Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
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De_VerorberaarPosted - 12 October 2002 2:52 PST
...while swimming, i always (when underwater) tend to look a bit down then press jump/swimup is this the right practice?

mineraalPosted - 12 October 2002 6:36 PST
you should use both your arms and legs, paddle them, hold your breath. And if you don't wear contacts, you can open your eyes as well.. :P
De_VerorberaarPosted - 12 October 2002 15:45 PST
tried that but my joint keeps ending up soaked this way need to create a vacuum

mineraalPosted - 13 October 2002 5:21 PST
hmm.. tried a condom ?? may sound a bit weird but it used to help me out in those tricky situations... Remember to fill it with plenty of air though!!