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In use until September 2003 |
Author | Topic |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 24 November 2002 15:15 PST When you are AI-nailing and you run out of nails you will get one AI-shotgunshot i tried what would happen if you run out of nails and have no shells to see if a AI-gren or rock was possible (aswell with only a few cells and no nails and shells) Why do you get one shotgunshot and no rocks gren or or axe? |
Nagasaki | Posted - 25 November 2002 3:07 PST next weapon downwards? (i'd say you are using some sort of -shot binding which selects ssg but you would have excluded that posiblity before starting that thread, or wouldn't you?) *** |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 25 November 2002 6:35 PST Dunnno nothing on purpose isn't it normal that when you run out of ammo you switch to the next available weapon? And if i pick up a weapon wich is better then the one i'm currently holding i switch automaticly, can you turn that of? |
Morfans2 | Posted - 26 November 2002 2:16 PST I think you've pretty much answered the question yourself. If you run out of ammo you will auto-switch to the next "best" weapon you have but not if it's a potentially suicidal (from splash damage) switch. The exception to this rule is that you will auto-switch to the LG even when underwater and gib yourself. Thus is you are firing nails and run out you will switch to LG if you have it, then SSG if you have it then SG if you have any shells left then axe. Thus no RL or GL. |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 26 November 2002 2:29 PST Ah i see, so the ultimate afterintermission frag fest would be: have some grenades still laying in the map then exit then nail some then discharge! woooha! :) How about those AI-discharges sometimes you're not in the water and you can discharge and sometimes you are in the water and you don't (e4m7 is a good example) are you actauly at the poit where it looks like you are or what? |
De_Verorberaar | Posted - 26 November 2002 2:31 PST oh you do get AI-axe?cool :) |