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Author | Topic |
CocoT | Posted - 14 March 2002 6:30 PST I wrote to Morfans around two weeks ago about it, but he apparently didn't find it interesting enough to post about it (or maybe I'm blind :P) ... Because I'm not the kind of person who easily gives up and because I DO think this might interest some of you, I'd like to give you the link to and some info about my mod, UQC ("Ultimate Quad Capture"). "In the box", the mod is a mixture of various fun game-modes. So far the feedback has been really good. You can get info and download links on the following page : UQC page. Now, the mod also has "hidden game-modes", one of which (called "Quad Marathon) offers players to speedrun on DM maps, using some elements of UQC and added monsters. To put it in simple terms, the goal in this mode is to go as quickly as possible to various locations in the map and avoid the spawned monsters. When you reach the last goal, your frags gives you your exact time. It's really fun. You can read more about this special, speed-running-oriented mode on this page. As you can see, you'll need to do some stuff to "unlock" that game-mode, but it shouldn't be too hard. If you don't want to spend time reading through the whole UQC read-me (I realize it's quite long) but are interested in seeing what this mode plays like, you can download the mod, the trw.bsp map and the demo pack. The map demo is interesting, because it has ghost race in it :) (that feature was taken out because it was too memory-angry, though :/) ... but please don't laugh your head off, 'cos, unlike you guys, I'm really no good at speed-running :) I hope this will interest some of you, be sure to post your feedback about the mod here :) |
Morfans | Posted - 14 March 2002 9:28 PST Hey CocoT, I owe you an apology. Your mail to me is still sitting in my 4nextupdate e-mail folder which, due to the fact I've done all the updates for the last month at work and not at home where I have my PQ mail, I haven't got round to putting in an update yet. But you're in good company, there's half a dozen other people in there too that probably think I'm either very rude or just ignoring them... |
CocoT | Posted - 14 March 2002 10:13 PST Oh, okay ... well, I readily forgive you, morfans ;) Actually, I thought maybe you prefer not to post things on the main page that didn't have something to do with "classic" speed-running or ... maybe you simply hadn't liked the mod. It's just as good that I post about it here, though, since I guess most visitors and speed-runners also visit the forums. So it's no problem, really ;) |
Fiendy Friend | Posted - 15 March 2002 5:22 PST i dled al that shit and after having to make things look like proper quake, man i even had to put +mlook in da console, alt tabbing back to the config to find out what impulse does what (i think especially when its (mostly) a mp mod you should have a small list of all new impulses so you can quite ez copy paste your standard config and add th impulses needed because hardcore multiplayers quite often have not so many unbinded keys anymore Si is it like this?: to get it to spwan monsters i should play a game against 5 bots and then get a certain aim? qeustions you might not want to answer (yet) -are there aim's wich are not shown in the stats screen? (like uhh for instance kill with shotgun 5X in a row) i quite liked it so far i only played on trw and there are two places where the bots fuck up some times (one time looked like a lagged out person walking into a dead wall) oh and i had an idea how about (dunno if it is possible) to have something in the interface with the color of each quad, i realy dont like to have to check that the way it's done now especially not when you have 7 quads low armor and a lot of rockets are flying aroud...:) |
Fiendy Friend | Posted - 15 March 2002 8:46 PST i got it with 3 bots quite easily (on trw) then reloaded it with -listen8 then did 5 bots and find it quite hard to realy conquer all the quads looks to me you just got te be lucky (or pay a real lot attention to the quasstatusmesseges) have a few yourself and then just gib a bot who happens to have all the others btw why arent the normal id1 dmmaps not flagged? (that bot sux a lot on dm6 never takes ra or shows any intrest in that area and its very easily telefraggable ^^) |
Fiendy Friend | Posted - 15 March 2002 10:29 PST ok ok i unlocked the marathon mode now but the white quad doesnt spawn on anymap i tried (trw lacrima jndm6) (i unlocked it on jndm6 much eazier then trw:)) |
