Speed Demos Archive
Archived Quake Message board
In use until September 2003
Author Topic
RadixPosted - 20 January 2003 7:52 PST
bugs like strafing gives you a boost over maxspeed? RDE!
timPosted - 20 January 2003 11:14 PST
as nolan said RDE if u want a game without boosts at all paly most other FPS games :)
NagasakiPosted - 21 January 2003 4:42 PST
Well, that's exactly what I was refering to... but as far as I'm concerned, there were still a few speed-bugs left in your ABC code, Nolan. At least some tricks to keep the speed you already have longer than usual (from damage-knockback for instance).

[AK]Naga$akeY 2002

RadixPosted - 21 January 2003 7:44 PST
well jesse still wanted damage knockback... rde would be pretty damn dull without it
NagasakiPosted - 22 January 2003 6:01 PST
But when I grenade- or rocketboost myself through a hallway using the ABC, I would still be able to hold the speed better by jumping than by walking, after hitting the ground for the first time.

[AK]Naga$akeY 2002

RadixPosted - 22 January 2003 6:58 PST
i'm pretty sure he also wanted that, but your speed dies down a lot faster than without the abc.
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