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In use until September 2003 |
Author | Topic |
SnooP | Posted - 27 September 2002 4:57 PST My run has been released, so everyone goto http://www.geocities.com/snoopquake/index.htm and download it. |
Ken | Posted - 27 September 2002 8:01 PST Great work Snoopy boy! Some pretty smooth runs you've made.. Awesome. Congratulations. :) We live, as we dream - alone. |
mineraal | Posted - 27 September 2002 8:42 PST Great job.. |
mineraal | Posted - 27 September 2002 8:44 PST and as snoop requested.. the alternative superduperfast link: (hehe) http://slipgate.no-ip.org/data/sss.zip MUST DOWNLOAD!!! (Always wanted to say that.) |
Stubby | Posted - 27 September 2002 9:47 PST Yeah, this release is certainly worth a Must Download!! You got da skillz Snoopy... - The axe swinging master - |
Ken | Posted - 27 September 2002 15:23 PST Although, by the look of your skills it seems you could have worked some more on some maps... Don't get me wrong, this isn't a complaint, on the contrary, it's a compliment.. I'm saying you play pretty good, and some runs were damn cool! So how come e1m1 is :24? :P We live, as we dream - alone. |
SnooP | Posted - 28 September 2002 6:06 PST I will improve some of the levels eventually, but I wanted to get this out, As a I know that I won't get much time to work on this in the next few months. |
Nagasaki | Posted - 30 September 2002 1:34 PST You must understand that in Ken's world, people have at least 30 arms and 60 eyes to improve all the ID maps at the same time, so it's no surprise that he wonders why most people limit themselfes in improving their runs, because it shouldn't really take more than tossing a tired fart doing it that way. I'm just bored at work, that's why crap has enough time to seas within my mind :-) *** |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 30 September 2002 1:57 PST I think when somebody shows improvement ( on whatever subjest that is) you should support it to raise someone's selfesteem on the subject...imo Ken has for a change said what he had to say in a not to aggressive or blunt way.. keep it up Ken, looks like your trying :)
Nagasaki | Posted - 30 September 2002 2:04 PST as i said, nothing serious i am just bored :) *** |