CocoT | Posted - 16 March 2002 6:32 PST Mmm ... this is embarassing ... but, oh well, it happens ... After a couple of days spent testing the mod (before the release), I looked at your problem with some suspicion. So I loaded up the map and when I saw there was indeed no white quad in the Quad Marathon mode, I went like "Oh n0 ! What the ???" ... I went through the code and saw that a very lat minute changed had caused that. Sorry ... oh, well, here is the FIX -> http://www.planetquake.com/cocot/uqc1-2-fix.zip ... makes you realize one never checks enough :/ I guess you already answered some of your own questions, but I'll still talk about some of it here ... - It's true that, to unlock the Quad Marathon mode, it's better to choose a medium-to-small map, because getting all quads in less than two minutes with five bots thrown in can be hard. I would have suggested a map like xntrick but, yeah, jndm6 can work well, too. I'm very glad to hear you managed to unlock it and get the code :) So again, sorry for the white quad bug. Thanks for downloading the mod. I hope you'll enjoy Quad Marathon now that it is fixed ;) |
Fiendy Friend | Posted - 16 March 2002 6:40 PST ah good! i redid the unlocking and got it in +/- 35 best (shitty run all off a sudden last +/-5 quads in front of me) and i got it in 72 or 76..stoned now but i'm sure it's either 72 or 76:))but there's so much text in the screen i realy get a bit disorientated by it...is it possible aswell the text you unlokced the secret mode that it dissapears after playing a few secs? |
CocoT | Posted - 16 March 2002 7:04 PST Well, the message that appears as you unlock the mode and which gives you the code you have to use to play the hidden game-mode should dissapear after a few secs. I kept it up a few secodns to be sure everyone could write the info down. I think that, in the upcoming version, I might go for printing it in the console instead and have a weird sound going on in the game to tell the player that he has unlocked a secret :) I might also get rid of the "You have unlocked secret blablabla" centerprint when you enter a map after having typed the unlocking info in the console, cos I guess it's pretty useless. Oh yeah, one thing before I forget (this is in the readme but you might have missed it), once you unlock a hidden mode, it remains in memory all the time ;) |
Fiendy Friend | Posted - 16 March 2002 8:09 PST soyou are supposed to play it ass a multiplayer game right? some of the singleplayer spawns are nicer:) |
Fiendy Friend | Posted - 17 March 2002 14:12 PST are you planning to host a demosite for it?if you do so i think you should host getting the sercretsmode runs aswell |
CocoT | Posted - 18 March 2002 12:12 PST Well, I'm not sure but I think this should be playable in SP mode as well. The problem is of course that, once you're dead, the whole run is over :P Besides, running it in SP will not giving you your frags and therefore your time :/ I still have one secret game-mode to unveil, secret 5. Then I will probably wait a couple of weeks and then (probably around May/June), I will make the codes public (I'm just leaving some extra time for the people who want to find them on their own). On the other hand, you are totally free to share that code with others :) ... like, via mail or IRC ... just maybe not on a forum, though. I'd be (very) glad to host a page on my site dedicated to UQC runs, with times and demos, provided there are enough of them floating around, of course. Yeah, this is an excellent idea. |
Fiendy Friend | Posted - 18 March 2002 12:24 PST good, then i will continue to do some dems here aand there what no posting on forum? i think the codes shuuld be posted asap! ok the codes i found so far are: ¢ÐÞæ€ and £þæ©ñ have fun with those modes post the other 3 if you know them pls btw tss lousy set of special chars this forum has even starcraft has more in game..i love the small o (alt gr+shift+;) |
Fiendy Friend | Posted - 19 March 2002 5:36 PST maybe an idea to jhust before you make them public gives some hints:(fi) kill a lot,capture a lot,etc etc then the exact aims then the codes |
CocoT | Posted - 20 March 2002 10:19 PST Well, these are already available :) http://www.planetquake.com/cocot/uqc-secret1.htm http://www.planetquake.com/cocot/uqc-secret2.htm http://www.planetquake.com/cocot/uqc-secret3.htm http://www.planetquake.com/cocot/uqc-secret4.htm http://www.planetquake.com/cocot/uqc-secret5.htm These were updated on a weekly basis, just after the mod's release. So one more week and the 5 hidden game-modes will be "unveiled" ... Hehe ... Edited by - CocoT on 3/20/2002 10:21:07 AM |