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News from 2016. Newer news. Older news.

Thursday, 29th December, 2016 by Radix

Semi Annual quake update...

Grzegorz 'deniu' Gładowski has joined the continuing celebrations of Quake's 20th year with a few demos: Next we move over to the Dissolution of Eternity expansion for a few more demos:

Friday, 29th July, 2016 by Radix

A belated 20th birthday party for Quake

To celebrate the recent passing of 20 years since Quake's release date, a group going by the name Machine Games released an "episode 5" on Twitter.

Max "coolkid" Lundberg was quick to submit Easy Runs of all nine levels in the episode. Here is the run down:

Who will be brave enough to tackle nightmare? Or the 100% demos... I couldn't find some of the secrets.

Tony Hänninen submitted a few demos as well, mostly from the Hipnotic expansion: