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In use until September 2003 |
Author | Topic |
lodis | Posted - 21 March 2002 5:39 PST I used to have "always run" on and +speed not switched on, but I recall reading somewhere that I should have "always run" off and +speed on instead. I tried that, and what happened, I got a 10.90 on the 100m map. Can anybody (I'm guessing nolan here) tell me what's going on. And I find the movement is very different (and so I bunny differently, which I suppose could account for my better time) so I will definately need some time to adjust to the new settings. /thomas |
tim | Posted - 21 March 2002 14:34 PST hmm maybe i should finally change too :) |
mwh | Posted - 16 August 2002 2:38 PST To bring back an oooold topic... What values do people use for cl_forwardspeed & friends? I've just discovered that I had cl_forwardspeed 400 or something, and when I took that out my bunnies got *even worse* than they were before... Though I guess this is just me not being used to the default setup. I do have +speed on. |
mineraal | Posted - 16 August 2002 10:16 PST +speed gives a more agile movement. But indeed, this topic has been here before.. |
amrik | Posted - 25 August 2002 13:30 PST +Speed gives you 200 extra units of strafe speed compared to always run. |
mineraal | Posted - 26 August 2002 0:35 PST I'm used to always run, and when I use +speed quake becomes uncontrolable. Whats the difference in bunnyhopping ??? |
Morfans | Posted - 27 August 2002 10:40 PST I agree with Rutger. After reading this topic when Thomas first raised it I tried +speed for a while. Very soon for the first time ever I got a 11.9x on 100M!!!! However, doing anything other than a straight line was completely unplayable so I went back to always run. I'd be really interested to find what some of the really good hoppers (you know who you are) use. Please. |
mwh | Posted - 25 October 2002 3:09 PST 'Cause it's so quiet here, I just thought I'd mention that now I've been running with +speed and not always_run for a month or two, there's no way I'm going back. |
Ken | Posted - 25 October 2002 9:08 PST I think I had speed off and Always Run on. If I switch, I think I'm slower. 100m sucks, it pisses me off that people compare their times and always try to proove their bunnies in that map!! Heh.. But seriously, folks, there must be something wrong with that map.. Weixing Ye is faster than Jozsef? By that much? And Joz once told me he tried 100m hard.. I just tried and got 10.90, my first 10.. I suck at that map. Maybe it's me, and not the map.. :P We live, as we dream - alone. |
Jozsef | Posted - 29 October 2002 1:41 PST i didnt find any difference when i tried +speed out, so i stayed with always run. and yeah, wexing is faster than me, because he found a way to boost himself in a straight line and produce q2/q3 style bunnies. nice. but he's only faster than me on that map... (?) |
Morfans2 | Posted - 29 October 2002 7:14 PST That's a relief to hear. As far as I'm concerned then "if it's good enough for Jozsef, it's good enough for me". +speed my hairy arse. :-) |
-SCUT-OpenGL | Posted - 29 October 2002 10:44 PST hey ken, STFU, why can't i be faster than joe? i have been playing quake2 since the end of 1998 so i have a solid foundation for quake1 even though i didn't used to play q1 a lot. and you don't know that my 100m demo is indeed a lot of efforts(and luck maybe), even myself doubt whether i can beat it. still below 10.60 is very rare for me so i m really jealous of lodis, and my mouse(a4tech 2d, costs about $2.0 USD) is beginning to lose control of its ball, maybe i can improve it when i get an optical mouse from micro$oft... and don't forget that i still own you on e2m1! well, even stubby can do that. =\ btw: joe, do u have any interest on my quake2 speed demos? ;-> |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 29 October 2002 12:51 PST He "Ye" didnt you do a 8.9 hfr on 1:00m? why are you so much quicker with hfr? i don't find bunny's realy eazier with hfr, maybe there is something i'm missing with this bunny thing |
-SCUT-OpenGL | Posted - 29 October 2002 22:02 PST in hfr you needn't press forward when u land on the ground, go and see for yourself. and i m using always run, too. i also lose control when i change to +speed. as i said, i m really jealous of lodis. =P |
lodis | Posted - 30 October 2002 0:17 PST thing is, you need to keep at it. My first few runs with +speed sucked. I had no real control. But once I got used to the new movement I was faster. But I suspect +speed will only work for some people as it just might suite their style. Joe and weixing who are already fast without it probably wouldn't benefit from changing. but then again... gibve it it shot guys. run around with +speed and always run = off for a week or so and get used to it...and see what happens |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 29 November 2002 3:49 PST without hfr i dont press forward aswell while bunnying, well mostly, i geuss at some corners/circumstances i do |