Speed Demos Archive
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In use until September 2003
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De_VerorberaarPosted - 29 November 2002 3:45 PST
that some ppl use predefined rocketjumps (according to their profiles). I always thought this would be cheating, so it isn't? So what are the rules on scripting? would you be allowed to make predef's wich f.i. would fire xx nails and then a rock or grenade (would be real ez for gibbed) or even predefined bunnies? just wondering where's the line between configging and cheating
NagasakiPosted - 29 November 2002 6:01 PST
Send me the script with pre-defined bunnies that works better than hand-mades.

Anyways, you can use any weapon-alias you like - it's completely "legal" ;)

[AK]Naga$akeY 2002

De_VerorberaarPosted - 29 November 2002 8:44 PST
so you could send in a demo wich is completely written out aswell?
NagasakiPosted - 30 November 2002 6:16 PST
As long as it's faster than the old record, of course. Problem is that you wouldn't succeed.

[AK]Naga$akeY 2002

De_VerorberaarPosted - 30 November 2002 7:38 PST
I realise that. But maybe some1 finds something that has to be executed so precise that writing (a part) of the run would be the only way to actualy finish it.Not that i know any map suited but i could think of circumstances where it could be the case.

for instance: a maze as wide as you are (64?) and all walls deathtriggers one fuck up and your fried.

so you cant hug nor bunny only fuck up instead of going dead straight and making perfect turns. I dont see why a written demo wouldnt beat a played demo in such a case

NagasakiPosted - 1 December 2002 5:22 PST
I don't know who would build or play such maps, or watch a demo on it or even add it to SDA! :)

But the discussion is pointless anyways - normal runs wouldn't allow to work with a pre-written script, and be it oh-so accurate. And the SDA peeps will also make sure that a map that could benefit from a huge set of aliases wouldn't be added I think.

[AK]Naga$akeY 2002

KenPosted - 1 December 2002 10:42 PST
I think aliased RJ's are kinda cheating too. There should be a line, a limit.. coz in some demos, the scripted bits are obvious.. I've noticed some, and some people have told me about some more.. it stinks.

We live, as we dream - alone.

De_VerorberaarPosted - 2 December 2002 11:09 PST
those awfull fast starts alwas kept me wondering it looks like they start out looking in different directions then the default direction how do ppl do such starts?
RadixPosted - 2 December 2002 11:51 PST
Press and hold your key to go forward, then press your record key. While the console is visible for a fraction of a second you can fling the mouse to change your start direction... you'll start to move right away.
NagasakiPosted - 3 December 2002 1:23 PST
Nolan, you did the 19:49st post on "Speedrunning community discussion" :P

[AK]Naga$akeY 2002

NagasakiPosted - 3 December 2002 1:25 PST
Btw have you ever noticed that the checksum of 19:49 is twentythree? Goddamn, it's all a conspiracy!

[AK]Naga$akeY 2002