Released in 1998, Baldur's Gate follows the tale of an orphaned child being raised in the scholar community of Candlekeep. One night, he is ambushed by a man named Sarevok and his stepfather sacrifices his life to protect him. The journey begins as he sets forth to discover why Sarevok sought him out, and to exact revenge for his stepfather's murder.
Best time, hard difficulty: 0:21:31 by Benjamin 'beenman500' Culley on 2009-01-03, done in 8 segments.
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Author's comments:
here's a break down of each segment, I'll explain the tricks used at the end
This run i make my fighter/mage/thief so i can be powerful/magical/invisible none of which i could survive without
I then procede to ignore gorions advice about the freindly arm inn and run south the nashkel mines. Nothing really happens in this segments exept for some potion duping, its really just me running about not getting waylayed by ennimies.
After finding an enchanted tree branch that lets me freeze people on site(wand of frost, duh!) I then proceed to run through the mines skipping all battles with kobolds using hide in shadows along with dissarming a few traps
When i reach mulahey i force talk him and freeze him to death, pick up a sword and potion of electric resistance then run back out of the mines using the quick exit.
the first map transition which i do within 10 secons has about a 9 in 10 chance of getting waylayed so naturally this segment can be really anoying
once in peldavale i skip my way into bandit camp and proccede to not fight tazok as he is big and doesn't need to die anyway. i then force talk some guy that im surpossed to kill so that i don't get my head shot/chopped off and activate chapter 4 anyway. I also nick an aganagars schorcher for later use.
Finnaly i head of to the cloackwood mines.
this segment shouldn't really be here its again me just not getting waylayed, intrestingly if i did try to inculde this segment with the last one it would have taken approximatly 500 tries, rather than 50 for seg 3 and 10 for seg 4. (note: not actual number of tries, its probably more, or less, or something like that but you get the idea)
OMG i need so much luck manipulation and the most attempts for any segment, was this segment. Because drasus, the man with the boots of speed, sometimes dies in 3 hits from my wand, destroying his items, most of the time survives 3 hits then survives the aganagars schorcher, and even more most of the time gets a hit and OHKO's me, regardles i kill him promptly and then run off to his boss and get a scroll of dispel magic to kill the mage of the mines.
I really love the beggining of this segment as killing daveron in 2 wands of frost, well this was actualy the first time and probably saved me 8-15 secons of chasing him down
After escaping the mines i head off to baldurs gate where i immidiently go shopping for some potions and spells, i dupe the potions of invisibility as i'm going to need about 20 of them and you can only buy three, i also dupe dimension door as it allows me to skip large sections of the game.
also strangely using the "drink potion" function form withing my inventory cause me to run up to the assistant in the shop, i really don't know why but it costs only like 0.2 of a second so its not too bad.
I then investigate the iron throne, really, i do, being in there building for 2 seconds counts as investigatinig them so i do that. i then run away to candle keep and head straight to the library.
i have to use a certain glitch in this segment to skip going to prison and procceed to teleport myself into the catacombs.
i escape from candlekeep using the old, rather highly populated tombs and make a million billion dimension door spells in the process
I then kill slythe and still his sword and paper so i can prove that the last boss is the guy behind everything ever bad in baldur's gate and head of to the palace to show off my fancy(stolen) paper
After talking for what would have been ages i backstab a whole bunch of dopledangers who gave me the finger/ i mean attacked me without warning, there are witnesses, plenty of witnesses. Finnaly after using my potion of extreme awesomeness i teleport around a bit until i find the last boss and promptly kill him before he lays eyes on me, I'm invisible you know.
That concludes the tale of baldur's gate, minus the tale and most of baldur's gate and now it just leaves me to explain the gliches and tricks
In order of occurence :