Fr3n | Posted - 10 April 2002 16:44 PST We've had the IRC channel for how long, and no spamming of quotes?<lodis> tim? <lodis> I'm apparently not famous enough :( <Stubbz> LOL <lodis> wonder if tim will be happy or insulted? <Adam_H> lol <lodis> I'm hoping he'll be proud though <lodis> BUT THX A LOT FERN <lodis> :) *** Graffz has quit IRC (Client Exiting) * Stubbz slaps Fern around a bit with a large trout * Stubbz kicks Fern in the nutz *** Stubbz has quit IRC *** lodis has quit IRC (ffzzz) <Fern> did I just call Thomas Tim? <Fern> haha :) |