Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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RobertPosted - 21 February 2002 9:21 PST
Am I the only one that has done a triple-ogre-grenade-jump? In my nightmare and easy run of beach i do it.

it gets 9 out of 10.

VerorberaarPosted - 21 February 2002 16:23 PST
i once accidently got a rj to midair ogregreandeboost to midair fiend push (on coa 2) it looked damn cool:)
Fr3nPosted - 21 February 2002 23:56 PST
I've done RJ+scragboost to the highest level of ne_sp06 and RJ+midair RJ off flying scrag in e4m4 (didn't get much height out of it though :)) neither of these were recorded because I got crappy times and wrote over them. someone remind me not to keep doing that.

Edited by - fr3n on 2/21/2002 11:57:27 PM

VerorberaarPosted - 23 February 2002 5:27 PST
i always do that to, being to dissapointe dtaht that awesme trick didnt go with a goood run together start again ..oops! ;)
minwaterPosted - 25 February 2002 15:35 PST
yep.. I also can relate to that..

verorberaar: de java kade heeft een koele brug ;)

VerorberaarPosted - 26 February 2002 6:59 PST
hehe! oh ja vind je die zo mooi?

btw i did an accidnetal triple ogregj to nowhere on starscream yestereday

RobertPosted - 27 February 2002 8:19 PST
Good for you :)