Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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KenPosted - 9 January 2002 10:02 PST
Fr3n, in what map has "fucking Ken" owned you? Heh heh.

We live, as we dream - alone.

MorfansPosted - 10 January 2002 15:19 PST
Min: I really couldn't say whether or not I know _EVERYTHING_. The evidence of my past seems to hint at it but I'm not the kind of person to try and draw a decisive conclusion from that.

Jonny: What do you mean Stubby owns me? Just because I let him go on top sometimes...

Ken: You owned his hic runs, you remember, just before Alex owned (most) of yours. But of course you don't, I'm doing that update now...

VerorberaarPosted - 14 January 2002 5:58 PST
Who's the one being owned the one with that 15 inch monster cock stuffed up his mouth or the one in the position to bite it off?
Fr3nPosted - 14 January 2002 8:32 PST
Ken: well, none after the last few updates ;)
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