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In use until September 2003 |
Author | Topic |
Ken | Posted - 19 November 2002 10:16 PST The fucker should've died, I fired a nail to it before I rocketed it's ass... :/ We live, as we dream - alone. |
Morfans2 | Posted - 19 November 2002 10:46 PST Hee hee. |
Hanz | Posted - 19 November 2002 11:24 PST BTW, the running contest could've been named Gloom Gib :). At least with my clumsy spelling, gib and keep are pretty close. |
-SCUT-OpenGL | Posted - 19 November 2002 17:21 PST some weird things are simply unexplainable, that's why i've seen so many ogres don't die with 2 grenades but was gibbed by 3 straight grenades in all the gib demos i've seen so far. |
Robert | Posted - 20 November 2002 0:27 PST You must anderstand that quake is built like all other new games, where the monsters miss more health when hitting them in certain spot. Ex. the head. =P I learned that from armagon on HIPEND. |
Morfans2 | Posted - 20 November 2002 1:04 PST Yeah, I was amazed when I saw Joe's e1m3_gib demo. He killed _every_ ogre with 3 grens. Apparently, if you hit him in the feet (or anywhere low) with the first two grens then the third one will gib him. Of course, you need insane skillz to consistantly hit them in the feet from a long distance... |
Morfans2 | Posted - 20 November 2002 1:09 PST Hanz: You're right, of course. It sounded shitter than Gib Keep when I tried it out for size yesterday but in the cold light of a Wednesday morning Gloom Gib sounds much better. |
lodis | Posted - 20 November 2002 5:18 PST if you have a cold and speak english with a german accent Keep could possible become Gib. Well it would if gib was supposed to be pronounced with a g as in "gore" but Carmack said it was gib with the g as in "jib". sounds a lot sillier if you ask me. |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 20 November 2002 10:43 PST In the standard demo on e1m3 wich comes with the original quake the ogre just dies(and not gibbed) of 3 grenades that always intriged me btw what does gloom mean? |
Radix | Posted - 20 November 2002 12:02 PST that demo was probably recorded before things like ogre health or grenade damage were finalized. As for gloom, here's some definitions from dictionary.com: Partial or total darkness; dimness: switched on a table lamp to banish the gloom of a winter afternoon. A partially or totally dark place, area, or location. An atmosphere of melancholy or depression. |
Ken | Posted - 20 November 2002 12:39 PST I was also amazed when I saw Jozsef killing all the ogres in e1m3 with 3 grenades.. That's when I learned that if you throw the first 2 to either their heads, or their feet, it'll stay alive. Then he'll die with the 3rd one. I think it's easier to throw them to their feet, at least in e1m8 where I last tried, coz they fly too high and sometimes you miss their heads if you aim a bit high. We live, as we dream - alone. |
tim | Posted - 20 November 2002 17:28 PST basil: about that demo you are talking of, i'm pretty sure that was the one morfy explained 2 us once after watching it very carefully. something about an ogre hitting an ogre etc, just read every post ever put on the board and it will be explained :) |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 22 November 2002 4:54 PST ? an ogre hitting an ogre? i think nolans explanation makes more sense :) |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 22 November 2002 4:58 PST is this head or toes does less damage only valid for splash damamage, rox/grens? or all weapons? i thought that if you hit a monster not to much in the middle a (to big)part of the splash-damage-area wasnt close enough to the ogre..am i wrong? |
Morfans2 | Posted - 22 November 2002 5:53 PST Basil: Tim's right. I explained all this (to YOU!!!) in excruciating detail in a previous thread. Basically. The player throws three grenades. He also runs very close to the ogre. While he's very close the ogre behind the bars by the armour throws a grenade at him. Player throws a gren. It misses and lands on the floor behind the ogre. OG + G + G != GIB Watch it in slow-mo. It's quite obvious then. :-) Edited by - Morfans2 on 11/22/2002 5:59:32 AM |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 22 November 2002 10:37 PST yeah i got that (for the second time) Edited by - De_Verorberaar on 11/22/2002 10:40:19 AM |