Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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-SCUT-OpenGLPosted - 28 January 2002 23:29 PST
look into this, and see if you recognize it.=)


actually this has been done for almost a year, but i just kept it for myself because none of the ppl around me is interested in it.

JozsefPosted - 28 January 2002 23:34 PST
The 1000th post in this topic!!! =)
minwaterPosted - 28 January 2002 23:37 PST
wrong jozsef, this is post 999 .. ;P

- (c) Mineraal Water 2002 -
35% reduction on cave insurance deductibles!

minwaterPosted - 28 January 2002 23:37 PST
that would make this 1000 ?

- (c) Mineraal Water 2002 -
35% reduction on cave insurance deductibles!

VerorberaarPosted - 29 January 2002 7:20 PST
pff, ytf did i download a chinese readme from qdqwav? :P don't even care for normal readme's
MorfansPosted - 29 January 2002 10:40 PST
Screeeew yoooou de vreezzzzzz. :-)

Personally I found the routes.txts from the last few QdQs very interesting.

But admittedly, not in Chinese. :-)