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Author | Topic |
Stubby | Posted - 9 September 2002 6:28 PST "my reply was to the previous posters" Oh :-) But I still don't get the other thing you guys are saying... We DID have 4 contests on ID maps in this Championship! Pick 'Em Up, Ziggurat Vertigo, Azure Secrecy and The Palace Of Eight. That's 4 contests out of 14. It's damn hard to come up with an idea on an ID map! Of course we could make several 'pick 'em up' related contests on ID maps, but I don't think it would appeal to the mass audience if we had too many of those contests. I'm trying to vary the contests as much as possible, and I don't want to have another 'e4m5 in 1 minute' :-) I don't think you guys have any idea how much work it is to run the ROTW's, if you did you wouldn't be saying what you're saying... Just look at Gerald and Will when they did it! If you want a repeat of that, then fine with me! I can be lazy and make crappy contests and not update the damn thing for a week, or not at all! All this crap talk makes me not want to do another round of the Championships to be honest... - The axe swinging master - |
mineraal | Posted - 9 September 2002 11:18 PST To be honest.. I am totally agreeing with stubby, I used to have a musicsite on which I held tracking competitions (such as a song in 4 kb (xm/mod/s3m)) these things where a menace to update! Also, if you make to many of such competitions, it will start getting boring, and not everybody will be able to contribute a demo. AND variation IS good... And starting a new competition would be nice ofcourse.. But I think custom maps make the entire thing more entertaining. Everybody knows each inch of the ID-maps. And I am not saying this to kiss stubby-ars! ;p |
Stubby | Posted - 9 September 2002 12:40 PST And I am not saying this to kiss stubby-ars! I certainly hope not! My ass smells REALLY bad and you might get asshair stuck between your teeth! But then again, if you like to suck ass, then go ahead :-) - The axe swinging master - |
mineraal | Posted - 10 September 2002 2:30 PST Wait till you see my face ;P |
Stubby | Posted - 10 September 2002 3:11 PST Is this you? - The axe swinging master - |
mineraal | Posted - 10 September 2002 7:07 PST Hey, I thought I deleted that picture ;P JIPPIE/. I've got cable!!!!!! |
Ken | Posted - 11 September 2002 16:14 PST Stubby: Come on, dude! You say it's actually HARD to think of a cool idea for a mini contest on an ID map? Ok, maybe the e4m5 wasn't the coolest.. But you can think of just about anything! Any crappy idea dude, I bet at least 5 people will submit! Heh heh. Like, in e1m1.. Sometimes when I'm VERY bored (and I mean very!) I've tried like... e1m1 ER taking the RA at start room. Or e1m1 ER bunnying over the slime. Or killing all 10 monsters, with no secrets. Yeah yeah, I know, they're all shit ideas, but after all it was ME who came up with them. :P .. YOU could come up with a good one in a flash. 4 ID maps contests last year? We need more then, like 1 per month! :P We live, as we dream - alone. |
amrik | Posted - 11 September 2002 17:24 PST Ken why don't you do the friggin' contest if you want it so much? The day Ken updates SDA is the day Nolan dies... =) |
mineraal | Posted - 11 September 2002 23:23 PST ken, what did you think? "if I just nag and whine enough they will cave in and give me my compo!" ?? geeeezzz.. |
lodis | Posted - 12 September 2002 1:25 PST damnit will you stop harassing ken? he's just trying to provide some input. And I agree, I'm sure we can think of some idea on those old ID maps. The only thing is I can only think of crap ones. We need stubbz da cuNTz0r, he's got good ideas. |
mineraal | Posted - 12 September 2002 1:43 PST I'm sorry if I seemed to herass ken, that wasn't my point, in that case: Ken, I apologize. What I meant to say is that ken (imo) makes updating and starting compo's look like something that happens automatically. And it's a LOT of work. I just happen to know.. sorry. but ok.. I'll shut up now =] |
Ken | Posted - 12 September 2002 14:25 PST Hey lodis. Thanks for kinda defending me.. It seems like whatever impression of me some people caused in the past, just wont go away.. Even the "new" people (meaning people who started being around.. not too long ago) post with some anger towards me.. Oh well. Fuck it. :) We live, as we dream - alone. |
lodis | Posted - 13 September 2002 0:51 PST mineraal: yeah it IS a lot of work and we should all give stubby at least 3 pints for all the good work he's putting in. anyway, you're dutch and completely bonkers so we like you (especially when you're kissing stubbys arse and behaving like the poster boy of speedrunning) |
mineraal | Posted - 13 September 2002 1:03 PST ken: I don't have any trouble with you.. I just say what I think. Whatever you have done in your past, I don't care.. Nobody is totally clean you know.. I don't even know what you did. But to my opinion you where kind of neglecting the trouble stubby has with updating, but never mind, I'm dutch.. =] so ken: no hard feelings what so ever.. The Speedrun community is too small to have fights, lets just get along =] (I should become president!! =]) |
lodis | Posted - 13 September 2002 6:40 PST mineraal has the right attitude. I knew legalizing pot was a good thing. |
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