Released in November 2000 for the Dreamcast, Jet Grind Radio was a critically acclaimed skating and spraypainting game that pioneered the use of cel-shading. Beat is the leader of a new Tokyo-to gang called the GG's. As the story unfolds, the GG's must recruit new members, defeat rival gangs, and eventually stop a sinister plot involving corrupt police, a business tycoon, and a demonic record. All using the versatile power of graffiti, of course.
Best time: single-segment 1:03:39 by Mandela 'Megatherium' Shabazz on 2007-06-01.
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Author's comments:
JSR is my second speedrun, my first was the ps2 Shinobi. I decided to play as Tab because he has easy tags and holds 30 cans. I skip all the optional character challenges because the only character I would opt for over Tab is the Noise Tank (who holds 50 cans) and I don't think you can even get him on your first play through.
There are 3 classes of mistakes in JSR speedruns:
- Minor - These are either times when you bump something and lose a little speed or you really mess up but recover immediately. These cost between 1 and 5 seconds.
- Moderate - These are the mistakes that cost you enough time to regret making them which is 10-20 seconds. It's about as easy to make a moderate mistake as it is to make a minor one but if you make more than a few moderates, your run is over.
- Major - These are mistakes that take you so far off your intended course that it is essentially hopeless. However, with quick and miraculous reactions, a major mistake can be downgraded to moderate or even minor. They range about 30-60 seconds and you basically quit if it's going to take longer.
Somewhere in Asia...
You begin the game as Beat and first you must complete 6 tutorial trials. These are mostly basic exercises and there's not much to say about them except that in Tab's second challenge, what happens is that I trip over a curb and land behind a sign. It just looks like I disappear for a moment.
So now Gum and Tab are selectable. We're only going to see Tab for a while but the others will pop up again later on. I made these custom tags just for this speedrun. The reason the medium tag says "EBU" is that Megatherium and space demon ebu are the same person. The small and large tags are self-explanatory.
- Chapter 1 GG
Lets get scratchin...
- Chapter 2 Combo and Cube
We have to accept the challenge when the two Americans appear at the window. After they join the GGs, they tell us a foreshadowing anecdote in the form of a playable flashback.
- Tag or Die
I choose Cube because she holds 5 more cans than Combo and I find it unlikely that Combo would be blaring Rob Zombie on his jam box. Assassin number 5 is quite dangerous, don't be deceived by his "hello, child" greeting. You may notice a tactic I use is to run into enemies so that I get the couple seconds of invincibility (flashing red).
- Rock and Roll Grind
A rather vertical level that stresses the little dreamcast at certain angles.
- Chapter 3 Golden Rhinos
Now that we're through with that nonsense...
- Explosion
This level is all the day time areas crammed into one giant booby trapped nightmare. Persued by a jawless guy in a suit that uses molotov coktails as a melee weapon. It goes alright actually.
- Fight or Flight
At the bottom of the sloped section, you can tag the rhino and get out without being sniped, but you must be very quick. In the sewers the jet pack squad really gives me the business.
- Benten Burning
The deal with the big wrestler guys is that if you can avoid their somewhat limited sight range, they won't notice you. You can even bump into their leg and they won't feel it. Later on I come up short on spraycans but I find a quick solution so I don't lose much time on the roofs. The flame thrower guy normally doesn't come down off the van he's standing on, but this time he does, and he sets me on fire. Twice.
- Behind the Mask
The group gets too far ahead of me and I have to cut over a street to intercept them. After that, everything goes about right.
- Final Groove
No comment.
Many people that didn't like or couldn't get into JSR complained about the awkward control of the character. I wanted to speedrun this game to demostrate the kind of flows you can get into when you're good at the game.
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