, please tell me.

amrikPosted - 26 December 2001 6:08 PST
as always, ask nolan. he knows, for sure :P

- Amrik

GraffzPosted - 26 December 2001 6:53 PST
The quad is a secret too.. if you jump down to the right in the large room where the floor crashes..
MorfansPosted - 26 December 2001 7:31 PST
This is slightly incorrect, the 2-lifts-monster-yellow light-red-armour isn't actually a secret.

The quad is a secret but the trigger is very small so you might have to dance around a bit to get it to say "oh look! a secret quad!" or somesuch.

The one you're missing is right at the start, right by the two descending walls with the knights on them.

If ya still can't find it just wait around a few hours for my super-cool NH which should be posted this evening, provided I don't get too wasted this afternoon. :-)

Ilkka KurkelaPosted - 26 December 2001 8:25 PST
Big thanks. I'll try to search for it later today, presuming I don't get too wasted. At least I'll figure it out when I see your supercool NH. :)