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KenPosted - 17 January 2002 10:30 PST
The pic from Jan 17th update, with Johan, Prettyballs and Carl.

Does anyone else see in Carl a huge resemblance to Corey Feldman? If you dont watch movies, forget this, but for those of you who do.. He was in The Goonies, probably his most famous role.

timPosted - 17 January 2002 13:05 PST
was he the guy in the goonies that they nicknamed "mouth" .. i'm sure carl wouldn't mind that nickname in certain groups of ppl :)
MorfansPosted - 17 January 2002 13:09 PST
I have no idea who this Goonies person is, but does anyone else think that Johan looks a bit like that bloke that used to drink down "The Rising Sun" a few years ago. I don't know what his name was but he used to hang around with that skinny bird with long, frizzy black hair (I think here name was Emma but I could be wrong) that Tim knobbed at Dave's party. You know the one?
KenPosted - 17 January 2002 16:34 PST

There he is, Carl Tholin himself. :P Maybe he just looks like him from that angle in the pic, dunno, but it just reminded me of Corey.

Daniel. APosted - 19 January 2002 14:59 PST
do you know that i look like arnold schwarzenegger, well my body anyway :)