Speed Demos Archive
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In use until September 2003
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De_VerorberaarPosted - 13 October 2002 6:14 PST
pictures of our everydaylife here:www.roll-a-joint.tk

i rate this a-must-visit

Edited by - De_Verorberaar on 10/13/2002 6:19:10 AM

mineraalPosted - 13 October 2002 10:57 PST
Damn right.. Me and a few of my friends had speedruncompetitions with joint rolling!! :)

I rolled a joint in 32.4 seconds.. HAHAHA..
the record was 31.2 .. WHACK...
Also, we had a coop, in 22.7 ..

Believe it or not, this actually happened.. If you need proof, just come visit me and I'll show you.. !! ;))

De_VerorberaarPosted - 14 October 2002 3:18 PST
orbs doesnt even sounds to quick to me...but the weed crumbling makes all the diffenrence some weed hash just fall apart like dust some needs to be cut or burned

De_VerorberaarPosted - 14 October 2002 3:23 PST
mmaruh hoe gaan we dat nou doen met dat lannen? ik vind eigenlijk dat we het iig dit jaat nog moeten doen

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