Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
Author Topic
mineraalPosted - 5 January 2003 4:07 PST
*snif*... nobody anwered my question..
lapse of all your concentrations :PP

mineraalPosted - 5 January 2003 4:08 PST
JIPPIE.. I had post 2000 in this thread.. the one above.. !!.. yeah..
De_VerorberaarPosted - 6 January 2003 11:29 PST
lol i realy thought the update was by morfy and the text said something about own demo ....:)
StubbyPosted - 6 January 2003 13:11 PST
i realy thought the update was by morfy

I take that as a compliment :-)

- The axe swinging master -

FragBait01Posted - 6 January 2003 20:14 PST
i think i owe an apology to all the admins, site updaters, blah blah blah. i know how hard u work on this site, im just a little impatient when im waitin for somethin, so sorry.
De_VerorberaarPosted - 8 January 2003 6:20 PST
hmmm maybe i do have talent as a parent and is it just Ken with no talent to be raised (by anyone)!
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