Released in February 1997, Mega Man 8 was the first Mega Man game to appear on a 32-bit system.
Unlike a lot of previous Mega Man games, Wily doesn't dick around and reveals himself to be
the main villain early in the game. The story starts off with some nonsense concerning dark
energy and a new robot named Duo, but in the end we all know Mega Man's true purpose is simply beating up Wily another time.

Timing note: Save and load times are not counted in runs on the Playstation version — this is to make times comparable with those on the Anniversary Collection.
Best time, European version: Single-segment 1:04:57 by Patrik 'Cremator' Salonen on 2007-07-23.
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Author's comments:
In this part of the Mega Man saga, Mega Man goes on a rampage to hurt and destroy innocent Robot Masters that talk funny; he was going to settle with four at first, but Frost Man was just too much. That's all you need to know about the plot.
Revisions to the existing run:
- Start with Grenade Man. Although he can take more damage, you can get in the cycle of weakness from a point that yields you more suitable weapons to the stages you run through
- Uses Rush Cycle
- Uses more Mega Ball, both to take routes otherwise impossible and to destroy enemies faster at point-blank range
- Buys more enhancements; namely, H. Speed Charger and Energy Saver, in addition to the Hyper Slide. This is accomplished by taking bolts that require the least amount of backtracking
- Uses a wide variety of special weapons, more than the existing run
- Is a bit riskier at times, although this could be done even more
Parts that are likely to improve the run:
- Less mistakes, even more risks
- Using less Rush Cycle at times, and more on somewhere else, probably
- Using more riskier strategies on Sword Man's stage
- Take less bolts; less equipment, less drag (no H. Speed Charge)
- Don't take the bolt from the first part of Grenade Man... take it from Frost Man instead, for example
- Simply do better on the Wily stages
Instead of making a huge list of (mostly minor - although growing in size towards the end -) mistakes I made, I'll just highlight some parts of the run, whether it's odd, bad or intriguing:
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